Well, I have never seen the movie Super size Me. I have heard about it. For now our grandson is too young to eat at "Micky-D,s" But I understand your questions and concerns. To my knowledge the CF clinc has never checked stools. They ask the kids what they look like. The doctors ask so many questions when they take him in, they keep a daily journel. Meds, stools etc. By the way, it occurred to me I have never used our grandsons name when I post a message. I am a little funny about internet sites. But I see this is a good place. His name is Mayson. Anyway, they do alought of blood work etc. at the CF clinic. It is usually a 3-4 hour appointment. Mayson is taking Creon 5, three each with every meal. He started with one, upped to two now three. He seems to be stable for now at three. Since Nov 30th he has gained a little over a pound. He has gained weight every month since he was born. The only one of the CF docs pushing for more weight gain is the gastro doc. The doctors have not mentioned a G-tube, the only thing they have said is they may put him on suppliment for added weight gain. As I said in the first or second posting. We have put him on a product called Reliv. We had a friend selling the product. She had several people with CF (parents of children, adults) call us with their testimonels about the product. We are very sceptical people. Some of these people called from all over the US. I was impressed, at least with the way they were marketing their product. One mother with two children with CF was a nurse. She told us how to mix the Reliv with his formula, Lipil with iron. He seems to like it. I think it smells and tastes bad. The only problem was after he was taking the product, our friend called all the time trying to sign us up to sell it. Before he took it, I researched it quite a bit. My mother works at a health food store and has for 25 years. She had heard of the product and looked at its ingediants and said it was good. We have not really noticed it helping in the weight gain area. As I posted right before Christmas, Mayson had his first ER visit with fever, was diagnosed with pnuemonia. The antibiotics worked and within two days he was feeling better. Maybe the Reliv helped his qwick recovery. It is loaded with vitamins and herbs. We do not sell this product so I am not advertising from a sales point of view. It seems to be very good nutrition. He gets two bottles of that a day. Then solid baby food. I have suggested to the kids to also look into PediaSure in between. We are reluctant to do this since he is not one year old. It would be nice if the kids saw a dietician each time they went to the clinic. They have not seen one in three months. She is never at the clinic. It was the gasto doc that started him on solid baby food. There are as many similarities as there are differences with this disease.
Sorry this was so long. I wish you all well in 2006.