Hi, My name is Melissa. I was the original poster of "does this sound like cf?" Anyway, I have a few ?'s My son still hasnt been tested yet. I think my ped. reasoning is our last name is hispanic and not a big risk factor. But our children are 3/4 cacausion. Also he is our 6th child and she figures we would have known by now if we carried that gene. I was wondering if we were carriers what would be the odd's of having a cf child? Is it possible to have 1 out of 6? My son is still staying in the 3rd percentile but has droped slightly in his weight gain. His bowl habbits have changed too. He doesnt poop all the time anymore and the bm's have firmed up a bit. He only goes once or twice a week now and gets gassy. He is still breast fed and on solids. (which havent helped him gain any weight) But now he is on solid food it smells like sour rotting food. It smells like when you leave a pot of food soaking and forget to wash it right away. Yuk! I have also noticed that what ever he eats comes out looking simmular to what it did when I fed it to him. It only looks like he is partially digesting it. He also coughs frequently be the dr blows it off as post nasal drip and allergy problems. Wich it could be. I am just frustrated! I know something is wrong but nobody takes me seriously. I am scared of him getting sick because he is so small. He cant afford to loose any weight. From everything I have read if a baby is under the 5th percentile dr should check to see if there is an underlying cause. It is called failure to thrive. I dont see how his ped is not concerned. Just becuase he looks healthy doesnt mean there could be a reason for the very slow weight gain. Sorry I just needed to vent!