Ooh, heartburn, if that's what it is, might be a standard symptom of CF. I'm frequently saying that I have GI dominant CF, a less serious form of CF. I'm beginning to feel that GI dominant issues don't get the attention and respect they deserve. Pulmonary issues are more deadly and usually more urgent, but they both impact the quality of life.
I'd be interested in understanding why the shift from a PPI, Proton Pump Inhibitor, to Zantac. Generally speaking if you need a PPI you're going to need the augmented use of something like Zantac. The only good reason for suspending its use, aside from not needing it, is the long term use. My doctor(s) rarely have said that in ten years or so I will have some bone loss the use of one drug or another, PPI's especially.
Anytime I hear heartburn and CF in the same sentence I start to think about everything that feels like heartburn, but isn't. Got your gallbladder? People describe it, including me, as an exquisite case of heartburn, hiccups or a burp/belch caught in the high stomach. A pancreatic attack is similar but called epigastric pain. Both exceed the notion of heartburn in terms of distress.
Heartburn begins as hyperacidity, usually treated with a PPI or antacid if it's occasional. When stomach acid is churning on nothing, eventually it erodes the protective mucus layer and being stomach acid, it burns the lining of the stomach. The actual burning of the stomach lining is very much like a sunburn. In fact many CFers, especially when the entire gut is tender, it's been compared to a sunburn of the viscera, that won't go away. Stomach acid on food does produce hydrochloric acid gas. As a child out of his depth playing with my chemistry set, amply supplied with a stock of powerful and dangerous reagents courtesy of the local drug store, with my father's permission, I encountered a gas from a strong acid. Called fuming nitric acid, when I got it home I decided to smell the fumes.
A dilute acid is used to cauterize a stubborn blood vessel in a nosebleed. What I drew a breath of instantly eroded my nasal mucosa and I had the nosebleed of my lifetime. Lessons learned that day have been worth the mistake, I had an instant understanding the strength of laboratory grade chemicals. My point for anyone who doesn't respect the potential strength of stomach acid, hasn't gotten a nosebleed from vomiting. Heartburn is an already burned stomach lining, exposed to stomach acid and the fumes. Don't suffer long if this doesn't work. I take an Uber PPI called Dexilant in addition to 2 or more Zantac daily.
Hope that helps,
P.S. The reason for hyperacidity caused by CF. Those CFers who like me, have sweaty hands, a CF classic, make for lousy criminals because our fingerprints will literally etch into metal. Definitely my HCL concentrated sweat removes the bluing on gunmetal, leaving a permanent finger print wherever it's touched. That sweat chloride test for CF is a hint, in effect the test measures the concentration of chlorine in our sweat. Defective mucus cells are lining the gut of CF patients that produces way too much chloride, 2 chlorine atoms looking for a better match, and the stomach has special cells that provide that matches with protons. Protons in this case is a little bit of chemical terminology. Hydrogen like chlorine, hates to be alone and being our smallest and simplest element, a single hydrogen is called a proton.
The strength of stomach acid depends on how much hydrogen and chlorine bind, the more, the stronger. A non CFer doesn't have an excess of chloride ions as we do. This is why gastritis and GERD are so common in CF. PPI's reduce the availability of hydrogen protons. Bummer.