A question for all you parents of CFers


New member
This is something I have thought about alot and even more recently since I found out my SIL is pregnant again.

I hope I don't offend anyone with this question but I want to get others opinions.

How do you feel that your CFer may never give you grandchildren?
Do you feel disappointed at the thought of it or are you ok with it?



New member
This is something I have thought about alot and even more recently since I found out my SIL is pregnant again.

I hope I don't offend anyone with this question but I want to get others opinions.

How do you feel that your CFer may never give you grandchildren?
Do you feel disappointed at the thought of it or are you ok with it?



New member
This is something I have thought about alot and even more recently since I found out my SIL is pregnant again.

I hope I don't offend anyone with this question but I want to get others opinions.

How do you feel that your CFer may never give you grandchildren?
Do you feel disappointed at the thought of it or are you ok with it?



New member
This is something I have thought about alot and even more recently since I found out my SIL is pregnant again.

I hope I don't offend anyone with this question but I want to get others opinions.

How do you feel that your CFer may never give you grandchildren?
Do you feel disappointed at the thought of it or are you ok with it?



New member
This is something I have thought about alot and even more recently since I found out my SIL is pregnant again.

I hope I don't offend anyone with this question but I want to get others opinions.

How do you feel that your CFer may never give you grandchildren?
Do you feel disappointed at the thought of it or are you ok with it?



New member
I wonder this also. Jazz doesnt have CF, but I dont feel the need to be a grandma or for her to have kids. Maybe it comes from not knowing for sure if I will be here to see it or not.....not sure.

Remember that parents of CFers can still be grandparents thru adoption although some families arent as receptive to adoption as "the real thing" as we have learned.

I think much probably depends on the person, but good thinking topic.


New member
I wonder this also. Jazz doesnt have CF, but I dont feel the need to be a grandma or for her to have kids. Maybe it comes from not knowing for sure if I will be here to see it or not.....not sure.

Remember that parents of CFers can still be grandparents thru adoption although some families arent as receptive to adoption as "the real thing" as we have learned.

I think much probably depends on the person, but good thinking topic.


New member
I wonder this also. Jazz doesnt have CF, but I dont feel the need to be a grandma or for her to have kids. Maybe it comes from not knowing for sure if I will be here to see it or not.....not sure.

Remember that parents of CFers can still be grandparents thru adoption although some families arent as receptive to adoption as "the real thing" as we have learned.

I think much probably depends on the person, but good thinking topic.


New member
I wonder this also. Jazz doesnt have CF, but I dont feel the need to be a grandma or for her to have kids. Maybe it comes from not knowing for sure if I will be here to see it or not.....not sure.

Remember that parents of CFers can still be grandparents thru adoption although some families arent as receptive to adoption as "the real thing" as we have learned.

I think much probably depends on the person, but good thinking topic.


New member
I wonder this also. Jazz doesnt have CF, but I dont feel the need to be a grandma or for her to have kids. Maybe it comes from not knowing for sure if I will be here to see it or not.....not sure.

Remember that parents of CFers can still be grandparents thru adoption although some families arent as receptive to adoption as "the real thing" as we have learned.

I think much probably depends on the person, but good thinking topic.


New member
It doesn't concern me in the least.

I am most concerned about what is best for my children and their health, both now and in the future. Whether or not I have grandchildren is completely irrelevant to me.


New member
It doesn't concern me in the least.

I am most concerned about what is best for my children and their health, both now and in the future. Whether or not I have grandchildren is completely irrelevant to me.


New member
It doesn't concern me in the least.

I am most concerned about what is best for my children and their health, both now and in the future. Whether or not I have grandchildren is completely irrelevant to me.


New member
It doesn't concern me in the least.

I am most concerned about what is best for my children and their health, both now and in the future. Whether or not I have grandchildren is completely irrelevant to me.


New member
It doesn't concern me in the least.

I am most concerned about what is best for my children and their health, both now and in the future. Whether or not I have grandchildren is completely irrelevant to me.


Wow. I feel guilty even admitting that this crossed my mind when my girls were first diagnosed with CF, but it did. I guess it was just one of the first reactions I had, while I was drowning in my own self-pity. That God this reaction didn't last long!

At first I had the normal anger and sadness reactions that most of us have. I knew quite a lot about CF when my girls were diagnosed because my nephew having CF. And I remember one day looking at the baby scrap books that I was making for my girls and just breaking down. When I started the scrapbooks it was in hopes that they would some day get to sit with their own children or grandchildren and share the stories and memories that I was documenting for them. But then the realty of it all hit me, that this may never happen. It was the first time that I thought about it. And I just would cry and ask myself why bother with the scrapbooks. There won't be any family to pass them on to anyways. I have had a tough time getting motivated to really work on them in the past few years, but do plan on finishing all my scrapbooks for my girls to enjoy themselves.

Then over the years my girls have commented how they want to be a mommy just like me when they grow up. And sometimes it makes me sad because they don't understand yet the impact that it could have on them. But I just smile and tell them that they will have to make that choice with their husband when they get big.

And since both of my only children have CF, I realize that I may never be a grandma. It did hurt, but my girls health means more to me than the joy of being a grandparent. I will never let them know that I ever felt this way because I never want them to think that they have to jeapordize their health to give me grandkids. I guess as they get older, I will have to be careful about saying things about having grandchildren!

So to sum it up. I was sad at first when I realized that I may never have grandchildren, which I guess is pretty selfish. But now I am ok with it. I am not disappointed.

And the sadness I do feel sometimes is more so for them not being a mommy, than me though, because I know the joy of being a mom and the love that you feel when you hold that little baby in your arms for the first time and realize that the love you feel is stronger than any you have ever felt in your life. It is amazing and it makes me sad that they may never experience that kind of love.


Wow. I feel guilty even admitting that this crossed my mind when my girls were first diagnosed with CF, but it did. I guess it was just one of the first reactions I had, while I was drowning in my own self-pity. That God this reaction didn't last long!

At first I had the normal anger and sadness reactions that most of us have. I knew quite a lot about CF when my girls were diagnosed because my nephew having CF. And I remember one day looking at the baby scrap books that I was making for my girls and just breaking down. When I started the scrapbooks it was in hopes that they would some day get to sit with their own children or grandchildren and share the stories and memories that I was documenting for them. But then the realty of it all hit me, that this may never happen. It was the first time that I thought about it. And I just would cry and ask myself why bother with the scrapbooks. There won't be any family to pass them on to anyways. I have had a tough time getting motivated to really work on them in the past few years, but do plan on finishing all my scrapbooks for my girls to enjoy themselves.

Then over the years my girls have commented how they want to be a mommy just like me when they grow up. And sometimes it makes me sad because they don't understand yet the impact that it could have on them. But I just smile and tell them that they will have to make that choice with their husband when they get big.

And since both of my only children have CF, I realize that I may never be a grandma. It did hurt, but my girls health means more to me than the joy of being a grandparent. I will never let them know that I ever felt this way because I never want them to think that they have to jeapordize their health to give me grandkids. I guess as they get older, I will have to be careful about saying things about having grandchildren!

So to sum it up. I was sad at first when I realized that I may never have grandchildren, which I guess is pretty selfish. But now I am ok with it. I am not disappointed.

And the sadness I do feel sometimes is more so for them not being a mommy, than me though, because I know the joy of being a mom and the love that you feel when you hold that little baby in your arms for the first time and realize that the love you feel is stronger than any you have ever felt in your life. It is amazing and it makes me sad that they may never experience that kind of love.


Wow. I feel guilty even admitting that this crossed my mind when my girls were first diagnosed with CF, but it did. I guess it was just one of the first reactions I had, while I was drowning in my own self-pity. That God this reaction didn't last long!

At first I had the normal anger and sadness reactions that most of us have. I knew quite a lot about CF when my girls were diagnosed because my nephew having CF. And I remember one day looking at the baby scrap books that I was making for my girls and just breaking down. When I started the scrapbooks it was in hopes that they would some day get to sit with their own children or grandchildren and share the stories and memories that I was documenting for them. But then the realty of it all hit me, that this may never happen. It was the first time that I thought about it. And I just would cry and ask myself why bother with the scrapbooks. There won't be any family to pass them on to anyways. I have had a tough time getting motivated to really work on them in the past few years, but do plan on finishing all my scrapbooks for my girls to enjoy themselves.

Then over the years my girls have commented how they want to be a mommy just like me when they grow up. And sometimes it makes me sad because they don't understand yet the impact that it could have on them. But I just smile and tell them that they will have to make that choice with their husband when they get big.

And since both of my only children have CF, I realize that I may never be a grandma. It did hurt, but my girls health means more to me than the joy of being a grandparent. I will never let them know that I ever felt this way because I never want them to think that they have to jeapordize their health to give me grandkids. I guess as they get older, I will have to be careful about saying things about having grandchildren!

So to sum it up. I was sad at first when I realized that I may never have grandchildren, which I guess is pretty selfish. But now I am ok with it. I am not disappointed.

And the sadness I do feel sometimes is more so for them not being a mommy, than me though, because I know the joy of being a mom and the love that you feel when you hold that little baby in your arms for the first time and realize that the love you feel is stronger than any you have ever felt in your life. It is amazing and it makes me sad that they may never experience that kind of love.


Wow. I feel guilty even admitting that this crossed my mind when my girls were first diagnosed with CF, but it did. I guess it was just one of the first reactions I had, while I was drowning in my own self-pity. That God this reaction didn't last long!

At first I had the normal anger and sadness reactions that most of us have. I knew quite a lot about CF when my girls were diagnosed because my nephew having CF. And I remember one day looking at the baby scrap books that I was making for my girls and just breaking down. When I started the scrapbooks it was in hopes that they would some day get to sit with their own children or grandchildren and share the stories and memories that I was documenting for them. But then the realty of it all hit me, that this may never happen. It was the first time that I thought about it. And I just would cry and ask myself why bother with the scrapbooks. There won't be any family to pass them on to anyways. I have had a tough time getting motivated to really work on them in the past few years, but do plan on finishing all my scrapbooks for my girls to enjoy themselves.

Then over the years my girls have commented how they want to be a mommy just like me when they grow up. And sometimes it makes me sad because they don't understand yet the impact that it could have on them. But I just smile and tell them that they will have to make that choice with their husband when they get big.

And since both of my only children have CF, I realize that I may never be a grandma. It did hurt, but my girls health means more to me than the joy of being a grandparent. I will never let them know that I ever felt this way because I never want them to think that they have to jeapordize their health to give me grandkids. I guess as they get older, I will have to be careful about saying things about having grandchildren!

So to sum it up. I was sad at first when I realized that I may never have grandchildren, which I guess is pretty selfish. But now I am ok with it. I am not disappointed.

And the sadness I do feel sometimes is more so for them not being a mommy, than me though, because I know the joy of being a mom and the love that you feel when you hold that little baby in your arms for the first time and realize that the love you feel is stronger than any you have ever felt in your life. It is amazing and it makes me sad that they may never experience that kind of love.


Wow. I feel guilty even admitting that this crossed my mind when my girls were first diagnosed with CF, but it did. I guess it was just one of the first reactions I had, while I was drowning in my own self-pity. That God this reaction didn't last long!

At first I had the normal anger and sadness reactions that most of us have. I knew quite a lot about CF when my girls were diagnosed because my nephew having CF. And I remember one day looking at the baby scrap books that I was making for my girls and just breaking down. When I started the scrapbooks it was in hopes that they would some day get to sit with their own children or grandchildren and share the stories and memories that I was documenting for them. But then the realty of it all hit me, that this may never happen. It was the first time that I thought about it. And I just would cry and ask myself why bother with the scrapbooks. There won't be any family to pass them on to anyways. I have had a tough time getting motivated to really work on them in the past few years, but do plan on finishing all my scrapbooks for my girls to enjoy themselves.

Then over the years my girls have commented how they want to be a mommy just like me when they grow up. And sometimes it makes me sad because they don't understand yet the impact that it could have on them. But I just smile and tell them that they will have to make that choice with their husband when they get big.

And since both of my only children have CF, I realize that I may never be a grandma. It did hurt, but my girls health means more to me than the joy of being a grandparent. I will never let them know that I ever felt this way because I never want them to think that they have to jeapordize their health to give me grandkids. I guess as they get older, I will have to be careful about saying things about having grandchildren!

So to sum it up. I was sad at first when I realized that I may never have grandchildren, which I guess is pretty selfish. But now I am ok with it. I am not disappointed.

And the sadness I do feel sometimes is more so for them not being a mommy, than me though, because I know the joy of being a mom and the love that you feel when you hold that little baby in your arms for the first time and realize that the love you feel is stronger than any you have ever felt in your life. It is amazing and it makes me sad that they may never experience that kind of love.