A new love and new family.....


New member
Hello everyone my name is Wade i am 22yrs old and I have a daughter that is 1 and has CF. You may know her Skye and her mom in amityvsvenon on the forum.

My story starts in May of 2008 when I became a single father of a little boy. I was left to take care of this little boy at just barely 21yr and had not very much experience with a baby my whole life.

So it all started at that point that i had to be the best father i could for him since it was just us against the world. It was hard and scary for me and not what i ever expected but i wouldnt of traded it for the world!

I was a single father for along time and one day i desided to try out the internet site every commerial had been raving about Eharmony. I looked at matches for several months and had know one i shared anything in common with until Dec.28.2008 my life was going to change.

I started talking to this beautiful amazing woman tht had shared more about her daughter with me than herself. She told me tht she was Diag. with CF at birth and she had been living in the hospital from birth until tht day she met me was there first day home.

I new nothing about CF or what it was for tht matter i was clueless as the days went on we talked everynight on a webcam from 1400 miles away. As i watch everything her mother did for her i started falling in love with this amazing little girl tht was so strong but so small and i couldnt even tell she was sick.

I had no idea how easy i had it with one little boy by myself all i new was what i had read about cf at tht point and watching her amazing mother take care of her day in and day out. I saw them both via webcam for about 3weeks tell we decided to meet face to face and introduce ourselfs and the 2 babys.

I had this feeling everytime i saw her smile tht i cant explain tht made me feel tht she was so special and i had no idea how special she was yet. It was january 16 2008 i drove 2hours to meet these to amaazing people tht i was falling for from 1400m away. As soon as they got off tht plane and we saw each other through the glass i new they were the ones i have been waiting for to complete my son and myselfs life.

I grabbed baby skye barly 3m old and the size one a 1m old and looked into her eyes and fell in love with this little girl tht looked so healthy but hadnt been since birth. We got back to the hotel as her mother started showing me her Gtube, all the meds she took, scars from surgerys, and i couldnt believe my eyes tht something someone so small could be so sick but look so perfect to me!

And it all started tht first night as i learned to feed her through her Gtube, and give her meds and PT i was scared because i had not a clue why i was doing this to such a small little girl as i had a little boy tht didnt have this. When she looked at me tht night as i did her PT for the first time and she smiled my heart was half hers and half my sons.

We drove back to nebraska to meet my son for the first time the next day. As we introduced them they insteatly had the connection tht this was her big brother and he sensed something was diff about skye. He was gentle with her and kind,loving. We spent the next few days together as we all grew very attached to one another and fell in love as we started to form a bound as a family together.

After a week of the midwest weather skye began to get sick and we were admitted for the first time and we spent almost 3weeks in the hospital as a family and i learned more and more about CF over tht time. As i watched her go into the opp room i realized what it was like to feel like someone tore your heart out as you dont know if she is coming back out or not each time she is admitted.

I was so scared and just wanted to see my little girl again witout everything hooked to her body. Once she came out of the opp room i ran to her side and just kissed her and felt a relief and let out a huge sigh. It was over i thought as kayla told me several times tht it wasnt over and never will be there will be many more as i didnt understand why.

All i new is tht my little girl was safe again and in my arms. To this day i still feel tht same feeling when she gets sick but each day i get stronger and stronger for her and all the other people with CF.

And look here we are almost a year later and she is still here and still gives me the same look as she did the first time i saw her. I just wanted to share a better part of my story with everyone because CF has made me a better parent and more understanding towards and illness and how i can help support to find a cure.


New member
Hello everyone my name is Wade i am 22yrs old and I have a daughter that is 1 and has CF. You may know her Skye and her mom in amityvsvenon on the forum.

My story starts in May of 2008 when I became a single father of a little boy. I was left to take care of this little boy at just barely 21yr and had not very much experience with a baby my whole life.

So it all started at that point that i had to be the best father i could for him since it was just us against the world. It was hard and scary for me and not what i ever expected but i wouldnt of traded it for the world!

I was a single father for along time and one day i desided to try out the internet site every commerial had been raving about Eharmony. I looked at matches for several months and had know one i shared anything in common with until Dec.28.2008 my life was going to change.

I started talking to this beautiful amazing woman tht had shared more about her daughter with me than herself. She told me tht she was Diag. with CF at birth and she had been living in the hospital from birth until tht day she met me was there first day home.

I new nothing about CF or what it was for tht matter i was clueless as the days went on we talked everynight on a webcam from 1400 miles away. As i watch everything her mother did for her i started falling in love with this amazing little girl tht was so strong but so small and i couldnt even tell she was sick.

I had no idea how easy i had it with one little boy by myself all i new was what i had read about cf at tht point and watching her amazing mother take care of her day in and day out. I saw them both via webcam for about 3weeks tell we decided to meet face to face and introduce ourselfs and the 2 babys.

I had this feeling everytime i saw her smile tht i cant explain tht made me feel tht she was so special and i had no idea how special she was yet. It was january 16 2008 i drove 2hours to meet these to amaazing people tht i was falling for from 1400m away. As soon as they got off tht plane and we saw each other through the glass i new they were the ones i have been waiting for to complete my son and myselfs life.

I grabbed baby skye barly 3m old and the size one a 1m old and looked into her eyes and fell in love with this little girl tht looked so healthy but hadnt been since birth. We got back to the hotel as her mother started showing me her Gtube, all the meds she took, scars from surgerys, and i couldnt believe my eyes tht something someone so small could be so sick but look so perfect to me!

And it all started tht first night as i learned to feed her through her Gtube, and give her meds and PT i was scared because i had not a clue why i was doing this to such a small little girl as i had a little boy tht didnt have this. When she looked at me tht night as i did her PT for the first time and she smiled my heart was half hers and half my sons.

We drove back to nebraska to meet my son for the first time the next day. As we introduced them they insteatly had the connection tht this was her big brother and he sensed something was diff about skye. He was gentle with her and kind,loving. We spent the next few days together as we all grew very attached to one another and fell in love as we started to form a bound as a family together.

After a week of the midwest weather skye began to get sick and we were admitted for the first time and we spent almost 3weeks in the hospital as a family and i learned more and more about CF over tht time. As i watched her go into the opp room i realized what it was like to feel like someone tore your heart out as you dont know if she is coming back out or not each time she is admitted.

I was so scared and just wanted to see my little girl again witout everything hooked to her body. Once she came out of the opp room i ran to her side and just kissed her and felt a relief and let out a huge sigh. It was over i thought as kayla told me several times tht it wasnt over and never will be there will be many more as i didnt understand why.

All i new is tht my little girl was safe again and in my arms. To this day i still feel tht same feeling when she gets sick but each day i get stronger and stronger for her and all the other people with CF.

And look here we are almost a year later and she is still here and still gives me the same look as she did the first time i saw her. I just wanted to share a better part of my story with everyone because CF has made me a better parent and more understanding towards and illness and how i can help support to find a cure.


New member
Hello everyone my name is Wade i am 22yrs old and I have a daughter that is 1 and has CF. You may know her Skye and her mom in amityvsvenon on the forum.

My story starts in May of 2008 when I became a single father of a little boy. I was left to take care of this little boy at just barely 21yr and had not very much experience with a baby my whole life.

So it all started at that point that i had to be the best father i could for him since it was just us against the world. It was hard and scary for me and not what i ever expected but i wouldnt of traded it for the world!

I was a single father for along time and one day i desided to try out the internet site every commerial had been raving about Eharmony. I looked at matches for several months and had know one i shared anything in common with until Dec.28.2008 my life was going to change.

I started talking to this beautiful amazing woman tht had shared more about her daughter with me than herself. She told me tht she was Diag. with CF at birth and she had been living in the hospital from birth until tht day she met me was there first day home.

I new nothing about CF or what it was for tht matter i was clueless as the days went on we talked everynight on a webcam from 1400 miles away. As i watch everything her mother did for her i started falling in love with this amazing little girl tht was so strong but so small and i couldnt even tell she was sick.

I had no idea how easy i had it with one little boy by myself all i new was what i had read about cf at tht point and watching her amazing mother take care of her day in and day out. I saw them both via webcam for about 3weeks tell we decided to meet face to face and introduce ourselfs and the 2 babys.

I had this feeling everytime i saw her smile tht i cant explain tht made me feel tht she was so special and i had no idea how special she was yet. It was january 16 2008 i drove 2hours to meet these to amaazing people tht i was falling for from 1400m away. As soon as they got off tht plane and we saw each other through the glass i new they were the ones i have been waiting for to complete my son and myselfs life.

I grabbed baby skye barly 3m old and the size one a 1m old and looked into her eyes and fell in love with this little girl tht looked so healthy but hadnt been since birth. We got back to the hotel as her mother started showing me her Gtube, all the meds she took, scars from surgerys, and i couldnt believe my eyes tht something someone so small could be so sick but look so perfect to me!

And it all started tht first night as i learned to feed her through her Gtube, and give her meds and PT i was scared because i had not a clue why i was doing this to such a small little girl as i had a little boy tht didnt have this. When she looked at me tht night as i did her PT for the first time and she smiled my heart was half hers and half my sons.

We drove back to nebraska to meet my son for the first time the next day. As we introduced them they insteatly had the connection tht this was her big brother and he sensed something was diff about skye. He was gentle with her and kind,loving. We spent the next few days together as we all grew very attached to one another and fell in love as we started to form a bound as a family together.

After a week of the midwest weather skye began to get sick and we were admitted for the first time and we spent almost 3weeks in the hospital as a family and i learned more and more about CF over tht time. As i watched her go into the opp room i realized what it was like to feel like someone tore your heart out as you dont know if she is coming back out or not each time she is admitted.

I was so scared and just wanted to see my little girl again witout everything hooked to her body. Once she came out of the opp room i ran to her side and just kissed her and felt a relief and let out a huge sigh. It was over i thought as kayla told me several times tht it wasnt over and never will be there will be many more as i didnt understand why.

All i new is tht my little girl was safe again and in my arms. To this day i still feel tht same feeling when she gets sick but each day i get stronger and stronger for her and all the other people with CF.

And look here we are almost a year later and she is still here and still gives me the same look as she did the first time i saw her. I just wanted to share a better part of my story with everyone because CF has made me a better parent and more understanding towards and illness and how i can help support to find a cure.


New member
Hello everyone my name is Wade i am 22yrs old and I have a daughter that is 1 and has CF. You may know her Skye and her mom in amityvsvenon on the forum.

My story starts in May of 2008 when I became a single father of a little boy. I was left to take care of this little boy at just barely 21yr and had not very much experience with a baby my whole life.

So it all started at that point that i had to be the best father i could for him since it was just us against the world. It was hard and scary for me and not what i ever expected but i wouldnt of traded it for the world!

I was a single father for along time and one day i desided to try out the internet site every commerial had been raving about Eharmony. I looked at matches for several months and had know one i shared anything in common with until Dec.28.2008 my life was going to change.

I started talking to this beautiful amazing woman tht had shared more about her daughter with me than herself. She told me tht she was Diag. with CF at birth and she had been living in the hospital from birth until tht day she met me was there first day home.

I new nothing about CF or what it was for tht matter i was clueless as the days went on we talked everynight on a webcam from 1400 miles away. As i watch everything her mother did for her i started falling in love with this amazing little girl tht was so strong but so small and i couldnt even tell she was sick.

I had no idea how easy i had it with one little boy by myself all i new was what i had read about cf at tht point and watching her amazing mother take care of her day in and day out. I saw them both via webcam for about 3weeks tell we decided to meet face to face and introduce ourselfs and the 2 babys.

I had this feeling everytime i saw her smile tht i cant explain tht made me feel tht she was so special and i had no idea how special she was yet. It was january 16 2008 i drove 2hours to meet these to amaazing people tht i was falling for from 1400m away. As soon as they got off tht plane and we saw each other through the glass i new they were the ones i have been waiting for to complete my son and myselfs life.

I grabbed baby skye barly 3m old and the size one a 1m old and looked into her eyes and fell in love with this little girl tht looked so healthy but hadnt been since birth. We got back to the hotel as her mother started showing me her Gtube, all the meds she took, scars from surgerys, and i couldnt believe my eyes tht something someone so small could be so sick but look so perfect to me!

And it all started tht first night as i learned to feed her through her Gtube, and give her meds and PT i was scared because i had not a clue why i was doing this to such a small little girl as i had a little boy tht didnt have this. When she looked at me tht night as i did her PT for the first time and she smiled my heart was half hers and half my sons.

We drove back to nebraska to meet my son for the first time the next day. As we introduced them they insteatly had the connection tht this was her big brother and he sensed something was diff about skye. He was gentle with her and kind,loving. We spent the next few days together as we all grew very attached to one another and fell in love as we started to form a bound as a family together.

After a week of the midwest weather skye began to get sick and we were admitted for the first time and we spent almost 3weeks in the hospital as a family and i learned more and more about CF over tht time. As i watched her go into the opp room i realized what it was like to feel like someone tore your heart out as you dont know if she is coming back out or not each time she is admitted.

I was so scared and just wanted to see my little girl again witout everything hooked to her body. Once she came out of the opp room i ran to her side and just kissed her and felt a relief and let out a huge sigh. It was over i thought as kayla told me several times tht it wasnt over and never will be there will be many more as i didnt understand why.

All i new is tht my little girl was safe again and in my arms. To this day i still feel tht same feeling when she gets sick but each day i get stronger and stronger for her and all the other people with CF.

And look here we are almost a year later and she is still here and still gives me the same look as she did the first time i saw her. I just wanted to share a better part of my story with everyone because CF has made me a better parent and more understanding towards and illness and how i can help support to find a cure.


New member
Hello everyone my name is Wade i am 22yrs old and I have a daughter that is 1 and has CF. You may know her Skye and her mom in amityvsvenon on the forum.
<br />
<br />My story starts in May of 2008 when I became a single father of a little boy. I was left to take care of this little boy at just barely 21yr and had not very much experience with a baby my whole life.
<br />
<br />So it all started at that point that i had to be the best father i could for him since it was just us against the world. It was hard and scary for me and not what i ever expected but i wouldnt of traded it for the world!
<br />
<br />I was a single father for along time and one day i desided to try out the internet site every commerial had been raving about Eharmony. I looked at matches for several months and had know one i shared anything in common with until Dec.28.2008 my life was going to change.
<br />
<br />I started talking to this beautiful amazing woman tht had shared more about her daughter with me than herself. She told me tht she was Diag. with CF at birth and she had been living in the hospital from birth until tht day she met me was there first day home.
<br />
<br />I new nothing about CF or what it was for tht matter i was clueless as the days went on we talked everynight on a webcam from 1400 miles away. As i watch everything her mother did for her i started falling in love with this amazing little girl tht was so strong but so small and i couldnt even tell she was sick.
<br />
<br />I had no idea how easy i had it with one little boy by myself all i new was what i had read about cf at tht point and watching her amazing mother take care of her day in and day out. I saw them both via webcam for about 3weeks tell we decided to meet face to face and introduce ourselfs and the 2 babys.
<br />
<br />I had this feeling everytime i saw her smile tht i cant explain tht made me feel tht she was so special and i had no idea how special she was yet. It was january 16 2008 i drove 2hours to meet these to amaazing people tht i was falling for from 1400m away. As soon as they got off tht plane and we saw each other through the glass i new they were the ones i have been waiting for to complete my son and myselfs life.
<br />
<br />I grabbed baby skye barly 3m old and the size one a 1m old and looked into her eyes and fell in love with this little girl tht looked so healthy but hadnt been since birth. We got back to the hotel as her mother started showing me her Gtube, all the meds she took, scars from surgerys, and i couldnt believe my eyes tht something someone so small could be so sick but look so perfect to me!
<br />
<br />And it all started tht first night as i learned to feed her through her Gtube, and give her meds and PT i was scared because i had not a clue why i was doing this to such a small little girl as i had a little boy tht didnt have this. When she looked at me tht night as i did her PT for the first time and she smiled my heart was half hers and half my sons.
<br />
<br />We drove back to nebraska to meet my son for the first time the next day. As we introduced them they insteatly had the connection tht this was her big brother and he sensed something was diff about skye. He was gentle with her and kind,loving. We spent the next few days together as we all grew very attached to one another and fell in love as we started to form a bound as a family together.
<br />
<br />After a week of the midwest weather skye began to get sick and we were admitted for the first time and we spent almost 3weeks in the hospital as a family and i learned more and more about CF over tht time. As i watched her go into the opp room i realized what it was like to feel like someone tore your heart out as you dont know if she is coming back out or not each time she is admitted.
<br />
<br />I was so scared and just wanted to see my little girl again witout everything hooked to her body. Once she came out of the opp room i ran to her side and just kissed her and felt a relief and let out a huge sigh. It was over i thought as kayla told me several times tht it wasnt over and never will be there will be many more as i didnt understand why.
<br />
<br />All i new is tht my little girl was safe again and in my arms. To this day i still feel tht same feeling when she gets sick but each day i get stronger and stronger for her and all the other people with CF.
<br />
<br />And look here we are almost a year later and she is still here and still gives me the same look as she did the first time i saw her. I just wanted to share a better part of my story with everyone because CF has made me a better parent and more understanding towards and illness and how i can help support to find a cure.


New member
I love you baby. I couldn't ask for anything more in a father and husband.You have made my life so amazing. I dont know what I would do without you! Thanks for being there so much for us every step of the way!


New member
I love you baby. I couldn't ask for anything more in a father and husband.You have made my life so amazing. I dont know what I would do without you! Thanks for being there so much for us every step of the way!


New member
I love you baby. I couldn't ask for anything more in a father and husband.You have made my life so amazing. I dont know what I would do without you! Thanks for being there so much for us every step of the way!


New member
I love you baby. I couldn't ask for anything more in a father and husband.You have made my life so amazing. I dont know what I would do without you! Thanks for being there so much for us every step of the way!


New member
I love you baby. I couldn't ask for anything more in a father and husband.You have made my life so amazing. I dont know what I would do without you! Thanks for being there so much for us every step of the way!


New member
This is a great story! Thanks for sharing & I look forward to getting to know you better!

BTW I edited your post to break up the big block of type. One big block makes it difficult to read!


New member
This is a great story! Thanks for sharing & I look forward to getting to know you better!

BTW I edited your post to break up the big block of type. One big block makes it difficult to read!


New member
This is a great story! Thanks for sharing & I look forward to getting to know you better!

BTW I edited your post to break up the big block of type. One big block makes it difficult to read!


New member
This is a great story! Thanks for sharing & I look forward to getting to know you better!

BTW I edited your post to break up the big block of type. One big block makes it difficult to read!


New member
This is a great story! Thanks for sharing & I look forward to getting to know you better!
<br />
<br />BTW I edited your post to break up the big block of type. One big block makes it difficult to read!


New member
Aww! That's an awesome story, and it speaks volumes about you! Not many men would put themselves in the position you have! I look forward to learning more about you and your family!


New member
Aww! That's an awesome story, and it speaks volumes about you! Not many men would put themselves in the position you have! I look forward to learning more about you and your family!


New member
Aww! That's an awesome story, and it speaks volumes about you! Not many men would put themselves in the position you have! I look forward to learning more about you and your family!


New member
Aww! That's an awesome story, and it speaks volumes about you! Not many men would put themselves in the position you have! I look forward to learning more about you and your family!


New member
Aww! That's an awesome story, and it speaks volumes about you! Not many men would put themselves in the position you have! I look forward to learning more about you and your family!