A better life


New member
<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0"> To those of you who think that that People just diagnosed, please remember that the treatments today are far better than years ago.
I was supposed to pass when I was 12yrs., Now im 42 and my brother lived to be 36, only because he gave up.
Two years ago I had a double lung transplant, now I feel better than I've ever felt in my whole life. So NEVER GIVE UP.<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Do all your treatments, pour on the fat and hope for the best<hr></blockquote>


New member
To the above poster.
How do you know their brothers story? Do you think you know him better than they did? Just keep the negative stuff to yourself please!!??

To anyone who is surfing this forum and in a bad mood....Come Back Later!!!!!

Sheesh! I am sick of the few people who are intent on being mean on this form!

To Robertson: I am glad you are doing so well! Take care of those lungs!


New member
Sorry Iflatford......I am not sure who your post is directed at. If its to the anonymous poster that said Robertson was a little harsh by saying his brother gave up I dont completely agree. I think in some ways it was harsh for him to say that. Of course you are right......we dont know his brother better than him. I just know that even those that fight until the end will still die. I also know that many people say people give up the fight when they finally succomb to whatever was killing them. So I guess what I am saying in general is.....what does Robertson mean by the statement exactly & how long are people suppose to fight before dying & not be considered the ones that gave up? I hope I am making sense.


New member
There comes a point where if you don't concede defeat, you spend your last days in a futile effort to win, instead of giving yourself a break. I don't think many people 'just give up'. Granted, I don't know Robertson or his brother....it just seems a bit harsh to those who were'nt as blessed and lucky as him.

But a million congrats on the transplant, and I hope all goes well for you.


New member
It,s ok. my brother did give up. he quit his treaments and didnt want to do anything to help himself. when he got an infection it went to his plura space. when the doctors took a biopsy they punctured his lung. and thats all it took.