


I am just thrown into doing the chest compressions for twin babies turning one (they were 3 months premature so are behind developmentally). The vitamins are such a mess. I just today stained the carpet, we are still trying to get it out. It's seems like it's something every single time. I don't even get the full 2 chest cycles in on each baby. Time is so short trying to do everything as simple as naps and feedings with these guys... there really wasn't free time to even fit all this new stuff in. I am not quitting, they need me to find a way to make all this work. Any advice?


I am just thrown into doing the chest compressions for twin babies turning one (they were 3 months premature so are behind developmentally). The vitamins are such a mess. I just today stained the carpet, we are still trying to get it out. It's seems like it's something every single time. I don't even get the full 2 chest cycles in on each baby. Time is so short trying to do everything as simple as naps and feedings with these guys... there really wasn't free time to even fit all this new stuff in. I am not quitting, they need me to find a way to make all this work. Any advice?


I am just thrown into doing the chest compressions for twin babies turning one (they were 3 months premature so are behind developmentally). The vitamins are such a mess. I just today stained the carpet, we are still trying to get it out. It's seems like it's something every single time. I don't even get the full 2 chest cycles in on each baby. Time is so short trying to do everything as simple as naps and feedings with these guys... there really wasn't free time to even fit all this new stuff in. I am not quitting, they need me to find a way to make all this work. Any advice?


Staff member
I found using the medicine dropper was a total mess and leaked. I instead used 1 ml oral syringe. One trick we used was putting the adeks in an empty nipple from a bottle and just had ds suck it down. You can mix in alittle juice but not formula or milk or they can associate it with the milk and not eat.

At first I kept the bottle at the changing table, which kept the spills to a minimum and fairlly confined. I gave DS his vitamins in the morning when I changed him and again when I changed him in the early evening. He got two doses a day.


Staff member
I found using the medicine dropper was a total mess and leaked. I instead used 1 ml oral syringe. One trick we used was putting the adeks in an empty nipple from a bottle and just had ds suck it down. You can mix in alittle juice but not formula or milk or they can associate it with the milk and not eat.

At first I kept the bottle at the changing table, which kept the spills to a minimum and fairlly confined. I gave DS his vitamins in the morning when I changed him and again when I changed him in the early evening. He got two doses a day.


Staff member
I found using the medicine dropper was a total mess and leaked. I instead used 1 ml oral syringe. One trick we used was putting the adeks in an empty nipple from a bottle and just had ds suck it down. You can mix in alittle juice but not formula or milk or they can associate it with the milk and not eat.
<br />
<br />At first I kept the bottle at the changing table, which kept the spills to a minimum and fairlly confined. I gave DS his vitamins in the morning when I changed him and again when I changed him in the early evening. He got two doses a day.


Staff member
As for getting everything in, just get into a routine. See what works for you. CPT was one of the most important items for us because DS got bronchitis at 3 months old and we saw how important it was to keep those lungs clear. I wrote EVERYTHING down, kept a notebook at first to keep track of meds, treatments, feedings (input and output).

Granted we didn't have two, just one; however, I just figured out how much time it would take to do cpt -- we did 4 at first for 15 minutes each time. In the morning before DS woke up, then when we got home from work, before WE went to bed and then DH would do one in the middle of the night if DS had a cough.


Staff member
As for getting everything in, just get into a routine. See what works for you. CPT was one of the most important items for us because DS got bronchitis at 3 months old and we saw how important it was to keep those lungs clear. I wrote EVERYTHING down, kept a notebook at first to keep track of meds, treatments, feedings (input and output).

Granted we didn't have two, just one; however, I just figured out how much time it would take to do cpt -- we did 4 at first for 15 minutes each time. In the morning before DS woke up, then when we got home from work, before WE went to bed and then DH would do one in the middle of the night if DS had a cough.


Staff member
As for getting everything in, just get into a routine. See what works for you. CPT was one of the most important items for us because DS got bronchitis at 3 months old and we saw how important it was to keep those lungs clear. I wrote EVERYTHING down, kept a notebook at first to keep track of meds, treatments, feedings (input and output).
<br />
<br />Granted we didn't have two, just one; however, I just figured out how much time it would take to do cpt -- we did 4 at first for 15 minutes each time. In the morning before DS woke up, then when we got home from work, before WE went to bed and then DH would do one in the middle of the night if DS had a cough.


So you can do the cpt when they are falling asleep? I was under the impression they had to be sitting up and awake. Doing it with our routine for naps and bedtime would be easier for me since we already do feedings and rock, that would be good news.

I am already designating nipples for the trial run with the ADEK and i have droppers from their other meds I would have never thought of using for this. I am just brain fried with no sleep and pushing myself to get through all this.

Can't thank you enough, today was tough and I really appreciate it.


So you can do the cpt when they are falling asleep? I was under the impression they had to be sitting up and awake. Doing it with our routine for naps and bedtime would be easier for me since we already do feedings and rock, that would be good news.

I am already designating nipples for the trial run with the ADEK and i have droppers from their other meds I would have never thought of using for this. I am just brain fried with no sleep and pushing myself to get through all this.

Can't thank you enough, today was tough and I really appreciate it.


So you can do the cpt when they are falling asleep? I was under the impression they had to be sitting up and awake. Doing it with our routine for naps and bedtime would be easier for me since we already do feedings and rock, that would be good news.
<br />
<br />I am already designating nipples for the trial run with the ADEK and i have droppers from their other meds I would have never thought of using for this. I am just brain fried with no sleep and pushing myself to get through all this.
<br />
<br />Can't thank you enough, today was tough and I really appreciate it.


New member
One suggestion that I have is switch to VitaMax... my daughter took it much better because it had a better taste, we switched when she was a few weeks old because one of her nurses suggested it because of the taste.


New member
One suggestion that I have is switch to VitaMax... my daughter took it much better because it had a better taste, we switched when she was a few weeks old because one of her nurses suggested it because of the taste.


New member
One suggestion that I have is switch to VitaMax... my daughter took it much better because it had a better taste, we switched when she was a few weeks old because one of her nurses suggested it because of the taste.


New member
Sadie started with adek too and it was so gross, it was difficult getting her to take it and i felt bad giving it to her. Somehow it was backordered when we needed to reorder and got vitamax instead, we have never gone back. We've always put it in her bottle and we haven't had a problem, but she's been getting it that way since 4 weeks, she probably doesn't know what real milk even tastes like. With the chest PT, my husband and I split it up, I do mornings and he does evenings, it seemed fair. We try to do it before her morning or night bottles; if she's sounding a little stuffy or has a runny nose, we'll throw in a lunch time pat-pat, too, just to keep things moving.

Good luck to you, I'm sure you have your hands full. But eventually you'll find something that works for your family, keep trying. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Sadie started with adek too and it was so gross, it was difficult getting her to take it and i felt bad giving it to her. Somehow it was backordered when we needed to reorder and got vitamax instead, we have never gone back. We've always put it in her bottle and we haven't had a problem, but she's been getting it that way since 4 weeks, she probably doesn't know what real milk even tastes like. With the chest PT, my husband and I split it up, I do mornings and he does evenings, it seemed fair. We try to do it before her morning or night bottles; if she's sounding a little stuffy or has a runny nose, we'll throw in a lunch time pat-pat, too, just to keep things moving.

Good luck to you, I'm sure you have your hands full. But eventually you'll find something that works for your family, keep trying. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">