Abby's 1st Clinic Visit


New member
Wow...I had hoped to type out this post Tuesday night, but we were so incredibly tired from our journey to Atlanta (mostly because we had to leave Warner Robins at 6 AM for her 9:30 appt) that I couldn't force my fingers to type.

Here's the gist of the day:

1. We met with the Respriatory Therapist who did the culture and checked out Abby's lungs. Easy and painless.

2. We met with the nurse who just asked us a few questions, got a couple of vitals (length, weight, etc.) and moved on. Again, painless.

3. We met with the nutritionist who was concerned that Abby's height and weight percentile average puts her in the "red zone" which is below average. Abby's weight at 7lbs 13oz is in the 10th percentile while her length at 22" is in the 90th percentile. Since I am breastfeeding, she suggested that I put Abby on infant multivitims which contain vitamin D to help round out her vitamin needs since breastmilk usually creates a vitamin D deficiency in infants. She suggested we avoid vitamins with iron. She also requested another stool sample before we left for enzyme retesting. She felt that Abby (looking at me ... thin I am NOT, but I am tall...and Dave... 6'8" tall) is probably just going to be tall and thin, but she didn't want to chance that there was an error in the original enzyme test.

4. We waited on Dr. Caplan for about 45 minutes and because of a flat tire, he was going to be we were told to go to lunch and come back...straight to room #2.

5. Met with Dr. Caplan. Explained using diagrams what CF affects and how it may possibly affect Abby. He did his check over of her and said she looked to be in good shape. I asked about CPT and he said that until she sounded like she needed it or there was cause to do so, that he wasn't going to prescribe it. Very postive outlook about her ultimate prognosis.

I asked him about having her retested. He has had no experience with Genzyme (the company that did our prenatal testing) having a false positive prenatal screen through amnio because they are looking for two specific mutations. They take great care to remove the mother's DNA from the baby's. He said that there is a higher risk of a false negative, especially if the mutations are hard to locate (as in very rare or new mutations). He was not interested in retesting her. After that conversation, I felt ok about not retesting her, but I am going to continue to ask at each appointment about it as a curiosity measure. Dr. Caplan just doesn't want to do anything invasive since she is so small and in his experience with her gene combination, a sweat test isn't going to show anything conclusive. I'm not in a rush any more about that issue.

6. All in all, Abby checked out fine and we are to report back every 6 weeks until 1 year and then depending on how she is doing, we'll go every 3-6 months after that.

Talked to her Pedi on the way home and he is delighted with how things are going. We all feel a sense of relief that things are plugging along with Abby and that she continues to be asymptomatic. Her next appointment is on Halloween, so that should be fun. Dave is taking the day off again, so we will probably make a day of it. I'm sure that if/when (Heaven Forbid) Abby becomes sick, the appointments won't be as easy, however, I'm just glad that we are providing the best up-front and preventative care for her possible!!!

Thank you to you all who have provided guidance and support. Dave and I appreciate it more than you know.



New member
That's great! Keep up the good work and she should continue to do well! I am going to inquire on Monday at my appt about carrier testing for Brian, I'm nervous about the results, but we have to do it!


New member
wow how did you remember all that info, craigs first appointment was just a blur the next day, mind you it did come back to mind over the week. Did you take notes? I wish I had at first.

We started a daily journal of everything, times of feed, how much eaten, medicines given and there times even stools and there consistancy. It actually came in handy at clinic when they ask you how they feed etc. Info at your finger Mind you after a while it became a chore, but we kept it up for a year.
Might want to try it.


New member
Great thorough information!

Thanks for keeping us all updated!

Elizabeth/Chipper28 (firefox won't let me log in right now andd didn't want to take the time to deal with it)


New member
Sounds like a good clinic visit. As for that 10% weight 90% height on the growth charts: my son was in the same boat at that age and it was a bit slow going to get him to the 25% mark on weight, but he got there. He's now 3 and at about the 50% mark. We decided that we were not going to fret about his percentile so long as he was making progress and it's been helpful to jettison at least one worry from our list that way.


New member
I have a pretty good memory because Abby slept most of the appointment so I didn't have to worry about entertainment. I think when she gets older it will be increasingly difficult to remember everything!

Thank you, folione, for your suggestion about not worrying about her weight. It is normal in our family to have long skinny babies until they hit 1 and then they are chunks. I'm just going to keep feeding her like we have been and go from there. I agree that worrying won't accomplish anything with her weight.

Thanks everybody!
