Thank you all so much for sharing with me!
I know CF is so unpredictable! It's just nice to see all of you doing so well and I like hearing your positive outlooks on life with CF!!
I am definitely not looking forward to the teenage years, but I am hoping that since at 3, I am instilling in Hayley how important her treatments and meds are and that they are not optional, but mandatory, that it will just continue to be a way of life that we get used to.
It's also hard at her age because I have no idea what her lung function is, she is too big for the infant PFT machine (and our clinic does not have one anyway) and she is not old enough to do the lung function tests yet. So all I really have to base her current health situation on is hospitaizations and all the antibiotics she has been on.
Thanks Amy, for reminding me thought, that I should not be looking at it that way, becausae all the agressive treatment should be preserving her lung function and preventing damage!
I chat on another board of just CF moms with kids of similar age and a lot of their kids have never been hospitalized, never had IV meds, never cultured anything bad and it just makes me sad that Hayley has had to go through so much already! BUt I will continue to focus on the positives!
All of the adults on here are really an inspiration to me and I appreciate you taking the time to answer my post!!