? about high fat diet


New member
The doctors say CF kids need to have a diet high in fat but what will this do to their heart and bodies in the future? I went to a Juice Plus seminar yesterday and the nurse there was shocked when i told her my children need bacon, butter on everything etc. She said there are "good fats" and "bad fats". do any of you worry about this? She said avacodos, fish and tofu are high in good fats. Does anyone know of anything else healthy and fattening??????You hear everywhere that fat isnt good for you so why do our CF kids need so much of it? Thanks! Jennifer PS does anyone take Juice Plus?


New member
The doctors say CF kids need to have a diet high in fat but what will this do to their heart and bodies in the future? I went to a Juice Plus seminar yesterday and the nurse there was shocked when i told her my children need bacon, butter on everything etc. She said there are "good fats" and "bad fats". do any of you worry about this? She said avacodos, fish and tofu are high in good fats. Does anyone know of anything else healthy and fattening??????You hear everywhere that fat isnt good for you so why do our CF kids need so much of it? Thanks! Jennifer PS does anyone take Juice Plus?


New member
the reason our kids need so much good and bad fat (with enzymes)s that their bodies have trouble digesting and distributing the fat even with enzymes, they also burn calories much much faster than the rest of us. They need the fats in order to absorb the fat soluable vitamins ADEK's. Because they do not metabolize the fats as well it shouldn't be a problem in the future. We have to add fat to give them a "normal" level of fat in their bodies. Otherwise they wouldn't have enough fat. (and believe it or not we all need fat, fat <i>IS</i> good for you in the right quantities and our kids with CF need more than most people because of malabsorbtion) Olive and canola oils are also both healthy and fattening. Never heard of juice plus. DO NOT take nutritional advise for your CF kid from someone who is not VERY well versed in CF related nutrition. People who claim to know about nutrition are no replacement for a registered dietion or nutritionist. good luck and take careAndrea


New member
the reason our kids need so much good and bad fat (with enzymes)s that their bodies have trouble digesting and distributing the fat even with enzymes, they also burn calories much much faster than the rest of us. They need the fats in order to absorb the fat soluable vitamins ADEK's. Because they do not metabolize the fats as well it shouldn't be a problem in the future. We have to add fat to give them a "normal" level of fat in their bodies. Otherwise they wouldn't have enough fat. (and believe it or not we all need fat, fat <i>IS</i> good for you in the right quantities and our kids with CF need more than most people because of malabsorbtion) Olive and canola oils are also both healthy and fattening. Never heard of juice plus. DO NOT take nutritional advise for your CF kid from someone who is not VERY well versed in CF related nutrition. People who claim to know about nutrition are no replacement for a registered dietion or nutritionist. good luck and take careAndrea


New member
I was always worried about that too because I study nutrition. I know CFers need extra fat, but I know that some fats are better or "good" fats like you said. I try to eat nuts especially almonds, avacados, I add extra olive iol to salads or whatever I can find. I believe just because our bodies need more fat we do not have to eat "junky" foods such as donuts or candy bars. I feel much better when I eat healthy and its easy to do without losing calories. I never drink soda, but will replace it with glasses of milk or fruit juice because these still have calories, but do not deplete the calcium from our bodies the way soda does. BUT in defense of the "bad" fats O do think that CFers can get away with eating more of it than other people and if your child can't keep their weight on I would not cut them out altogether. I just think we could feel healthier if we try to cut down slightly on the bad fat and add many more good fats. Thats just my two cents...


New member
I was always worried about that too because I study nutrition. I know CFers need extra fat, but I know that some fats are better or "good" fats like you said. I try to eat nuts especially almonds, avacados, I add extra olive iol to salads or whatever I can find. I believe just because our bodies need more fat we do not have to eat "junky" foods such as donuts or candy bars. I feel much better when I eat healthy and its easy to do without losing calories. I never drink soda, but will replace it with glasses of milk or fruit juice because these still have calories, but do not deplete the calcium from our bodies the way soda does. BUT in defense of the "bad" fats O do think that CFers can get away with eating more of it than other people and if your child can't keep their weight on I would not cut them out altogether. I just think we could feel healthier if we try to cut down slightly on the bad fat and add many more good fats. Thats just my two cents...


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I asked the same question and our dietician said that because the kids dont absorb all the fat we feed them there is no problem with cholesterol or anything else. Hope this helps.


New member
I asked the same question and our dietician said that because the kids dont absorb all the fat we feed them there is no problem with cholesterol or anything else. Hope this helps.


New member
I am going to bring up the same subject with our dietician at our next visit. I too have been giving our daughter more good fats than bad and find that she gets less colds. When she eats a lot of bad fats I find it affects her immune system, and she gets more colds, but that could be my imagination.Our clinic team did tell us that cholesterol is a problem as people with CF reach adulthood and I want to avoid that if possible. I think that you need to try different things and do what you feel is best, but always keep your team advised. Good luck!


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Hey I have a question to the person who said that cholestrol becomes a problem as CFers reach adulthood...does this mean we are more likely to get clogged arteries or is it something lung related. Sorry I guess I don't know much of the topic..thanks


New member
HI: I was told a couple of years ago, that the "good" (?) thing for my little girl was that she would never have to be concerned about cholesterol and could eat anything fatty and as much as she wants. So, to answer the question, the nutritionist and CF specialist said no worries over high cholesterol. Mary


New member
I am 55, overweight and my cholesterol levels (225) are pretty good for my size. My good cholesterol is very high, & my ratio is excellent, which always amazes the doctors. We eat the same things, but my husband has had colesterol levels of over 400 ( he is now on medication). Has to be the Gene's, and the reduction of fat absorption for us CF'rs. Maybe they can figure out a way to use the CF gene to cure cholesterol problems & eliminate heart attacks. Wouldn't that be something????MARY55W/CF<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">