a2 rejection


New member
Has anyone had rejections (level 1 and 2) multiple times and finally got rid of it? I've had A1 rejection four times and my last bronch I had a2. THey presribed phymoglobulin. Anyone had this? What's it like? Thanks in advance. SIncerely, worried.


New member
Has anyone had rejections (level 1 and 2) multiple times and finally got rid of it? I've had A1 rejection four times and my last bronch I had a2. THey presribed phymoglobulin. Anyone had this? What's it like? Thanks in advance. SIncerely, worried.


New member
Has anyone had rejections (level 1 and 2) multiple times and finally got rid of it? I've had A1 rejection four times and my last bronch I had a2. THey presribed phymoglobulin. Anyone had this? What's it like? Thanks in advance. SIncerely, worried.


New member
Has anyone had rejections (level 1 and 2) multiple times and finally got rid of it? I've had A1 rejection four times and my last bronch I had a2. THey presribed phymoglobulin. Anyone had this? What's it like? Thanks in advance. SIncerely, worried.


New member
Has anyone had rejections (level 1 and 2) multiple times and finally got rid of it? I've had A1 rejection four times and my last bronch I had a2. THey presribed phymoglobulin. Anyone had this? What's it like? Thanks in advance. SIncerely, worried.