

New member
Sadie started with adek too and it was so gross, it was difficult getting her to take it and i felt bad giving it to her. Somehow it was backordered when we needed to reorder and got vitamax instead, we have never gone back. We've always put it in her bottle and we haven't had a problem, but she's been getting it that way since 4 weeks, she probably doesn't know what real milk even tastes like. With the chest PT, my husband and I split it up, I do mornings and he does evenings, it seemed fair. We try to do it before her morning or night bottles; if she's sounding a little stuffy or has a runny nose, we'll throw in a lunch time pat-pat, too, just to keep things moving.
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<br />Good luck to you, I'm sure you have your hands full. But eventually you'll find something that works for your family, keep trying. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
getting every thing doen for me and madison is a bugger. but i make sure she gets all her stuff even if i dont .. we use ADEK i mix it with a spoon full of apple sauce or other food and suck it up a 10 ml syringe she takes it done and doesnt spit it out , good luck with every thing


New member
getting every thing doen for me and madison is a bugger. but i make sure she gets all her stuff even if i dont .. we use ADEK i mix it with a spoon full of apple sauce or other food and suck it up a 10 ml syringe she takes it done and doesnt spit it out , good luck with every thing


New member
getting every thing doen for me and madison is a bugger. but i make sure she gets all her stuff even if i dont .. we use ADEK i mix it with a spoon full of apple sauce or other food and suck it up a 10 ml syringe she takes it done and doesnt spit it out , good luck with every thing


Staff member
Other issue with mixing adeks in with a bottle is you never quite know if they're getting all of it. DS was a horrible eater and sometimes would eat 4-5 ounces, other times only an ounce or two.

As for CPT -- We did CPT when they were sleepy and sleeping. It seemed to calm DS and he'd fall asleep. We'd do it with DS resting on our legs -- either we'd be sitting in the chair or on our bed.


Staff member
Other issue with mixing adeks in with a bottle is you never quite know if they're getting all of it. DS was a horrible eater and sometimes would eat 4-5 ounces, other times only an ounce or two.

As for CPT -- We did CPT when they were sleepy and sleeping. It seemed to calm DS and he'd fall asleep. We'd do it with DS resting on our legs -- either we'd be sitting in the chair or on our bed.


Staff member
Other issue with mixing adeks in with a bottle is you never quite know if they're getting all of it. DS was a horrible eater and sometimes would eat 4-5 ounces, other times only an ounce or two.
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<br />As for CPT -- We did CPT when they were sleepy and sleeping. It seemed to calm DS and he'd fall asleep. We'd do it with DS resting on our legs -- either we'd be sitting in the chair or on our bed.


New member
Isaac took liquid ADEKs in a sippy cup with half juice (oj) and half water. He loved it. THen he switched to chewables as soon as he was capable.


New member
Isaac took liquid ADEKs in a sippy cup with half juice (oj) and half water. He loved it. THen he switched to chewables as soon as he was capable.


New member
Isaac took liquid ADEKs in a sippy cup with half juice (oj) and half water. He loved it. THen he switched to chewables as soon as he was capable.


New member
You can definitely do CPT while sleeping! I can't imagine not! Jordin would always fall asleep during her CPT, it would calm and relax her. Nebs as well, if and when you start them. You can do them while sleeping too.

It is alot to fit in, I can't imagine 2 1 year olds! Hang in there and hopefully you can work everything in to your schedule! PM me if you have any questions, I have a 1 year old as well!


New member
You can definitely do CPT while sleeping! I can't imagine not! Jordin would always fall asleep during her CPT, it would calm and relax her. Nebs as well, if and when you start them. You can do them while sleeping too.

It is alot to fit in, I can't imagine 2 1 year olds! Hang in there and hopefully you can work everything in to your schedule! PM me if you have any questions, I have a 1 year old as well!


New member
You can definitely do CPT while sleeping! I can't imagine not! Jordin would always fall asleep during her CPT, it would calm and relax her. Nebs as well, if and when you start them. You can do them while sleeping too.
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<br />It is alot to fit in, I can't imagine 2 1 year olds! Hang in there and hopefully you can work everything in to your schedule! PM me if you have any questions, I have a 1 year old as well!


New member
Yep! We did sleep time chest PT, as well. Trouble was, very often WE fell asleep, too. I remember that it was winter, and we sometimes got so cozy on the couch or in the rocker to do PT, that the person doing the patting would nod off. Ahhh, that was nice! We were glad to have the vest at around 18 months, because IT couldn't fall asleep. To this day, whomever sits with Em while she vests seems to nod off.

The vitamax vitamins are definately better - less spitting up, less staining. For the stains from the awful orange ones, I found that a solution of 1 part borax to 1 part water was about all that took it out. I soaked clothes in it and doused many a carpet with it. It worked, sometimes.

Work out a routine as best you can. For the first year, I was so afraid I'd forget something that I typed up a check list. For each hour, I wrote down what I was supposed to be doing for Em, and I actually checked off the boxes. When we started having sitters once I went back to work this was GREAT!!!! I still do this when the routine changes or when a new med is added. It just forces you to keeo track of stuff, which was hard with one, I can't imagine 2!!!

Good luck to you. You were blessed with twins (something I thought I wanted until I had one....LOL!) Above all, just love and enjoy them!!!


New member
Yep! We did sleep time chest PT, as well. Trouble was, very often WE fell asleep, too. I remember that it was winter, and we sometimes got so cozy on the couch or in the rocker to do PT, that the person doing the patting would nod off. Ahhh, that was nice! We were glad to have the vest at around 18 months, because IT couldn't fall asleep. To this day, whomever sits with Em while she vests seems to nod off.

The vitamax vitamins are definately better - less spitting up, less staining. For the stains from the awful orange ones, I found that a solution of 1 part borax to 1 part water was about all that took it out. I soaked clothes in it and doused many a carpet with it. It worked, sometimes.

Work out a routine as best you can. For the first year, I was so afraid I'd forget something that I typed up a check list. For each hour, I wrote down what I was supposed to be doing for Em, and I actually checked off the boxes. When we started having sitters once I went back to work this was GREAT!!!! I still do this when the routine changes or when a new med is added. It just forces you to keeo track of stuff, which was hard with one, I can't imagine 2!!!

Good luck to you. You were blessed with twins (something I thought I wanted until I had one....LOL!) Above all, just love and enjoy them!!!


New member
Yep! We did sleep time chest PT, as well. Trouble was, very often WE fell asleep, too. I remember that it was winter, and we sometimes got so cozy on the couch or in the rocker to do PT, that the person doing the patting would nod off. Ahhh, that was nice! We were glad to have the vest at around 18 months, because IT couldn't fall asleep. To this day, whomever sits with Em while she vests seems to nod off.
<br />
<br />The vitamax vitamins are definately better - less spitting up, less staining. For the stains from the awful orange ones, I found that a solution of 1 part borax to 1 part water was about all that took it out. I soaked clothes in it and doused many a carpet with it. It worked, sometimes.
<br />
<br />Work out a routine as best you can. For the first year, I was so afraid I'd forget something that I typed up a check list. For each hour, I wrote down what I was supposed to be doing for Em, and I actually checked off the boxes. When we started having sitters once I went back to work this was GREAT!!!! I still do this when the routine changes or when a new med is added. It just forces you to keeo track of stuff, which was hard with one, I can't imagine 2!!!
<br />
<br />Good luck to you. You were blessed with twins (something I thought I wanted until I had one....LOL!) Above all, just love and enjoy them!!!