I'm a solar engineer, degree in Mechanical Engineering.
I thought similarly when I was in high school, thinking I shouldn't pursue anything physically demanding. Working from home didn't really exist at the time and I wouldn't necessarily pursue a career with that in mind. I've made some great friends having a work-place to go to.
I don't know how old your son is, but I believe the treatments available and upcoming will be a gamechanger for the generation growing up now. I had doubts I'd live through college and now I'm 41, so I'm not as delicate as I thought. I recommend kids pursue whatever they're interested in, especially when young. Learning 3D printing teaches many great skills, computer modeling, spatial visualization, etc. I was learning drums, which I turned into a nice hobby and had fun playing some live shows, never expecting it to be my career. Marketable skills are great, but having varied interests makes for a more interesting human.