Advice on the flu



Last tuesday during my sons spring break he started to run a fever. We went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with the flu. When we were admitted into the hospital we found out that 12 other CF kids were admitted on the same floor for the same thing. I begged to go home with my son since he does have a port and a home nurse that could come out and see us. I just didnt think that being there would br good for us.
Now that we're home and hes starting to feel better, When do I send him back to school?
I'm terrified right now because not only does he have CF, he has had a liver transplant and the medication has suppressed his immune system and he can't all these germs off. so my question is: Even though he's on Cipro, Is it safe to send him back to school so soon?


Last tuesday during my sons spring break he started to run a fever. We went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with the flu. When we were admitted into the hospital we found out that 12 other CF kids were admitted on the same floor for the same thing. I begged to go home with my son since he does have a port and a home nurse that could come out and see us. I just didnt think that being there would br good for us.
Now that we're home and hes starting to feel better, When do I send him back to school?
I'm terrified right now because not only does he have CF, he has had a liver transplant and the medication has suppressed his immune system and he can't all these germs off. so my question is: Even though he's on Cipro, Is it safe to send him back to school so soon?


New member
My thoughts:

1) A flu outbreak in school tends to be swift and large and often dies off. If it has been a week the chance that it is winding down is good.
2) While immuno-compromised, I'm assuming he knows to wash hands, not rub his mouth/nose, etc.

Based upon those, *I* would probably wait out the week and put him back in on Monday. By then the outbreak should be well behind him reducing the risk, and his body will be the strongest it can be.

However, if there is a reason to want to get him back (academics, sports, a girlfriend--just kidding) then you could probably do so this week with a mom's reminder to follow flu safety rules.


New member
My thoughts:

1) A flu outbreak in school tends to be swift and large and often dies off. If it has been a week the chance that it is winding down is good.
2) While immuno-compromised, I'm assuming he knows to wash hands, not rub his mouth/nose, etc.

Based upon those, *I* would probably wait out the week and put him back in on Monday. By then the outbreak should be well behind him reducing the risk, and his body will be the strongest it can be.

However, if there is a reason to want to get him back (academics, sports, a girlfriend--just kidding) then you could probably do so this week with a mom's reminder to follow flu safety rules.