New member
Hiya my name is JO and i was just wondering if anyone has heard of adeks it has just become available over here in the uk and i wanted to know if anyone had used it and if it made any difference at all i am due to start it next week. best wishes from JO


New member
hi jo......i live here in the US and i have been on ADEK's for about 4 years now....i think they are great!!!! they taste real good!!!! Good luck


New member
I think they work, yes. It's a good vitamin to take. But I'd disagree with the last poster and say that I think they taste disgusting. It's like this fake banana flavor. Real gross. But if you can swallow them whole, it's good for you, so it's a good idea.


New member
<blockquote><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>AbsintheSorrow</b></i>
I think they taste disgusting. It's like this fake banana flavor. Real gross. But if you can swallow them whole, it's good for you, so it's a good idea.<hr></blockquote>
My boyfriend completely agrees with you about the grossness. I did some research, and found the SourceCF softgel vitamins ( These have more of almost every vitamin/mineral in the ADEKs, plus a few things the ADEKs does not. As an additional bonus, they don't need chewing. More bonus - they cost slightly less than ADEKs, and if you buy three or more bottles (1 bottle = 1 month) at a time - no shipping cost.


New member
My daughter takes ADEK chewables. They are not approved in Canada but we have special permission to get them and the manufacturer sends them to our pharmacist. I have never tried them personally but she hates them. She takes them like a trooper but keeps asking when she can have a different vitamin<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I know its wierd but ,i Liked the taste of adeks also. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
~Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


My daughters both LOVE ADEK's (so does my son who does not have CF...I have to fight him off them). I recently switched the girls to Vitamax because we can get them free through the ExtraHelpings program since we use Creon enzymes. Unfortunately the girls don't like them nearly as well...I guess I'll have to start buying ADEK's again...



New member
Hi jo, my grandson also takes the ADEK's,and he has been taking them since birth.He now is 3yrs old and my daughter puts them in his drink.He is on the liquid form,but he has never complained about the taste.I do agree with everyone,they are great.Good luck


New member
Hi, Just want to add my 2 cents. My girls were on ADEKs. They were told by their dietician here that they HAD to be chewed so they stopped taking them. They said they were too gross to chew and made them gag. I also heard of those soft gels that someone else mentioned. They use regular multi vitamins now like they did when we were back in Germany. They take 2 multivitamins, Calcium plus D, and Vit E. Only one daughter needed to take the extra K. This was what their dietician said they could take in place of ADEK. Again though, they were told they HAD to be chewed here. At their last CF clinic in Ohio they never said anything about it and knew they didn't chew them but swallowed them. My girls rather swallow a pill than chew it though.

(mom of 2 teen girls w/CF)


New member
Liza, that's weird. I've never been told ADEKs had to be chewed. I find them gross, and so I take them, but I always swallow them whole. They're rough and difficult to swallow sometimes, but I do it okay. Who told you they had to be chewed? That's so weird.


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I'm from Australia and I have never heard of ADEK's before. Can I ask what are they and what do they do? Has anyone from Australia heard of them?


New member
sami i take adeks. they have been available in australia for years now. they are called vitABDECK and technipro make them. contact your nearest cf association. even though i get mine through the hospital pharmacy the cf association in WA still sells them. adeks contain fat soluble vitamins in a water soluble form so we can absorb them better.


New member
There are chewable ADEK vitamins for the kids. They are the size of horsepills so that is why the kids chew them. Ashley thinks they are disgusting so she sucks them first and says it makes the taste go away......hey whatever works for her.


New member
I, too used to swallow them whole until I saw something in an insert or sheet that came w/ a refill once that said to chew them. I get by chewing them, but don't necessarily like the flavor. It could be a lot grosser, though, like Gas X type stuff. I bought chewable Gas X once by mistake & they are pretty wicked!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Emily, It was the dietician at the clinic that said they HAD to be chewed. "That that is why it says chewable on the bottle." I told her I thought it just meant they COULD be chewed not that they HAD to be chewed. She insisted that they had to be chewed and both my girls said they wouldn't and that is when she came up with the two multi's, plus calcium and E. When they were little I could tell them they had to take something even if they didn't like it, mask it someway. But they are teens now and how are you going to make a teenager chew a vitamin? I wasn't even going to try. They took it for years chewing them then turned to swallowing them about 5 years or so ago. We have just recently, within the last 9 months or so, stopped them and started the other. They didn't have any complaints about their size and swallowing them, look at the size of Cipro 500.

(Mom of 2 teen girls w/CF)


New member
I also heard you have to chew them and I figure if I take them I mine as well get the benefit from them. My doctor also told me to take it with some food so that I would have enzymes in me to help me absorb them. Your body cant absorb vit A,D,E, and K very well anyway so the enzymes help. If you take it with food you can just eat something else right after to get rid of the taste....I for one love the taste of them though. Oh and I was told that if you take 2 a day o spread them out one in the morning one at night for max absorption...I guess two small doses of drugs is easier to absorb than one huge one.