
New member
The body doesn't absorb A, D, E, and K because they're fat soluble vitamins. The whole point with the ADEK vitamins is that they're the fat soluble vitamins in water-soluble form, so that they're easier to absorb for CFers.


New member
I'm on the Vitamax which are also supposed to be chewed (yuck!).
My dietician said it is partly because of how they're made up and that chewing them starts the digestion process right in your mouth. She said I could probably swallow them too, but I would miss out on getting all of the nutrients. I would assume ADEKs are the same (I used to take them as well, but Vitamax seems to have more nutrients in it so I switched.)
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Jo,

My 19month old has been on the adek since day one the dr's said he will be on it for the rest of his life ive had no problems giving it to him


New member

if you don't mind what state are you in the program in NJ is called wee care i wonder if it's the same
Lisa mom of Jason 19m


New member
Yeah I know thats what I said our body doesnt absorb A,D,E, and K well and the ADEKS are made to be easier to digest, but the enzymes also aide in the digestion. So basically we said the same thing, but its cool never hurts to repeat things I guess


New member
I have been taking Adek for almost eight years here in Canada, I was never given chewables so I don't know how they taste. I can't say I know how good they are because I have never used anything else.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
I've taken adek's before and the taste wasnt' great, but it was tolerable. Don't get scared off from the taste. They taste like any children's chewable vitamin, in my opinion. I also think that you can get them in different flavors, though it's been a while since I've taken them, so my memory might be off. Take care: )


New member
I took ADEKs for a number of years also, but then the price went up and switched to Vitamax, I had a hard time taking Vitamax cause i so disliked the taste. Now I take SourceCF vitamins, as another poster commented about. They are liquid capsules, and easy to take. Only problem I found was a number of the capsules were broken after shipment, made for a very messy bottle. Price was real good too.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>idajune</b></i><br>Only problem I found was a number of the capsules were broken after shipment, made for a very messy bottle. Price was real good too.<hr></blockquote>

I had one bottle from our first batch do that too. I called SourceCF, and explained the problem. They shipped me a new bottle the next day, and sent me a postage paid mailer to return the defective bottle. I noticed on the most recent shipment that they have changed the formula for the gel-coating - and all the bottles were perfect.


New member
So, are the gel-coated vitamins you take from CF Source just as good (nutrient-wise and absorpsion-wise) as the chewable other ones? I have always been under the impression that a CF vitamin has to be chewable or we can't absorb it. That would be so great to have one I can just swallow. I'm sure we're all pros at swallowing pills, eh?

<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
I contacted SourceCF yesterday and they are sending me two bottle to replace the damaged ones, I have taken the damaged ones, just cleaned out the bottle and threw the broken ones. As far as the softgels being as good, they have to be, otherwise I don't the CF teams would recommend then, my CF nurse turned me to them. They are so much more fun to take, not having to chew vitamins sounds great to me.


New member
hiya i started my adeks yesterday and was told i had to chew them and i think they are horrible lol but if they are goood for me then i will keep chewing them lol from JO


Hi Lisa,

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I had a really busy week and haven't been online. In answer to your question, I live in MN but this is a national program I believe. The Wee Care program is bascially the same thing except it is specificially for younger children. That program runs up to the 2nd birthday and they provide the pediatric drops. The Extra Helpings program is through the same company and that starts at the 2nd birthday and goes on from there. They provide the chewable tablets. You can also still get the liquid if you want, but by that age the kids usually prefer the tablets. Hope that answered your question.

Have a wonderful day!