advice on eating


New member
can she sucK? Have those studies been done?
There are these babby feeders for "solids" <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
can she sucK? Have those studies been done?
There are these babby feeders for "solids" <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
thanks for all the advice and the links! I am thinking she may not be hungry (especially since she is "chubby") and doesn't have interest in food. I will let you know what happens when I meet her!


New member
thanks for all the advice and the links! I am thinking she may not be hungry (especially since she is "chubby") and doesn't have interest in food. I will let you know what happens when I meet her!


New member
P.S. You may all know this, but never feed a baby under 12 months honey! (even honey graham crackers and cheerios and things) because of infant botulism. The advice for this baby is fine because she is 18 months <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Just making sure everyone knows!
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
P.S. You may all know this, but never feed a baby under 12 months honey! (even honey graham crackers and cheerios and things) because of infant botulism. The advice for this baby is fine because she is 18 months <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Just making sure everyone knows!
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I have an 18 month daughter with CF. She was eating fine (we thought) until a few weeks ago. Now she just eats a few bites of food, and drinks just a few ounces of whole milk with carnation instant breakfast added. The doctors told us last week that we have to get her weigh up. The will check her again in 5 weeks to see if we have to go to a feeding tube. We have even resorted to junk food, just tring to get the calories. Has anyone else faced this? Do you have any suggestions. Her twin brother who does not have CF has also cut way back on how much he eats. The doctors are not concerned about him, since he doesn't have CF, even though he isn't much larger.


New member
I have an 18 month daughter with CF. She was eating fine (we thought) until a few weeks ago. Now she just eats a few bites of food, and drinks just a few ounces of whole milk with carnation instant breakfast added. The doctors told us last week that we have to get her weigh up. The will check her again in 5 weeks to see if we have to go to a feeding tube. We have even resorted to junk food, just tring to get the calories. Has anyone else faced this? Do you have any suggestions. Her twin brother who does not have CF has also cut way back on how much he eats. The doctors are not concerned about him, since he doesn't have CF, even though he isn't much larger.


New member
DS is almost three and goes thru similar non-eating jags. I think it's a toddler thing -- he'll go for days eating the same thing -- mac & cheese, hot dogs, spagetti and then he'll refuse to touch it and then we have to figure out what he wants to eat. He was off yogurt for half a year, now he loves it. I don't care if DS eats the same thing for every meal as long as he eats during these times.


New member
DS is almost three and goes thru similar non-eating jags. I think it's a toddler thing -- he'll go for days eating the same thing -- mac & cheese, hot dogs, spagetti and then he'll refuse to touch it and then we have to figure out what he wants to eat. He was off yogurt for half a year, now he loves it. I don't care if DS eats the same thing for every meal as long as he eats during these times.