a "normal" family time together


Digital opinion leader
I just had to share this because it meant so much to me. Its a little sappy but the other parents here will understand.

As you all know, the last few months have been rough for my kids, especially Josh. He's still on long term IVs for the myco and even though he's home he's been feeling tired and sick most of the time. He wasn't strong enough to go back to school and hasn't even been out much since coming home. He's pretty down.

Jesse bounced back after his clean-out and has been playing baseball again. He missed most of the season but he was able to play the last few. His team is terrible. lol

Today they had the last game and it was pouring!! Bill and I always watch the games no matter what, but Josh hasn't gone to any this year, so we encouraged him to come too. We parked tailgate toward the field and watched from the back of the car with the hatch open. We were all cuddled up and dry watching poor Jess getting SOAKED. Josh was really psyched to be out and it was so fun seeing him have a good time! We all got home freezing and wet and very happy.

Its so good to be together and having a "normal" family time for a change. It makes me weepy- OK I'M A SAP.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
a "normal

Hi! I have just joined this board but have been posting some under anonymous. Anyway I think your story was very sweet. And yes I do understand what you mean by having a "normal" day. Sometimes I will call my mom and tell her we did such and such and it felt so normal. Thanks for sharing about your "normal" day!!


New member
a "normal

Thanks for sharing, Jane. (makes me weepy too) Good for you all to find a way to have that family time - like to think of you snuggling back there in the car. And I can't believe they HAD the game today - it's been a soaking rain here - I have barely left the house.

Take care,


New member
a "normal

No your NOT a sap....your just enjoying your family as you should be ALL TOGETHER!!! So happy that you got that time with your whole family...I know you will cherish it. We also had a "good day today...my husband & I wayched movies all day on the couch while Reece played n the computer...every now ans then running into the living room and jumping on us....awwwww quailty family time...nothing beats it!!!!


New member
a "normal

Hi Jane--

So very happy you shared this family joy that you had today with us. It certainly made my day brighter hearing about it.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> May there be many more.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

I also want to say "Welcome" to Carrie. So nice to have you as part of this forum.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
a "normal

hi Jane , love days like that. My wife and I took the boy out this evening for a stroll in his pram, the sun was shining, a slight breeze in the air and we walked holding hands on the pram.

Sunny in Scotland for a change, this has been the first real summers day here, its been really cold up till now.


New member
a "normal


That is a WONDERFUL story!

It is so nice when the whole family gets to spent "normal" time together!



New member
a "normal

I'm glad to hear you've finally had some "normal" time jane. I know I kept seeing posts from you about the boys initially, then just about Josh and all his rough times. I kept wondering when your family was going to get a break.

I'm glad to hear that everyone is feeling better. Thanks for the post, it's not sappy at all. I'm glad you shared it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
a "normal

Nice story Jane. It's the simple things in life that mean the most. I understand.

Take care.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">