
New member
Just a small note to thank all of the you that write your age on your emails. Many of the people on this site are actually adult CFers and it is encouraging for me, as the mother of a 3 yr old, to see how you have all grown. I also find your opinions on things very useful. I read your opinions and thoughts and it gives me some insight into how her life may be down the line. I know that as much as I understand the disease I do not have CF and will never fully understand how it affects her. I thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and allowing me to understand a bit more about the things she may face in years to come. If anyone with CF has any advice for me, as a parent, I am welcome to hear it. Things like what you wish your parents had done different etc, what they did that helped you cope, and how you coped with it over the years etc...Thanks,Heather


New member
Heather, I'm so glad that you have been uplifted by reading these messages. I put my age just for that reason to prove that we have overcome the odds. I was told I was not going to see kindergarden and now I'm a senior in college making plans to get my masters degree. I'm a theater minor and social work major, and am involved in so many extra curricular activities it would make your head spin <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">The biggest thing my parents did for me, was that they realized like you do, that they can not understand what it's like having CF. They also realized that no one, not even they could make me want to live, or take my medications. So at about the age of 8, when I started to be delinquent in doing my treatments and taking my medications, they put my care into my hands. I was in charge of administering my treatments, and keeping track of my meds. It was hard for them, because I would get sick, but I had no one to blame but myself. I wanted to live a normal life, and I realized at a young age what I had to do to make that happen. I'm still very healthy and living a normal life, of course doing my treatments and taking vitamins. Also when your child doesn't want to eat, you have to force it. I've never had a feeding tube. My mom would make me healthshakes (chocolate) out of instant breakfast mix, but she'd use icecream, and put bananas and peanut butter in it. Vitamin supplements are always a must as well!! If you have any questions, you can ask me. I don't know everything but I can give you advice about what has worked for me!!Bethany f/23/cf/cfrd