ABPA in cystic fibrosis gone undiagnosed due to no IGE elevation


New member
Has anyone information on Aspergillus fumigatus leading to rapid deterioration of Fev1 and CF health in general, coupled with positive skin prick test to Aspergillus mould, acute and sudden shortness of breath along with feeling hot, constant feeling of having to clear throat (feels like it is swelling and voice "deepens" n sounds "weird", when exposed to a musty garage for example, without an elevation in IgE levels? Thanks Blacky


New member
I hope someone has information as I'm curious also. My daughter had a positive culture for aspergillus, but because 6 months before her culture her IGE was normal we were told she had no allergic reaction to it so no problem. Recently she is having trouble with shortness of breath. She has also had a positive skin test showing a mold allergy, but I don't know if aspergillus was specifically tested or not. She had a small drop FEV1. She has a pulmonology appointment this week, so we will see if Aspergillus shows again in her culture.