Adult feeding tube placement consideration. Questions!


New member
My name is Gretchen and I am 24 and have CF. When I was young they placed a g-tube, and I ended up having it from ages 4-17. When I was 17 they didn't want to remove it but because my body had grown and the placement of the tube hadn't, it had become incredibly painful, and constantly leaked and bleed frequently. I was so happy to finally have the tube out, I bought my first bikini! Now years later, I am a proud mother to a very active, CF free, 3 yr old son. Since I had him though my health has seemed to go down hill pretty quickly. I do my vest treatments and take all my medication as I should. I eat my 3 meals a day and probably 2 snacks, but I have been losing weight and cannot seem to gain at all. I am currently 94lbs. I did the Boost shakes for awhile, and was good about it, but it is very hard for me to drink them, they taste horrible and are very filling and make me not want to eat meals later. <div>So now my doctors are wanting me to get a g-tube again. We did an NJ when I was in the hospital in march and it did not go well, i couldn't even move my head or eat because it was so painful. I have flat out refused before on getting a g-tube again and my doctor said he knows how bad my experience was the first time around and wished he didn't have to bring it up but that he feels we have no other options left. Here are my concerns which I would love some feedback for:</div><div>1.) When I was young I never gained the 20 lbs I read of other people doing. I was never hungry during the day because  I was fed all night long. I am worried that if i get it now I wont be hungry during the day as before, and I really enjoy eating! And why would it be different this time around? If I gained that much weight fantastic, but I didn't before so why would I now?</div><div>2.) I was very self couscous of my body and myself when I was a teen with my g-tube. I never let anyone put their arm around my waist, let alone any other physical contact. I am single and am worried if I get the tube how that would affect my dating life? If anyone out there has a tube and would be willing I have some concerns about how the tube affects sexual activities too, my email is </div><div>3.) I have a very very active son, his current favorite game to play s tackle mommy. I am concerned that the tube will be knocked out, it was a few times when I was young. I don't want to ever not be able to do something with my son because of the tube, CF already prevents me from being able to things with him and I cant take anymore. </div><div><br></div><div>My lung functions are currently around 40-43. I just had a sleep study and do not need oxygen at night, but during my pulmonary rehab sometimes I do. I am having surgery in the next month to tighten my nissin and they want to place the tube then. I am dreading this and would really appreciate any feedback to help me make this difficult decision. Thank you!</div><div>Gretchen</div>


New member
My name is Gretchen and I am 24 and have CF. When I was young they placed a g-tube, and I ended up having it from ages 4-17. When I was 17 they didn't want to remove it but because my body had grown and the placement of the tube hadn't, it had become incredibly painful, and constantly leaked and bleed frequently. I was so happy to finally have the tube out, I bought my first bikini! Now years later, I am a proud mother to a very active, CF free, 3 yr old son. Since I had him though my health has seemed to go down hill pretty quickly. I do my vest treatments and take all my medication as I should. I eat my 3 meals a day and probably 2 snacks, but I have been losing weight and cannot seem to gain at all. I am currently 94lbs. I did the Boost shakes for awhile, and was good about it, but it is very hard for me to drink them, they taste horrible and are very filling and make me not want to eat meals later.So now my doctors are wanting me to get a g-tube again. We did an NJ when I was in the hospital in march and it did not go well, i couldn't even move my head or eat because it was so painful. I have flat out refused before on getting a g-tube again and my doctor said he knows how bad my experience was the first time around and wished he didn't have to bring it up but that he feels we have no other options left. Here are my concerns which I would love some feedback for:1.) When I was young I never gained the 20 lbs I read of other people doing. I was never hungry during the day because I was fed all night long. I am worried that if i get it now I wont be hungry during the day as before, and I really enjoy eating! And why would it be different this time around? If I gained that much weight fantastic, but I didn't before so why would I now?2.) I was very self couscous of my body and myself when I was a teen with my g-tube. I never let anyone put their arm around my waist, let alone any other physical contact. I am single and am worried if I get the tube how that would affect my dating life? If anyone out there has a tube and would be willing I have some concerns about how the tube affects sexual activities too, my email is gretchen.boerner@yahoo.com3.) I have a very very active son, his current favorite game to play s tackle mommy. I am concerned that the tube will be knocked out, it was a few times when I was young. I don't want to ever not be able to do something with my son because of the tube, CF already prevents me from being able to things with him and I cant take anymore.<br>My lung functions are currently around 40-43. I just had a sleep study and do not need oxygen at night, but during my pulmonary rehab sometimes I do. I am having surgery in the next month to tighten my nissin and they want to place the tube then. I am dreading this and would really appreciate any feedback to help me make this difficult decision. Thank you!Gretchen


New member
My name is Gretchen and I am 24 and have CF. When I was young they placed a g-tube, and I ended up having it from ages 4-17. When I was 17 they didn't want to remove it but because my body had grown and the placement of the tube hadn't, it had become incredibly painful, and constantly leaked and bleed frequently. I was so happy to finally have the tube out, I bought my first bikini! Now years later, I am a proud mother to a very active, CF free, 3 yr old son. Since I had him though my health has seemed to go down hill pretty quickly. I do my vest treatments and take all my medication as I should. I eat my 3 meals a day and probably 2 snacks, but I have been losing weight and cannot seem to gain at all. I am currently 94lbs. I did the Boost shakes for awhile, and was good about it, but it is very hard for me to drink them, they taste horrible and are very filling and make me not want to eat meals later.So now my doctors are wanting me to get a g-tube again. We did an NJ when I was in the hospital in march and it did not go well, i couldn't even move my head or eat because it was so painful. I have flat out refused before on getting a g-tube again and my doctor said he knows how bad my experience was the first time around and wished he didn't have to bring it up but that he feels we have no other options left. Here are my concerns which I would love some feedback for:1.) When I was young I never gained the 20 lbs I read of other people doing. I was never hungry during the day because I was fed all night long. I am worried that if i get it now I wont be hungry during the day as before, and I really enjoy eating! And why would it be different this time around? If I gained that much weight fantastic, but I didn't before so why would I now?2.) I was very self couscous of my body and myself when I was a teen with my g-tube. I never let anyone put their arm around my waist, let alone any other physical contact. I am single and am worried if I get the tube how that would affect my dating life? If anyone out there has a tube and would be willing I have some concerns about how the tube affects sexual activities too, my email is gretchen.boerner@yahoo.com3.) I have a very very active son, his current favorite game to play s tackle mommy. I am concerned that the tube will be knocked out, it was a few times when I was young. I don't want to ever not be able to do something with my son because of the tube, CF already prevents me from being able to things with him and I cant take anymore.<br>My lung functions are currently around 40-43. I just had a sleep study and do not need oxygen at night, but during my pulmonary rehab sometimes I do. I am having surgery in the next month to tighten my nissin and they want to place the tube then. I am dreading this and would really appreciate any feedback to help me make this difficult decision. Thank you!Gretchen


New member
Hi Gretchen,
I'm 29 and currently struggling with my weight too, I'm currently at 97 pounds. Until now I've never had problems with my weight. I haven't had a G tube before but will be getting one within the next couple of weeks, possibly even this week (I'm in hospital for a clean out). My docs say that sometimes not getting hungry during the day can be a problem but that can be treated with appetite stimulants which I already take anyway (I use periactin). Soooo I will try to remember to email/message you after I get mine if I have any helpful insight! If you dint hear from me in the near future PLEASE feel free to message me to remind me! Thanks, Jess


New member
Hi Gretchen,
I'm 29 and currently struggling with my weight too, I'm currently at 97 pounds. Until now I've never had problems with my weight. I haven't had a G tube before but will be getting one within the next couple of weeks, possibly even this week (I'm in hospital for a clean out). My docs say that sometimes not getting hungry during the day can be a problem but that can be treated with appetite stimulants which I already take anyway (I use periactin). Soooo I will try to remember to email/message you after I get mine if I have any helpful insight! If you dint hear from me in the near future PLEASE feel free to message me to remind me! Thanks, Jess


New member
Hi Gretchen,
<br />I'm 29 and currently struggling with my weight too, I'm currently at 97 pounds. Until now I've never had problems with my weight. I haven't had a G tube before but will be getting one within the next couple of weeks, possibly even this week (I'm in hospital for a clean out). My docs say that sometimes not getting hungry during the day can be a problem but that can be treated with appetite stimulants which I already take anyway (I use periactin). Soooo I will try to remember to email/message you after I get mine if I have any helpful insight! If you dint hear from me in the near future PLEASE feel free to message me to remind me! Thanks, Jess


New member
Hi ladies
I am 30, I have 25% lung function, and I am 5'5" and was down to 96 lbs. before I decided to have the tube placed. The reason I had it placed is it was too stressful trying to eat enough during the day to maintain weight, let alone gain it, and it worried me all day long. After I got my tube, I felt one thing: RELIEF. I didn't have to think every minute of the day about how much I was eating, when to eat, how much fat is in it, yadda yadda yadda. Within 6 months I gained 20 lbs. I was very very doubtful that this feeding tube would even work, but, it did!
1) I wonder, Gretchen, if since your last tube, they've come out with better formula? I take 2 Cal HN (4 cans 2000 calories) and I take 7 Zenpep 20 enzymes before bed....this has been enough for me to gain the 20 lbs. I now maintain my weight by doing it 4-5 times a week. Maybe you'd have better luck now because of that?
I don't notice a difference between how much I eat during the day on nights I do the feeding verus not doing it. I actually wake up at 7 am to take the tube off, and go back to bed at 9 am and wake up hungry! I eat about every 3 hours during the day. I still cook fabulous dinners, as cooking is my main hobby =).
2) Look into the AMT Mini-one button. It has a lower profile than the Mic-key. I have the Mic-key but am considering the AMT next time. You don't really notice my tube under clothing and I don't think it looks gross or be honest with you, I don't really give a sh*t if ppl notice. It's a part of me and a part of my life and if you can't accept it then, too damn bad! ... It gives me a chance to educate others on CF and make ppl less ignorant (i.e. no I'm not anorexic) I can say that because I'm married, however, if someone cares about you, they will accept it!'s fine, I've never had a problem w/ work around it =)
3) Mine has NEVER come out. I have dogs and they step on me all the time...and like I said, sex is fine, so I really don't anticipate it coming out. The balloon holding it in will be big enough that it cannot come out! I'm sure advances have been made to the button to make it more durable. And if it does come out, big deal, have an extra on hand to put back in (I can change my own out easy!)

Getting the tube was the best decision I ever made for myself. I felt stronger, healthier and was able to get on the lung transplant list (at 96 lbs there would be no way). I say, own it girl and get some weight on those bones!! (you might also try the formula by Nestle if 2 Cal HN doesn' work for you...I can't remember the name. It didn't work for me in terms of bad poops, but 2 CAL my poopies are "normal")


New member
Hi ladies
I am 30, I have 25% lung function, and I am 5'5" and was down to 96 lbs. before I decided to have the tube placed. The reason I had it placed is it was too stressful trying to eat enough during the day to maintain weight, let alone gain it, and it worried me all day long. After I got my tube, I felt one thing: RELIEF. I didn't have to think every minute of the day about how much I was eating, when to eat, how much fat is in it, yadda yadda yadda. Within 6 months I gained 20 lbs. I was very very doubtful that this feeding tube would even work, but, it did!
1) I wonder, Gretchen, if since your last tube, they've come out with better formula? I take 2 Cal HN (4 cans 2000 calories) and I take 7 Zenpep 20 enzymes before bed....this has been enough for me to gain the 20 lbs. I now maintain my weight by doing it 4-5 times a week. Maybe you'd have better luck now because of that?
I don't notice a difference between how much I eat during the day on nights I do the feeding verus not doing it. I actually wake up at 7 am to take the tube off, and go back to bed at 9 am and wake up hungry! I eat about every 3 hours during the day. I still cook fabulous dinners, as cooking is my main hobby =).
2) Look into the AMT Mini-one button. It has a lower profile than the Mic-key. I have the Mic-key but am considering the AMT next time. You don't really notice my tube under clothing and I don't think it looks gross or be honest with you, I don't really give a sh*t if ppl notice. It's a part of me and a part of my life and if you can't accept it then, too damn bad! ... It gives me a chance to educate others on CF and make ppl less ignorant (i.e. no I'm not anorexic) I can say that because I'm married, however, if someone cares about you, they will accept it!'s fine, I've never had a problem w/ work around it =)
3) Mine has NEVER come out. I have dogs and they step on me all the time...and like I said, sex is fine, so I really don't anticipate it coming out. The balloon holding it in will be big enough that it cannot come out! I'm sure advances have been made to the button to make it more durable. And if it does come out, big deal, have an extra on hand to put back in (I can change my own out easy!)

Getting the tube was the best decision I ever made for myself. I felt stronger, healthier and was able to get on the lung transplant list (at 96 lbs there would be no way). I say, own it girl and get some weight on those bones!! (you might also try the formula by Nestle if 2 Cal HN doesn' work for you...I can't remember the name. It didn't work for me in terms of bad poops, but 2 CAL my poopies are "normal")


New member
Hi ladies
<br />I am 30, I have 25% lung function, and I am 5'5" and was down to 96 lbs. before I decided to have the tube placed. The reason I had it placed is it was too stressful trying to eat enough during the day to maintain weight, let alone gain it, and it worried me all day long. After I got my tube, I felt one thing: RELIEF. I didn't have to think every minute of the day about how much I was eating, when to eat, how much fat is in it, yadda yadda yadda. Within 6 months I gained 20 lbs. I was very very doubtful that this feeding tube would even work, but, it did!
<br />Questions:
<br />1) I wonder, Gretchen, if since your last tube, they've come out with better formula? I take 2 Cal HN (4 cans 2000 calories) and I take 7 Zenpep 20 enzymes before bed....this has been enough for me to gain the 20 lbs. I now maintain my weight by doing it 4-5 times a week. Maybe you'd have better luck now because of that?
<br />I don't notice a difference between how much I eat during the day on nights I do the feeding verus not doing it. I actually wake up at 7 am to take the tube off, and go back to bed at 9 am and wake up hungry! I eat about every 3 hours during the day. I still cook fabulous dinners, as cooking is my main hobby =).
<br />2) Look into the AMT Mini-one button. It has a lower profile than the Mic-key. I have the Mic-key but am considering the AMT next time. You don't really notice my tube under clothing and I don't think it looks gross or be honest with you, I don't really give a sh*t if ppl notice. It's a part of me and a part of my life and if you can't accept it then, too damn bad! ... It gives me a chance to educate others on CF and make ppl less ignorant (i.e. no I'm not anorexic) I can say that because I'm married, however, if someone cares about you, they will accept it!'s fine, I've never had a problem w/ work around it =)
<br />3) Mine has NEVER come out. I have dogs and they step on me all the time...and like I said, sex is fine, so I really don't anticipate it coming out. The balloon holding it in will be big enough that it cannot come out! I'm sure advances have been made to the button to make it more durable. And if it does come out, big deal, have an extra on hand to put back in (I can change my own out easy!)
<br />
<br />Getting the tube was the best decision I ever made for myself. I felt stronger, healthier and was able to get on the lung transplant list (at 96 lbs there would be no way). I say, own it girl and get some weight on those bones!! (you might also try the formula by Nestle if 2 Cal HN doesn' work for you...I can't remember the name. It didn't work for me in terms of bad poops, but 2 CAL my poopies are "normal")
<br />
<br />


New member
I feel like I am somewhat understanding. My g-tube has bugged me since the day I got it placed. It has always hurt, my site is always painful. It took over a year to figure out maybe I didn't have a long enough stoma length button. I was at a 1.2 cm and I just put in a 2.0 cm button last week. It seems to be a little better so far, but maybe there is no cure and its this painful/annoying for everyone.

I can't lay on my stomach, I also don't like a lot of waist touching. I notice my hugs are weird b/c I hold my stomach out so it isn't bumped. Its leaks, the site is alway has peeling skin. I use neosporin, dry air, desitin, buttpaste, stomahesive... Nothing seems to help.

I got mine placed (Feb 10) b/c I have appetite issues. I have Mycobacterium Abscessus which can really suppress an appetite so I have used Megace for 3 years now (on and off... all of which is bad, but for me the cons of having nutrition outweight the cons of the medicine). I got the tube in the hopes I could wean off Megace. Because of my site issues, I never use my button except for bolus feeds. I used it when I had the initial 6-8 week long tube and did actual gain a couple pounds but I only got maybe 2 weeks of use since I had granulation tissue that took a month to figure out. Well whatever, I need to stop talking. But I personally hate my gtube.

I would get it taken out but another reason I got it was for after tx (which is coming up)so afterwards I can receive nutrition earlier than w/o one. I feel that is beneficial for recovery.

I don't know. I often wonder how badly it has affected my treatments b/c there are times I purposely don't cough as much as I should b/c my site is hurting so bad. Like I said, I can't lay on my stomach, sometimes when the site is so painful I can't sleep b/c no position keeps it comfortable and not twisting or pulling or putting extra weight on it.

I'm not sure how much longer I am going to take honestly.... I do hate to get rid of it but at what point is the pain and nuisance not worth it?


New member
I feel like I am somewhat understanding. My g-tube has bugged me since the day I got it placed. It has always hurt, my site is always painful. It took over a year to figure out maybe I didn't have a long enough stoma length button. I was at a 1.2 cm and I just put in a 2.0 cm button last week. It seems to be a little better so far, but maybe there is no cure and its this painful/annoying for everyone.

I can't lay on my stomach, I also don't like a lot of waist touching. I notice my hugs are weird b/c I hold my stomach out so it isn't bumped. Its leaks, the site is alway has peeling skin. I use neosporin, dry air, desitin, buttpaste, stomahesive... Nothing seems to help.

I got mine placed (Feb 10) b/c I have appetite issues. I have Mycobacterium Abscessus which can really suppress an appetite so I have used Megace for 3 years now (on and off... all of which is bad, but for me the cons of having nutrition outweight the cons of the medicine). I got the tube in the hopes I could wean off Megace. Because of my site issues, I never use my button except for bolus feeds. I used it when I had the initial 6-8 week long tube and did actual gain a couple pounds but I only got maybe 2 weeks of use since I had granulation tissue that took a month to figure out. Well whatever, I need to stop talking. But I personally hate my gtube.

I would get it taken out but another reason I got it was for after tx (which is coming up)so afterwards I can receive nutrition earlier than w/o one. I feel that is beneficial for recovery.

I don't know. I often wonder how badly it has affected my treatments b/c there are times I purposely don't cough as much as I should b/c my site is hurting so bad. Like I said, I can't lay on my stomach, sometimes when the site is so painful I can't sleep b/c no position keeps it comfortable and not twisting or pulling or putting extra weight on it.

I'm not sure how much longer I am going to take honestly.... I do hate to get rid of it but at what point is the pain and nuisance not worth it?


New member
I feel like I am somewhat understanding. My g-tube has bugged me since the day I got it placed. It has always hurt, my site is always painful. It took over a year to figure out maybe I didn't have a long enough stoma length button. I was at a 1.2 cm and I just put in a 2.0 cm button last week. It seems to be a little better so far, but maybe there is no cure and its this painful/annoying for everyone.
<br />
<br />I can't lay on my stomach, I also don't like a lot of waist touching. I notice my hugs are weird b/c I hold my stomach out so it isn't bumped. Its leaks, the site is alway has peeling skin. I use neosporin, dry air, desitin, buttpaste, stomahesive... Nothing seems to help.
<br />
<br />I got mine placed (Feb 10) b/c I have appetite issues. I have Mycobacterium Abscessus which can really suppress an appetite so I have used Megace for 3 years now (on and off... all of which is bad, but for me the cons of having nutrition outweight the cons of the medicine). I got the tube in the hopes I could wean off Megace. Because of my site issues, I never use my button except for bolus feeds. I used it when I had the initial 6-8 week long tube and did actual gain a couple pounds but I only got maybe 2 weeks of use since I had granulation tissue that took a month to figure out. Well whatever, I need to stop talking. But I personally hate my gtube.
<br />
<br />I would get it taken out but another reason I got it was for after tx (which is coming up)so afterwards I can receive nutrition earlier than w/o one. I feel that is beneficial for recovery.
<br />
<br />I don't know. I often wonder how badly it has affected my treatments b/c there are times I purposely don't cough as much as I should b/c my site is hurting so bad. Like I said, I can't lay on my stomach, sometimes when the site is so painful I can't sleep b/c no position keeps it comfortable and not twisting or pulling or putting extra weight on it.
<br />
<br />I'm not sure how much longer I am going to take honestly.... I do hate to get rid of it but at what point is the pain and nuisance not worth it?
<br />
<br />


New member
I should add. I think my issues started with a shitty GI doctor. The office was not very knowledgeable about g-tubes and in retrospect I should have went to a pediatric doc who places them regularly.

To me, it sounds like it is an option you might have to consider b/c if you are eating like you say, you simply need the bonus calories overnight. I am sorry you have to make this decision. It is really your gut instinct I feel.

I also thought of another thing, I hate being hooked up overnight. The clunky pole, the short leash. I always have to pee too, so I would wake up with an almost bursting bladder. And remember, swimming is affected b/c you dont want to go to pools or lakes that are "dirty" not that you would b/c of lung bugs but its even more an issue b/c you have an open wound that can be infected.

I think gtubes are great for kids and apparantely the poster above me, but I know the experience is completey different for peds and adults. The moms tried their hardest to answer all my questions but only so much can be conveyed over the internet and to someone who doesnt have the acutual button.

I often think it was one of the worst decisions I made.


New member
I should add. I think my issues started with a shitty GI doctor. The office was not very knowledgeable about g-tubes and in retrospect I should have went to a pediatric doc who places them regularly.

To me, it sounds like it is an option you might have to consider b/c if you are eating like you say, you simply need the bonus calories overnight. I am sorry you have to make this decision. It is really your gut instinct I feel.

I also thought of another thing, I hate being hooked up overnight. The clunky pole, the short leash. I always have to pee too, so I would wake up with an almost bursting bladder. And remember, swimming is affected b/c you dont want to go to pools or lakes that are "dirty" not that you would b/c of lung bugs but its even more an issue b/c you have an open wound that can be infected.

I think gtubes are great for kids and apparantely the poster above me, but I know the experience is completey different for peds and adults. The moms tried their hardest to answer all my questions but only so much can be conveyed over the internet and to someone who doesnt have the acutual button.

I often think it was one of the worst decisions I made.


New member
I should add. I think my issues started with a shitty GI doctor. The office was not very knowledgeable about g-tubes and in retrospect I should have went to a pediatric doc who places them regularly.
<br />
<br />To me, it sounds like it is an option you might have to consider b/c if you are eating like you say, you simply need the bonus calories overnight. I am sorry you have to make this decision. It is really your gut instinct I feel.
<br />
<br />I also thought of another thing, I hate being hooked up overnight. The clunky pole, the short leash. I always have to pee too, so I would wake up with an almost bursting bladder. And remember, swimming is affected b/c you dont want to go to pools or lakes that are "dirty" not that you would b/c of lung bugs but its even more an issue b/c you have an open wound that can be infected.
<br />
<br />I think gtubes are great for kids and apparantely the poster above me, but I know the experience is completey different for peds and adults. The moms tried their hardest to answer all my questions but only so much can be conveyed over the internet and to someone who doesnt have the acutual button.
<br />
<br />I often think it was one of the worst decisions I made.


New member
I am a 29 y/o who fought having the placement of a G-tube for many many years all the while my overall health slowly began to deteriorate. In Nov. 2008 I finally gave in and had one placed. Honestly, it was the best decision I have EVER made. i have put on about 25 lbs over the course of the 3 years and have watched my lung functions improve as well.

I was married before the placement of the G-tube and am still married to a wonderful man who has no issues loving me both emotionally and physically because of it. In fact he thinks I am sexier because of the extra weight! We have of course settled into a bedroom routine that works for us both. I am happy to share any info.

As of today, I have successfully ran three 5K races this summer and am hoping to begin training for a 10K. This is not something I could have done before the G-tube as my energy level was far to low and my lungs wouldn't have sustained me.

There are issues with the G-tube, not gonna lie. However, they are small in comparison to what the future holds without it. I do the feedings 3 nights a week for 8-9hrs. I started out at 5-6 nights a week but have been able to cut back as I have maintained my BMI and weight. I, too, hate that I have to be tied down to a pole, but I am happy to reap the reward. The reward is the better prognosis for years to come and better quality of life.

The best advice is to do as much homework about the different kinds of feeding tubes, ask patients (if possible) how they are handling each kind and listen to your instinct because only you know what you can handle. I encourage you really truly honestly weigh your options, you might be surprised at what benefits it brings you.

Best of luck!


New member
I am a 29 y/o who fought having the placement of a G-tube for many many years all the while my overall health slowly began to deteriorate. In Nov. 2008 I finally gave in and had one placed. Honestly, it was the best decision I have EVER made. i have put on about 25 lbs over the course of the 3 years and have watched my lung functions improve as well.

I was married before the placement of the G-tube and am still married to a wonderful man who has no issues loving me both emotionally and physically because of it. In fact he thinks I am sexier because of the extra weight! We have of course settled into a bedroom routine that works for us both. I am happy to share any info.

As of today, I have successfully ran three 5K races this summer and am hoping to begin training for a 10K. This is not something I could have done before the G-tube as my energy level was far to low and my lungs wouldn't have sustained me.

There are issues with the G-tube, not gonna lie. However, they are small in comparison to what the future holds without it. I do the feedings 3 nights a week for 8-9hrs. I started out at 5-6 nights a week but have been able to cut back as I have maintained my BMI and weight. I, too, hate that I have to be tied down to a pole, but I am happy to reap the reward. The reward is the better prognosis for years to come and better quality of life.

The best advice is to do as much homework about the different kinds of feeding tubes, ask patients (if possible) how they are handling each kind and listen to your instinct because only you know what you can handle. I encourage you really truly honestly weigh your options, you might be surprised at what benefits it brings you.

Best of luck!


New member
I am a 29 y/o who fought having the placement of a G-tube for many many years all the while my overall health slowly began to deteriorate. In Nov. 2008 I finally gave in and had one placed. Honestly, it was the best decision I have EVER made. i have put on about 25 lbs over the course of the 3 years and have watched my lung functions improve as well.
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<br />I was married before the placement of the G-tube and am still married to a wonderful man who has no issues loving me both emotionally and physically because of it. In fact he thinks I am sexier because of the extra weight! We have of course settled into a bedroom routine that works for us both. I am happy to share any info.
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<br />As of today, I have successfully ran three 5K races this summer and am hoping to begin training for a 10K. This is not something I could have done before the G-tube as my energy level was far to low and my lungs wouldn't have sustained me.
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<br />There are issues with the G-tube, not gonna lie. However, they are small in comparison to what the future holds without it. I do the feedings 3 nights a week for 8-9hrs. I started out at 5-6 nights a week but have been able to cut back as I have maintained my BMI and weight. I, too, hate that I have to be tied down to a pole, but I am happy to reap the reward. The reward is the better prognosis for years to come and better quality of life.
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<br />The best advice is to do as much homework about the different kinds of feeding tubes, ask patients (if possible) how they are handling each kind and listen to your instinct because only you know what you can handle. I encourage you really truly honestly weigh your options, you might be surprised at what benefits it brings you.
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<br />Best of luck!


New member
Wow Gretchen how timely your post. I have been re inspired recently to really embrace my G-Tube and not for the obvious reasons. This is a long post so I will split in two.
G-Tube Advantage
"Let food be your medicine and Medicine be your food" Hippocrates

For many years I looked at having to rely on a G-tube, to gain weight, as a negative thing. It seemed like a failure on my part for not gaining weight lazyness or just being overwhelmed with just having to deal with a chronic illness . The prevailing concept in managing CF is to eat high carb and high fats, basically throw enough crap at the wall and something is bound to stick. This might be good for calories and works for some for the enlightend health minded minority this is not the case. if you do not have the understanding of how health and nutrition are so simply woven together that in the future advanced medicine will be nutritional medicine.

Now obviously Cf is so complicated and difficult to deal with and for doctors to treat that we need both sides to dovetail together the best traditional medicine and the best nutrition if we are going to have a chance at surviving.
It seems that there are several new drugs that could really help us, I am hopeful but guarded with my anticipation. We all have been down this road before. But now I do see some more hope on the horizon and I want to stay as well as possible. Bring on the G-tube Advantage.
When I first had a G-tube placed and did tube feedings at night, within 2 years I gained almost 25 pounds. Well worth the hassle and placement. I was amazed that I gained weight but then stopped using it over the years. I got tired of having it and had it removed. I later got sick, lost a lot of weight and needed more calories so the G-tube was replaced. I used it to gain weight but still struggled with using it and the concept of using it, I had now developed diabetes and many food allergies. So finding a formula was difficult and also when I did the tube feedings it seemed to spike my blood sugars and I would feel blah most of the time afterwards. Well those formulas, while serve a need and are necessary for some, I found I had more success with my own home made formula that was based on whole foods and balanced nutrition. It has made a big difference.
The greatest thing with a G-tube blending system is you can eat anything, anything that you can stick in a blender.
In business there is something commonly called a competitive advantage, which is how a company can compete in a competitive environment, if they have an edge. A G-tube is your nutritional advantage and you can really take advantage and maximize its use for optimum nutrition. It helps you compete in the drawn out battle against this damned disease and all we have to deal with it. You can try to eat your way to success but it is so hard to get enough calories to get over the hurdle of that 3000 calories a day. If you give your body the nutrients it needs, and it can utilize them, then it will know what to do with it. (Please look at gluten sensitivity for some real insights to better health).
Do you know anyone that could eat an avocado, banana, walnut, sweet potato and tuna fish smoothie? Do you know how much nutrition you are getting? Lots balance and healthy.
The ongoing challenge is we know what we need to do it just comes down to commitment. Well now possibly there is new drugs on the horizon it is important to keep up your hope and spirits. I know we run the risk of getting our hopes up again and again but what is the alternative.
The key is doing a good thing many times not just one day you get 3000 calories you need to do it consistently and in a way that you will be compliant to yourself, regardless of how compliant you are with your other treatments. Well we have to be diligent with those too. It is all related. To run the risk of sounding trite, Nike said it best "Just Do It!"

Also utilizing nightly tube feeds supplies your body with the needed nutrients during the night, a time that you usually are not eating. Again points for the G-tub e advantage.
By making your own foods you get fresh and healthy foods, as good as you can get and you know exactly what is in there and what it is made of, conveniently made up in a blender and allowing you to bypass the arduous task of eating enough calories. This is critical if you have food allergies. And we do we just don't know it. I avoid soy, peanuts, dairy and gluten. The typical formula feeds enterral nutrition is basically dead nutrition and high glycemic. They formulate them for specific needs and they put the cheapest and nutritionally void foods in there. I know it is needed and I still use a formula but I am relying more on natural whole foods instead. I know this runs counter to the dieticians recommendations but they are just parroting what insurance and big pharmaceutical companies will support.

Again the concept is high quality, real food, no gluten, dairy or high glycemic carbs, with good fats and protein in a balanced and consistent delivery method to get the nutrients you need. The concept is quality versus quantity. If you can bolus 3-4 times per day you will get the calories you need and make a better digestive load on your body and blood sugar, this helps you get nutrients and calories. Because you have digestive problems you need to be even more mindful of nutrition and how it is paramount to surviving this disease.
The days of Pizza, Pepsis and cheese puffs are over, this is dead anti nutrition at its best. I know sounds like comfort food but this is sick food.
Look at CF from a non CF point of view. Your body requires more nutrition the right kind more than someone else. Just you can eat more crap doesn't mean you should. So to compete with CF you have to outsmart it with good nutrition. Real , whole foods and supplements. No gluten, dairy or heavy sugar, soda etc. If it is processed food it is dead food.
Food Allergies
Easiest way to tell if you are allergic to foods beyond the serious and obvious, is acne and congestion.
If you are over 25 and have acne you have food allergies. IF you drink a milk shake and are junky then dairy is a problem. If you are suffering from inflammation, tiredness, stomach problems, arthritis etc you have to figure out what foods are your friends and what are your foes.
If you bolus 3 cups of liquid you will get bloated. To start go slow it is best to successfully do 4 oz 4 times a day then all at once.
If you do it and it works ok for you, you can add more based on your needs. It is a good idea to rotate foods so you are getting a balanced diet. I make up feed formulas every 3 days and just commit to cleaning up the kitchen, ok most times, except my wife might disagree and wonder what happened in here?
Take it slow, start with a few ounces after you eat a snack or meal. Doing a G-tube bolus will make you feel full until you get use to the feeling. Remember the blending and mixing is like you super chewing the food. It is also best to bolus after you do eat some solids, you do not want to replace eating foods normally and doing the bolus after you eat ensures you do not fill up and avoid eating.
Juicing - Green juice, fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to get the nutrients you need. You can juice and drink the juice or you can get creative and juice some heavy greens and bolus it. See what kind of advantage this is?
You want the mixture smooth without any clumps, as even the smallest clump will clog the tube and make life messy. You want a pancake batter consistency, remember you don't have to drink it. Add more liquids or solids to your liking. Add all ingredients and blend well for 30 seconds or more. Adding more liquid speeds up the process. Remember you can drink water before or after if you feel full. Also take enzymes with antacids, helps the enzymes work more effectively.
Pour out into shallow and steady bowl or wide mouth measuring cup container , this makes it easier to draw out liquid with syringe and to gauge how much you are using. I use a 60 cc syringe with a bolus attachment for G-tube it basically does not have the L shaped connector, this allows a faster and easier bolus. The L connector tends to clog with mixtures with a heavy consistency and when there are small clumps. I also use a 60cc and 30cc Luer Lock Tip type syringe, it fits into the hole in G-tube just evenly and use this when traveling or what not, here you do not need the bolus tube less parts to clean and carry around. It can be a little messier if you miss though.
I do the bolus over the sink and rinse the syringe each time I draw out the liquid, this keeps things clean. I also have a paper towel to wipe up any spills. It takes a little finagling but you'll get the hang of it.
Post back if you want to talk more.


New member
Wow Gretchen how timely your post. I have been re inspired recently to really embrace my G-Tube and not for the obvious reasons. This is a long post so I will split in two.
G-Tube Advantage
"Let food be your medicine and Medicine be your food" Hippocrates

For many years I looked at having to rely on a G-tube, to gain weight, as a negative thing. It seemed like a failure on my part for not gaining weight lazyness or just being overwhelmed with just having to deal with a chronic illness . The prevailing concept in managing CF is to eat high carb and high fats, basically throw enough crap at the wall and something is bound to stick. This might be good for calories and works for some for the enlightend health minded minority this is not the case. if you do not have the understanding of how health and nutrition are so simply woven together that in the future advanced medicine will be nutritional medicine.

Now obviously Cf is so complicated and difficult to deal with and for doctors to treat that we need both sides to dovetail together the best traditional medicine and the best nutrition if we are going to have a chance at surviving.
It seems that there are several new drugs that could really help us, I am hopeful but guarded with my anticipation. We all have been down this road before. But now I do see some more hope on the horizon and I want to stay as well as possible. Bring on the G-tube Advantage.
When I first had a G-tube placed and did tube feedings at night, within 2 years I gained almost 25 pounds. Well worth the hassle and placement. I was amazed that I gained weight but then stopped using it over the years. I got tired of having it and had it removed. I later got sick, lost a lot of weight and needed more calories so the G-tube was replaced. I used it to gain weight but still struggled with using it and the concept of using it, I had now developed diabetes and many food allergies. So finding a formula was difficult and also when I did the tube feedings it seemed to spike my blood sugars and I would feel blah most of the time afterwards. Well those formulas, while serve a need and are necessary for some, I found I had more success with my own home made formula that was based on whole foods and balanced nutrition. It has made a big difference.
The greatest thing with a G-tube blending system is you can eat anything, anything that you can stick in a blender.
In business there is something commonly called a competitive advantage, which is how a company can compete in a competitive environment, if they have an edge. A G-tube is your nutritional advantage and you can really take advantage and maximize its use for optimum nutrition. It helps you compete in the drawn out battle against this damned disease and all we have to deal with it. You can try to eat your way to success but it is so hard to get enough calories to get over the hurdle of that 3000 calories a day. If you give your body the nutrients it needs, and it can utilize them, then it will know what to do with it. (Please look at gluten sensitivity for some real insights to better health).
Do you know anyone that could eat an avocado, banana, walnut, sweet potato and tuna fish smoothie? Do you know how much nutrition you are getting? Lots balance and healthy.
The ongoing challenge is we know what we need to do it just comes down to commitment. Well now possibly there is new drugs on the horizon it is important to keep up your hope and spirits. I know we run the risk of getting our hopes up again and again but what is the alternative.
The key is doing a good thing many times not just one day you get 3000 calories you need to do it consistently and in a way that you will be compliant to yourself, regardless of how compliant you are with your other treatments. Well we have to be diligent with those too. It is all related. To run the risk of sounding trite, Nike said it best "Just Do It!"

Also utilizing nightly tube feeds supplies your body with the needed nutrients during the night, a time that you usually are not eating. Again points for the G-tub e advantage.
By making your own foods you get fresh and healthy foods, as good as you can get and you know exactly what is in there and what it is made of, conveniently made up in a blender and allowing you to bypass the arduous task of eating enough calories. This is critical if you have food allergies. And we do we just don't know it. I avoid soy, peanuts, dairy and gluten. The typical formula feeds enterral nutrition is basically dead nutrition and high glycemic. They formulate them for specific needs and they put the cheapest and nutritionally void foods in there. I know it is needed and I still use a formula but I am relying more on natural whole foods instead. I know this runs counter to the dieticians recommendations but they are just parroting what insurance and big pharmaceutical companies will support.

Again the concept is high quality, real food, no gluten, dairy or high glycemic carbs, with good fats and protein in a balanced and consistent delivery method to get the nutrients you need. The concept is quality versus quantity. If you can bolus 3-4 times per day you will get the calories you need and make a better digestive load on your body and blood sugar, this helps you get nutrients and calories. Because you have digestive problems you need to be even more mindful of nutrition and how it is paramount to surviving this disease.
The days of Pizza, Pepsis and cheese puffs are over, this is dead anti nutrition at its best. I know sounds like comfort food but this is sick food.
Look at CF from a non CF point of view. Your body requires more nutrition the right kind more than someone else. Just you can eat more crap doesn't mean you should. So to compete with CF you have to outsmart it with good nutrition. Real , whole foods and supplements. No gluten, dairy or heavy sugar, soda etc. If it is processed food it is dead food.
Food Allergies
Easiest way to tell if you are allergic to foods beyond the serious and obvious, is acne and congestion.
If you are over 25 and have acne you have food allergies. IF you drink a milk shake and are junky then dairy is a problem. If you are suffering from inflammation, tiredness, stomach problems, arthritis etc you have to figure out what foods are your friends and what are your foes.
If you bolus 3 cups of liquid you will get bloated. To start go slow it is best to successfully do 4 oz 4 times a day then all at once.
If you do it and it works ok for you, you can add more based on your needs. It is a good idea to rotate foods so you are getting a balanced diet. I make up feed formulas every 3 days and just commit to cleaning up the kitchen, ok most times, except my wife might disagree and wonder what happened in here?
Take it slow, start with a few ounces after you eat a snack or meal. Doing a G-tube bolus will make you feel full until you get use to the feeling. Remember the blending and mixing is like you super chewing the food. It is also best to bolus after you do eat some solids, you do not want to replace eating foods normally and doing the bolus after you eat ensures you do not fill up and avoid eating.
Juicing - Green juice, fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to get the nutrients you need. You can juice and drink the juice or you can get creative and juice some heavy greens and bolus it. See what kind of advantage this is?
You want the mixture smooth without any clumps, as even the smallest clump will clog the tube and make life messy. You want a pancake batter consistency, remember you don't have to drink it. Add more liquids or solids to your liking. Add all ingredients and blend well for 30 seconds or more. Adding more liquid speeds up the process. Remember you can drink water before or after if you feel full. Also take enzymes with antacids, helps the enzymes work more effectively.
Pour out into shallow and steady bowl or wide mouth measuring cup container , this makes it easier to draw out liquid with syringe and to gauge how much you are using. I use a 60 cc syringe with a bolus attachment for G-tube it basically does not have the L shaped connector, this allows a faster and easier bolus. The L connector tends to clog with mixtures with a heavy consistency and when there are small clumps. I also use a 60cc and 30cc Luer Lock Tip type syringe, it fits into the hole in G-tube just evenly and use this when traveling or what not, here you do not need the bolus tube less parts to clean and carry around. It can be a little messier if you miss though.
I do the bolus over the sink and rinse the syringe each time I draw out the liquid, this keeps things clean. I also have a paper towel to wipe up any spills. It takes a little finagling but you'll get the hang of it.
Post back if you want to talk more.