AD and CF?


New member
I have a child who is 9 in one of my sailing classes that has CF but also seems to have some kind of hyperactivity or AD problem. I know the two aren't related.
My reason for putting this on the forum is I am trying to help him but I am trying to figure out what he is going through so as a CF child do you feel different to everyone else, how much does it disrupt your life, do you think your parents treat you differently, do you worry a lot about it? Or do you not even notice it as it routine and normal?


New member
hi I am 11 And my name is Brittany Fischer I sometimes feel different from every one else I cough a lot and I am the size of a 5
year old it does scare me when I am sick because We can die any second my parents only treat me different than my sister when
i am sick because she pays more attention to me
well I hope to hear from you soon
mye-mail address is


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I have been diagnosed with ADD and with CF, ADD (attention deficit disorder) when I was in 3rd grade and CF at 5 months. These two things are totally unrelaited. Although if you are concerned that this child is acting out, or being disruptive, it might stem from the fact he feels like he dosen't fit in. It's hard to cope at that age being different from all the other kids can really be upsetting. By 9 years old you understand you are different but don't really understand why or how. I was lucky enough to be an only child so to me having CF at home was totally normal getting chest PT and meds everyday, but if he's not it might be more obvious to him that he's different. Also at 9 years old, you more fear CF because you don't understand it, not because of what the real effects are on your body. Like the girl above me (11yrs old) she thinks she can die at any second, CF is not an acute illness, but thoughts like that can cause anxiety and make children more upset about the challenges they face. Make sure to work with the parents in getting him tested for ADD, it's a test to measure his brain wave patterns, and make sure that he isn't isolated in your class room. Make sure to do your research, he really might just be a troubled kid, people love to jump on ADD as the answer because it's the easy way out. Best of luck.


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<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">hi i have a son who has CF his sister passed away when she was12 years old they were twins and every day i miss her


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">hi i have a son who has CF his sister passed away when she was12 years old they were twins and every day i miss her<hr></blockquote>

<img src="i/expressions/puppy_eyes.gif" border="0">the world has no clue of how many people have CF and I don't think they care but I do so if you need a person to talk to call me at TINYFEET67@YAHOO.COM


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I am an adult now, but I can look back and thank goodness that my parents didn't treat me differently from my sisters without CF. I can even recall the time my mother told me that her friend said to her it was wrong for her to make me do house chores... My mom told her friend, "I'm not going to spoil her because of a disability". And I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.

I've seen many young kids with CF get babied by parents, and then when the time comes for them to make their own decisions they are lost. They can't take care of themselves... they became dependant on someone.

All I can say is please don't treat this child any different you would from another student. Yes at times with the CF he/she might have to take a breather, but other than that treat him/her equally. I think that's all anybody really wants.

<EDIT> And as a kid I was very hyper active... which thank goodness back then I was allowed to be a kid, and play, though I probably didn't have ADD at least I wasn't given medications to slow me down. I not sure how I feel about that idea. I think we need to let our kids be kids and play, give them lots of attention, and help them stive through the learning process. It is incredible how hyper active some CF kids can be. <EDN EDIT>


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hey im 14 and my parents dont treat me to much differently but i do feal different from everyone else i just know that im not the same as all of my friends are but i dont really care unless i get left out just because i have CF i dont really worry about it and it is a routine for me and some of my sibs i dont even let it affect my life i just live it and thats why i have so many friends they respect me and think that im awesome cause i live like them just with a couple extra things to do and im not going to lie to you it gets really hard sometimes but then God helps me through it and im back to normal well for me anyway


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safren, that is a very good attitude to have... and people will look at you and respect you for appreciating the simple things in life.