Age to join forums?


New member

My son Sam (wcf) is 10.5 and has recently asked about whether there were other cf kids that he could meet so that he doesnt feel like he's the only yp he knows with it (although he has an older brother and sister with cf, there is a big age diff.).
I've explained the infection issue to him often, and he understands that aspect...sooo, the only way he can communicate with other cfer's is through forums.
There doesnt seem to be forums especially for his age group, and I dont know if this forum is suitable because of the issues raised on it.
My question to you young people on this forum is, at what age did you begin to consider the seriousness of cf? Did you have lots of thoughts about cf that you felt you couldnt talk to anyone about because you were afraid, or didnt want to upset your parents?
I dont want Sam to become afraid of his future as a person with cf., but also am aware that he might be thinking about stuff that he doesnt want to share with me. I also realise the value of having peers to share his experiences with so that he knows that he is not the only ypwcf around.
What do you think? Is he too young to join this forum? He is fairly mature for his age, but I dont want to freak him out with unnecessary (at this time) info.


New member

My son Sam (wcf) is 10.5 and has recently asked about whether there were other cf kids that he could meet so that he doesnt feel like he's the only yp he knows with it (although he has an older brother and sister with cf, there is a big age diff.).
I've explained the infection issue to him often, and he understands that aspect...sooo, the only way he can communicate with other cfer's is through forums.
There doesnt seem to be forums especially for his age group, and I dont know if this forum is suitable because of the issues raised on it.
My question to you young people on this forum is, at what age did you begin to consider the seriousness of cf? Did you have lots of thoughts about cf that you felt you couldnt talk to anyone about because you were afraid, or didnt want to upset your parents?
I dont want Sam to become afraid of his future as a person with cf., but also am aware that he might be thinking about stuff that he doesnt want to share with me. I also realise the value of having peers to share his experiences with so that he knows that he is not the only ypwcf around.
What do you think? Is he too young to join this forum? He is fairly mature for his age, but I dont want to freak him out with unnecessary (at this time) info.


New member

My son Sam (wcf) is 10.5 and has recently asked about whether there were other cf kids that he could meet so that he doesnt feel like he's the only yp he knows with it (although he has an older brother and sister with cf, there is a big age diff.).
I've explained the infection issue to him often, and he understands that aspect...sooo, the only way he can communicate with other cfer's is through forums.
There doesnt seem to be forums especially for his age group, and I dont know if this forum is suitable because of the issues raised on it.
My question to you young people on this forum is, at what age did you begin to consider the seriousness of cf? Did you have lots of thoughts about cf that you felt you couldnt talk to anyone about because you were afraid, or didnt want to upset your parents?
I dont want Sam to become afraid of his future as a person with cf., but also am aware that he might be thinking about stuff that he doesnt want to share with me. I also realise the value of having peers to share his experiences with so that he knows that he is not the only ypwcf around.
What do you think? Is he too young to join this forum? He is fairly mature for his age, but I dont want to freak him out with unnecessary (at this time) info.


New member
i'm matt and i'm 11.5 yers old and i just recently was dx with cf about a month ago and i've only told 3 of my friends that i have cf but i still don't like to talk about it but my mom told me sooner or latter i shold tell more people about it.and i don't like to talk about it very much.:smile;


New member
i'm matt and i'm 11.5 yers old and i just recently was dx with cf about a month ago and i've only told 3 of my friends that i have cf but i still don't like to talk about it but my mom told me sooner or latter i shold tell more people about it.and i don't like to talk about it very much.:smile;


New member
i'm matt and i'm 11.5 yers old and i just recently was dx with cf about a month ago and i've only told 3 of my friends that i have cf but i still don't like to talk about it but my mom told me sooner or latter i shold tell more people about it.and i don't like to talk about it very much.:smile;


New member
you get smiley faces by pressing the : and the ) which is the same as the zero key while holding down the shift key. Anyways, I wasn't diagnosed with cf until i was in the eighth grade but the whole time i knew something was wrong with me and just didn't know what yet, I thought about what was wrong with me and why i always got stomach aches (because i didn't know i had cf i wasn't on enzymes and you can guess all the problems that caused) and was always coughing, I eventually learned about it and this passed. Keep your son informed and everything should be ok. I hope this eases your concerns, hang in there, we're all in this together. -the red green show


New member
you get smiley faces by pressing the : and the ) which is the same as the zero key while holding down the shift key. Anyways, I wasn't diagnosed with cf until i was in the eighth grade but the whole time i knew something was wrong with me and just didn't know what yet, I thought about what was wrong with me and why i always got stomach aches (because i didn't know i had cf i wasn't on enzymes and you can guess all the problems that caused) and was always coughing, I eventually learned about it and this passed. Keep your son informed and everything should be ok. I hope this eases your concerns, hang in there, we're all in this together. -the red green show


New member
you get smiley faces by pressing the : and the ) which is the same as the zero key while holding down the shift key. Anyways, I wasn't diagnosed with cf until i was in the eighth grade but the whole time i knew something was wrong with me and just didn't know what yet, I thought about what was wrong with me and why i always got stomach aches (because i didn't know i had cf i wasn't on enzymes and you can guess all the problems that caused) and was always coughing, I eventually learned about it and this passed. Keep your son informed and everything should be ok. I hope this eases your concerns, hang in there, we're all in this together. -the red green show


New member
Thanks for the replys...sorry I havent checked back on this forum lately.

Matt, everyone is different when it comes to talking about their CF to friends. I dont think Sam is too worried about it, but I know that my daughter (who is 25), has never liked to tell people that she has cf, unless they are good friends. I'm not sure why, I think that maybe she doesnt like having to explain it to people, or have people think she is different to them.
I think that you can tell people about cf if you feel like sharing that with them. None of Sam's friends have thought anything of it at all, to them he is just 'Sam', but they were worried about him when he was in hospital.
My older son (27 wcf) has no problem at all telling people about it.

Sam was diagnosed at birth with cf, as we have an infant screening proccess in place (so you may have been diagnosed at birth if you lived here in Australia!), so CF has always been part of his life. Lately he has been in hospital and a bit sick, so he has been thinking about having cf more, and wanted to talk to people about it. I will show him your message, and maybe you two can chat occassionally.

Jo, Sam's mum <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I tried to do a smiley face too, dont know if it will work though!!


New member
Thanks for the replys...sorry I havent checked back on this forum lately.

Matt, everyone is different when it comes to talking about their CF to friends. I dont think Sam is too worried about it, but I know that my daughter (who is 25), has never liked to tell people that she has cf, unless they are good friends. I'm not sure why, I think that maybe she doesnt like having to explain it to people, or have people think she is different to them.
I think that you can tell people about cf if you feel like sharing that with them. None of Sam's friends have thought anything of it at all, to them he is just 'Sam', but they were worried about him when he was in hospital.
My older son (27 wcf) has no problem at all telling people about it.

Sam was diagnosed at birth with cf, as we have an infant screening proccess in place (so you may have been diagnosed at birth if you lived here in Australia!), so CF has always been part of his life. Lately he has been in hospital and a bit sick, so he has been thinking about having cf more, and wanted to talk to people about it. I will show him your message, and maybe you two can chat occassionally.

Jo, Sam's mum <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I tried to do a smiley face too, dont know if it will work though!!


New member
Thanks for the replys...sorry I havent checked back on this forum lately.

Matt, everyone is different when it comes to talking about their CF to friends. I dont think Sam is too worried about it, but I know that my daughter (who is 25), has never liked to tell people that she has cf, unless they are good friends. I'm not sure why, I think that maybe she doesnt like having to explain it to people, or have people think she is different to them.
I think that you can tell people about cf if you feel like sharing that with them. None of Sam's friends have thought anything of it at all, to them he is just 'Sam', but they were worried about him when he was in hospital.
My older son (27 wcf) has no problem at all telling people about it.

Sam was diagnosed at birth with cf, as we have an infant screening proccess in place (so you may have been diagnosed at birth if you lived here in Australia!), so CF has always been part of his life. Lately he has been in hospital and a bit sick, so he has been thinking about having cf more, and wanted to talk to people about it. I will show him your message, and maybe you two can chat occassionally.

Jo, Sam's mum <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I tried to do a smiley face too, dont know if it will work though!!