Adhesive Remover


New member
Hey guys,
I posted on here not to long ago about having to go for a 24 hr Holter Monitor for heart palpitations I was having, well I had that done yesterday and took the machine back this morning. The test went fine results will be back in a little over a week - the problem is .... they had to attach those wonderful adhesive pads that they use for the heart monitors to my chest and underneath my breasts and around my side. I have removed the adhesive pads with much discomfort but have a bunch of the adhesive still on my skin. I have tried using alcohol pads to remove but that does nothing but make it more sticky and gooey.

I didn't know if anyone knew of a home remedy to remove adhesive, and if not if anyone knew of something I could get to remove this junk from my skin. I am allergic to the adhesive and it is really becoming irritating to me/my skin - which is why I am not wanting to just wait for it to work its way off.

Thanks a bunch,


New member
No home remedy (other than picking at it which I normally find satisfying <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> There are definitely wipes which will break down adhesive on the skin. I usually get a few when I come of IV's. I think they are simply called removes here (ireland). They look similar to alcohol wipes but have a different chemical. This is what they look like: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://www.qualitymedicalsuppl...PROD/OST-BFR/54-403100</a> . Your CF nurse should have access to some I would imagine.


New member
Lubricate it with baby oil(I suppose vegetable oil would work also, but I like the smell of baby oil) & let it sit for a minute then it should rub off fairly easily. If it doesnt come off super easy then wipe the baby oil off with an alcohol pad. I just did this for Jazmine when she had a swollen & severely scraped arm which was full of adhesive from the bandaids!


New member
My son recently had surgery that required a dressing and after a
period of a week dealing with tape changes there was a residue
left on his skin.  I asked the doctor how to remove this
residue because anything I tried just seemed to make it worse and
irritated his skin. The doctor suggested nail polish remover. I
know it sounds like it would be a harsh chemical to use on the skin
but I used a Q-tip to apply the nail polish remover and it removed
the residue quickly. Then I washed the area immediately
afterwards.   <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><br>
Good Luck!


New member
I thought of nail polish remover ... but thought the same thing .. to harsh for the skin. I am letting the oil sit on the skin for a minute and then am going to try removing it. If that doesn't work then I will try the polish remover.

Thanks guys,


New member

Go get some GOOF OFF (or maybe it's goo off) from a local hardware store. It comes in a little yellow metal tin with the writing in red. It removes ANYTHING, including adhesive from medical tape, heart monitor tags..... anything, it takes it off!! It smells really strongly of rubber cement but it works.


New member
Like desolves like so oil should help to desolve it. I was recently in the hospital and had a heart monitor attached to me for over a week and I still have the marks on my body from it. Now it looks like scars.. UGGG

Hydrogen peroxide also has worked for me in the past. I am not so sure I would put Goop off on my body, it is extremly toxic. I actually got very sick from inhaling it ( by accident) once.



New member
You aren't suppose to sniff it Auntie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> lol. That is true, it is a harsh chemical. but if nothing else works, maybe it's worth a shot?????


New member
What about nail polish remover??? I am allergic to adhesive too! I get welts and it itches. I wonder if it is a CF thang<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Jennifer 34 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I swear by nail polish remover. You can get one's that are not harsh at all and are for sensitive skin. Baby oil and petroleum jelly works as well.


New member
I would not use anymore alcohol as this will be irritating to the skin. I would definitely not use anything toxic with your lungs. Goo gone or goo off sounds that it should be used for anything but skin. Nail polish remover is also bad for your lungs. If you have any tightness in your lungs from CF any of these toxic removers are really bad for you and when inhaling this with a lower lung function can lead to an excerbation. I had a bad experience when I was sick with CF. I would say in day or so with a few showers it should all come off. The more irritated you rub on it the more it will hurt. I would put a warm compress on it and as i said it will be off in a few days for sure. You can get your skin infected if you pick at it and the area is not clean. Leave be I say or call your local pharmacy and see what they have over the counter for skin tape removal. If all else fails call the lab that gave you the monitor in the first place. Good luck. Trust me with my transplant I had tape like that on me for weeks. I did not mind.


New member
Hey guys wanted to let you know that I used vegetable oil instead of baby oil and it dissolved the adhesive a bit, then I used an alcohol pad and to wipe the area clean. Thanks a bunch the skin on my chest was so irritated and itching it was ridiculous.



New member
Glad to hear something worked <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. We'll have to remember this post for the next person with a similar problem. It's got to happen pretty often with all the trips to the hospital and such.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

You aren't suppose to sniff it Auntie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

HA HA I didn't know you were not suppose to sniff it. that is where I went wrong. UGGGG.. Just kidding.


Miss chatting with you,


New member
Hi Lindsey

David is right, the best option is the adhesive removing swabs, but they may be hard to get hold of.

Actually all they contain is weak petrol!!!. In our line of work we often have to remove adhesive marks and we use a product called Spirit Wipe, it is used in the car repair business to remove....well sticky stuff before spraying.

You can get the same non commercial product in liquid (not Gas) Lighter fuel. In the UK it's call Ronsons and comes in a yellow tin, maybe you can get in the US.

obviously be careful with it. Use it on a tissue not directly as if it gets into a cut it will sting like hell. But I guarantee you it will work.

Oh and what ever you do don't smoke (as if you would) whilst apply it. If you do....well I doubt the adhesive will be you major concern anymore!!!1 :)




New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Oh and what ever you do don't smoke (as if you would) whilst apply it. If you do....well I doubt the adhesive will be you major concern anymore!!!1 :) </end quote></div>

lol ... that gave me a good chuckle ... imagine trying to explain that one to the docs. Well you see I was smoking ... (docs reply WHAT?!?) Well I mean ugh.... I was trying to remove adhesive from my skin with lighter fuel .. I mean ugh ... Do you have any adhesive removing swabs? The nurse never called me back about those lol.



New member

when i had sticky plaster on me i used to get it off with something called Zoff that normally did the trick for me



Use nail polish remover with acidtone in it but be sure to put moisturizer on oafter wards!