??? about someones photo posted


New member
On the photogallery there is a young mans picture posted. When I hover over it, the name Khalil comes up. I was wondering who this young man is? Dont recall the name so I am "assuming" I might know the parents names......just curious since I like to put names to faces!


New member
oh, there's a photogallery????
Awesome!!! How do I get there? Im new to this so im still trying to figure things out. <img src="i/expressions/camera.gif" border="0">


New member
I was curious about this photo as well, it is very rare for someone of african decent to have CF(most common in those with northern europen ancestery). I would like to know how he's doing.


New member
Click on the Cystic Fibrosis.Com on this page. It will bring you to the page that U click on photo gallery, art gallery etc!


New member
BTW Whoever Tamara, Shelly, And Jen are, you guys are purdy durn fine. Do you like men in thongs?


New member
hey, I think I have it figured out. there is alot of cool stuff in the photogallery...thanks for the help. it helps to be able to put names with face.


yea, sounds a little creepy, Sean!

Besides, I don't know who that Jen is (there are a lot of Jennifers on this site!), and Tamara is practically married to some "Guy" (Inside joke for Tam!). Not sure who Shelley is, either, haven't had the pleasure of meeting her, yet.

However, I'm glad you at least didn't ask about that guy who looks like he might be wearing a tux!


New member
In response to anonymous. Actually there are many African carriers of CF but they're very seldom diagnosed. They've actually done extensive research on it in South Africa.

My best friend is an African woman and she has a daughter with CF.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm Shelly...Cale's Mom. He's the "Little Driver" in the picture. And hopefully Sean meant thongs as in flip flops...hehe...


New member
I was wondering who little driver was. My daughter just asked me this morning when we were looking thru them.....couldnt answer her!


New member
My daughter drives my bro in laws boat.....she is a natural also....a natural speeder! Makes my bro in law nervous! LOL!


New member
Yeah, the faster the better. Ours is just a little aluminum boat, so it's not as steady as we'd like it to be. If I haven't flipped it, I'm sure the kids won't!! They're always chanting...faster....faster...or stop! there's the beach!!!! LOL