Acid Reflux


New member
Hi all - I have a child with CF (that did not have acid reflux), but my cousin's child does. I know that he and his wife were not tested for the CF gene (for reasons I will never understand).. Anyway, his child has severe acid reflux and is miserable. My question is, how many of you were diagnosed, or have a child that was diagnosed with CF because of this. I know is can be a symptom, but I don't know if it is one that "rates" at the top of the list. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!!!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter, Hayley, 18 months old, was diagnosed with CF due to reflux. Her condition started with reflux at about 2 months old, failure to gain weight, vomiting most feedings. We tried Zantac, switching formulas, nothing was working. They she began aspirating her formula into her lungs, which caused respiratory problems, she turned blue a few times and we went to the hospital. She was admitted and several tests were run, upper GI and a Broncoscopy, both of which confirmed severe reflux. My daughter was even on a ventialtor for about a week. She had a surgery called a Nissen Fundoplication (stomach wrap, if you google it you will get the scientific explanation). She now cannot vomit or burp even. But she still continued to have respiratory problems even after the surgery and recovery and that is when they did the sweat test and we got the CF diagnosis. From everything I have read acid reflux and reflux are VERY common in CFer's and in my opinion your cousin should have their child tested just to rule out CF because kids do so much better the earlier they are diagnosed!! Hopefully they are seeing a gastroentrologist (probably butchered that spelling!) that can help with the reflux and maybe even suggest the sweat test! Let me know if you have any other questions!!


New member
Hello... my son Mason is scheduled to have a SWEAT TEST done, also the Upper GI test, he is a refluxer, 30+ times a day, I stoped all his solids and he was taking in only Alimentum Formula and Cereal and he stopped spitting up as much, and the GI Dr told me today to allow him to have that all back so we can doa food chart for 72hrs along w/ 7 stool samples, my son was 5lbs 15oz. 18inch long at birth and he was full term, at 4 months old he had RSV which shocked me b/c usually Preemies have it, and my 3 y/o who was a preemie didnt have RSv, so now moreand mroe than I read up on CF im getting nervous, Mason will be 1 Oct. 5th 2005 and only weighs 14lbs 2oz. he is less than the 4th percentile. So if youd like to message me on the reflux or CF please do so, ~~Kira


New member
Also Mason is Failure to Thrive, he had a bone density test done at 5 months and it came back at as the bone age of a new born baby!!!