about the lung function topic


New member
Megan, are you talking anabolic steroids or others such as prednisone? There is a HUGE difference and it strikes me as VERY odd that you say your brother was using steroids and had low weight... this is VERY contrary to what the anabolic steroids do, CF or no CF. I have to question your knowledge on the topic, honestly. I don't mean to offend you, or anyone else, but this is why there is such a HUGE mosconception of anabolic steroids. If they are so harmful, why are people successful using them in other countries? It just doesn't add up to me.


New member
I too think that Megan isn't educated on the topic of Anabolics. I can see why the commentor Male was so irritated with uninformed posters. However, I am hoping that these type of posters read all the responses and get a handel on learning the proper facts, never to prepetituate disinformation again.

Megan must mean glucocorticoids and corticosteroids. As Julie is right, Anabolics wouldn't have this effect and would never not work.

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