Abnormal pap smear


New member
Quick background information: Been having bad bloating and digestive issues after never really having much issues with bowel movements. Went to GI doctor and he ruled out any gastric emptying problems. Put me on Miralax and Metamucil.

Also, went to gyno to see if the issues could be related to anything other than digestive issues. Had my first pap smear (I'm 25 and several years too late) and they called today to say that there were some abnormal cells, but ruled out HPV as a cause. Has this happened to anyone else? Could it be simply that I have CF and CFRD and they aren't use to that? I've also been on Cipro for past few weeks. Gyno wants to see me back in 6 months for another pap smear; however, I am a bit concerned about this. I have had unprotected sex in the past - could it be an STD? I am going to call gyno back to get more information because I was a little shocked and didn't know what to ask. Any input or experience with this?
I went through this same scenario about a year ago. I spent an agonizing week worrying about HPV, because the doctor was convinced that's what it was. He did some painful test down there, and after all was said and done it turned out not to be HPV, and he never really gave me an explanation other than "normal body changes." I've since had 2 check ups, each 6 months apart, and still all tests show nothing. I also have CFRD, but never thought that might be a factor, but I don't know. Interesting that you mention you were on antibiotics at the time. I used to use the Cetaphil antibacterial bar soap in the shower because it helped with acne, but I stopped because I was getting yeast infections from the soap running down. At the time all of this was happening, I think I had just cleared an infection, and I thought perhaps that was a reason for the abnormal pap to begin with.


Super Moderator

I have a lot of experience in this arena (unfortunately). I'll try not to ramble!

I've had abnormal/precancerous cells twice. Both times had to have a procedure called a colposcopy for a closer look. These showed high-grade squamous(sp) cells that were the highest-grade before turning cancerous. The first time my pap/colpo came back with these cells I was told it was almost surely caused by HPV. I was shocked because my husband (fiance at the time) and I had been in a monogamous relationship for over 4 years at the time. Obviously I was certain I hadn't cheated, and I was 99.9% sure he hadn't either so I was very upset to be told HPV. My gyno told us that while it IS considered in STD, it didn't mean either one of us was unfaithful. She said it can be dormant in your body and then just appear (in a nutshell). Well come to find out after further DNA testing, it was NOT HPV. I REALLY wish they would not have told me that to begin with. So, for me there was no explanation for the abnormal cells.

I ended up having to have the precancerous cells removed twice by using the LEEP procedure. Basically they use an electrosurgical knife to cut away the part of the cervix where the cells are. To be honest, it is not pleasant, nor were the biopsies. The good news is that yours are not to level where your gyno feels she/he needs to do something immediately. I have had several friends who had abnormal cells on a pap but their next pap came back normal.

I think in your situation I would feel comfortable watching and waiting like your gyno wants to do. I don't think your CF/CFRD, or being on Cipro should have any bearing on a pap smear. As to the STDs, did they include an STD screening as part of your exam? If not, I would suggest having that done with your next exam since you mentioned you have had unprotected sex. I'm not sure if an untreated STD could cause abnormal cells or not, but either way you should probably rule that out.

Take care and let us know if you have more questions,

Autumn 32 w/CF