A little worried


New member
I also have a son with the same mutations. he is 2 months old. He is pancreatic insufficient. he has had a stuffy nose for a week now. i apologize to him everyday as i still feel that it is my fault. he is my 4th child and the only child with cf. i know how rough it is. he's pretty healthy besides and growing very normally now. if you need to talk, feel free.


Mom of Maddison, Mason, and Makenna with no cf
and Max with cf


New member
I also have a son with the same mutations. he is 2 months old. He is pancreatic insufficient. he has had a stuffy nose for a week now. i apologize to him everyday as i still feel that it is my fault. he is my 4th child and the only child with cf. i know how rough it is. he's pretty healthy besides and growing very normally now. if you need to talk, feel free.


Mom of Maddison, Mason, and Makenna with no cf
and Max with cf


New member
I also have a son with the same mutations. he is 2 months old. He is pancreatic insufficient. he has had a stuffy nose for a week now. i apologize to him everyday as i still feel that it is my fault. he is my 4th child and the only child with cf. i know how rough it is. he's pretty healthy besides and growing very normally now. if you need to talk, feel free.


Mom of Maddison, Mason, and Makenna with no cf
and Max with cf


New member
I also have a son with the same mutations. he is 2 months old. He is pancreatic insufficient. he has had a stuffy nose for a week now. i apologize to him everyday as i still feel that it is my fault. he is my 4th child and the only child with cf. i know how rough it is. he's pretty healthy besides and growing very normally now. if you need to talk, feel free.


Mom of Maddison, Mason, and Makenna with no cf
and Max with cf


New member
I also have a son with the same mutations. he is 2 months old. He is pancreatic insufficient. he has had a stuffy nose for a week now. i apologize to him everyday as i still feel that it is my fault. he is my 4th child and the only child with cf. i know how rough it is. he's pretty healthy besides and growing very normally now. if you need to talk, feel free.


Mom of Maddison, Mason, and Makenna with no cf
and Max with cf


New member

Don't worry, things will get easier. It takes a while for everything to settle in. When Sean was first diagnosed, his Dr. told us that the first year is one of the hardest.

Just to clarify, double DF508 is the most common but is not necessarily the worst gene combo. DF508 is considered a Class II mutation. The school of thought being that a Class I is worse and a combo of I/I or I/II is worse.


New member

Don't worry, things will get easier. It takes a while for everything to settle in. When Sean was first diagnosed, his Dr. told us that the first year is one of the hardest.

Just to clarify, double DF508 is the most common but is not necessarily the worst gene combo. DF508 is considered a Class II mutation. The school of thought being that a Class I is worse and a combo of I/I or I/II is worse.


New member

Don't worry, things will get easier. It takes a while for everything to settle in. When Sean was first diagnosed, his Dr. told us that the first year is one of the hardest.

Just to clarify, double DF508 is the most common but is not necessarily the worst gene combo. DF508 is considered a Class II mutation. The school of thought being that a Class I is worse and a combo of I/I or I/II is worse.


New member

Don't worry, things will get easier. It takes a while for everything to settle in. When Sean was first diagnosed, his Dr. told us that the first year is one of the hardest.

Just to clarify, double DF508 is the most common but is not necessarily the worst gene combo. DF508 is considered a Class II mutation. The school of thought being that a Class I is worse and a combo of I/I or I/II is worse.


New member

Don't worry, things will get easier. It takes a while for everything to settle in. When Sean was first diagnosed, his Dr. told us that the first year is one of the hardest.

Just to clarify, double DF508 is the most common but is not necessarily the worst gene combo. DF508 is considered a Class II mutation. The school of thought being that a Class I is worse and a combo of I/I or I/II is worse.


New member
I understand exactly how you feel. My little girl just turned 1 and she dx w/the same one df508. She was doing really bad at first, but after we got her medications right and started to get the symptoms under control-it did get better. She has been home, and out of the hospital for almost a year. I have a son that is 10 and most likely a carrier. I recently found out that she has gotten pseudominis. This has been so devastating to me because I am so cautious about who and what she is exposed to. It isn't wrong for you to feel the way you do. I have been there, and it will get better. Keep your faith!


New member
I understand exactly how you feel. My little girl just turned 1 and she dx w/the same one df508. She was doing really bad at first, but after we got her medications right and started to get the symptoms under control-it did get better. She has been home, and out of the hospital for almost a year. I have a son that is 10 and most likely a carrier. I recently found out that she has gotten pseudominis. This has been so devastating to me because I am so cautious about who and what she is exposed to. It isn't wrong for you to feel the way you do. I have been there, and it will get better. Keep your faith!


New member
I understand exactly how you feel. My little girl just turned 1 and she dx w/the same one df508. She was doing really bad at first, but after we got her medications right and started to get the symptoms under control-it did get better. She has been home, and out of the hospital for almost a year. I have a son that is 10 and most likely a carrier. I recently found out that she has gotten pseudominis. This has been so devastating to me because I am so cautious about who and what she is exposed to. It isn't wrong for you to feel the way you do. I have been there, and it will get better. Keep your faith!


New member
I understand exactly how you feel. My little girl just turned 1 and she dx w/the same one df508. She was doing really bad at first, but after we got her medications right and started to get the symptoms under control-it did get better. She has been home, and out of the hospital for almost a year. I have a son that is 10 and most likely a carrier. I recently found out that she has gotten pseudominis. This has been so devastating to me because I am so cautious about who and what she is exposed to. It isn't wrong for you to feel the way you do. I have been there, and it will get better. Keep your faith!


New member
I understand exactly how you feel. My little girl just turned 1 and she dx w/the same one df508. She was doing really bad at first, but after we got her medications right and started to get the symptoms under control-it did get better. She has been home, and out of the hospital for almost a year. I have a son that is 10 and most likely a carrier. I recently found out that she has gotten pseudominis. This has been so devastating to me because I am so cautious about who and what she is exposed to. It isn't wrong for you to feel the way you do. I have been there, and it will get better. Keep your faith!


Staff member
DS was diagnosed shortly after he was born, because of a bowel obstruction due to meconium illeus. We started with CPT, nebs, enzymes almost immediately. He's 4 1/2 years old -- he's had some sinus issues, has gotten a few upper respiratory infections. He goes to preschool and has been enrolled in swimming lessons, gymnastics, sunday school... He's a very active little boy.


Staff member
DS was diagnosed shortly after he was born, because of a bowel obstruction due to meconium illeus. We started with CPT, nebs, enzymes almost immediately. He's 4 1/2 years old -- he's had some sinus issues, has gotten a few upper respiratory infections. He goes to preschool and has been enrolled in swimming lessons, gymnastics, sunday school... He's a very active little boy.


Staff member
DS was diagnosed shortly after he was born, because of a bowel obstruction due to meconium illeus. We started with CPT, nebs, enzymes almost immediately. He's 4 1/2 years old -- he's had some sinus issues, has gotten a few upper respiratory infections. He goes to preschool and has been enrolled in swimming lessons, gymnastics, sunday school... He's a very active little boy.


Staff member
DS was diagnosed shortly after he was born, because of a bowel obstruction due to meconium illeus. We started with CPT, nebs, enzymes almost immediately. He's 4 1/2 years old -- he's had some sinus issues, has gotten a few upper respiratory infections. He goes to preschool and has been enrolled in swimming lessons, gymnastics, sunday school... He's a very active little boy.


Staff member
DS was diagnosed shortly after he was born, because of a bowel obstruction due to meconium illeus. We started with CPT, nebs, enzymes almost immediately. He's 4 1/2 years old -- he's had some sinus issues, has gotten a few upper respiratory infections. He goes to preschool and has been enrolled in swimming lessons, gymnastics, sunday school... He's a very active little boy.