I feel like I have to reply to this......the other adoptive mothers will agree with me (I am sure)
When you adopt (I have two times), that baby is your own kid....ok....I have one stepson, two biosons and two adopted daughters....I do not love my sons any more or any less than I do my daughters....they are ALL MY OWN KIDS....we didnt go through IVF or any of that stuff and I feel for those that do, I can imagine it is difficult....and expensive....our adoptions were not the norm, but both of ours were less than $11,000.00...from start to finish. We only waited for 1 day to matched with the first biomom and two weeks for one other....we had two babies at once, one we knew we didnt get to keep....
We have a very open adoption with the oldest's biomom...we went through the last part of the pregnancy with her, felt the baby kick, went to dr's visits and was in the delivery room for her birth....I was the first one to hold Ciara after she was born....I dont feel like I missed out on anything.
We have even had failed adoptions and a miscarriage (Ciara's birth sibling) believe me, it hurts just like it would if I had given birth to that child and had it removed by child protective services.
The point I am trying to make.........no matter which way you choose to have a child...it will be your child...and just because it is adopted, doesnt mean it cant look like you...I can show you pictures of kids and their adoptive parents that look alike....
Just my two cents worth,