A Group E-Hug for Allie



I have enjoyed your input on the forums and chatting with you so much. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this especially hard time.
Consider yourself hugged!


I have enjoyed your input on the forums and chatting with you so much. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this especially hard time.
Consider yourself hugged!


I have enjoyed your input on the forums and chatting with you so much. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this especially hard time.
Consider yourself hugged!


New member
HUGS from me too. You were one of the first ones on this board that I read when I came here a year ago. It was like a real eye opener for me - realizing that OMG people do die young from CF - you could say I was in a bit of denial! Anyway - I have always liked reading your blogs and I think you are an amazing person!!!!


New member
HUGS from me too. You were one of the first ones on this board that I read when I came here a year ago. It was like a real eye opener for me - realizing that OMG people do die young from CF - you could say I was in a bit of denial! Anyway - I have always liked reading your blogs and I think you are an amazing person!!!!


New member
HUGS from me too. You were one of the first ones on this board that I read when I came here a year ago. It was like a real eye opener for me - realizing that OMG people do die young from CF - you could say I was in a bit of denial! Anyway - I have always liked reading your blogs and I think you are an amazing person!!!!


New member
Oohh ooooohhh me too! Me too!!! *jumps up and down*

And Al, just FYI, I will try my best to be online all day Saturday. It may not work ALL day, but I'll be on as much as possible, so you can harass me if you like.


New member
Oohh ooooohhh me too! Me too!!! *jumps up and down*

And Al, just FYI, I will try my best to be online all day Saturday. It may not work ALL day, but I'll be on as much as possible, so you can harass me if you like.


New member
Oohh ooooohhh me too! Me too!!! *jumps up and down*

And Al, just FYI, I will try my best to be online all day Saturday. It may not work ALL day, but I'll be on as much as possible, so you can harass me if you like.


New member
Hugs to you, Allie! Of all the time I've been on this forum, you're the one I've connected with the most and learned the most from. Be strong! I'll be thinking of you all week! If you need to chat, I'm on throughout the day, and you can PM me anytime! Love ya!