air travel


New member
Next April (I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself here)I'm going on a vacation to NYC. This will be my first time on a plane. Anyways what do I need to do about taking my meds and vest with me. I am completely clueless when it comes to this matter. I'm also worried about taking my Vest because of it getting lost or something. I have a flutter, but it's not near as effective as the Vest for me and I can't go too long without doing it or I start feeling bad. I'm just not sure about trying to board a plane with all this medicine with me.


New member
Next April (I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself here)I'm going on a vacation to NYC. This will be my first time on a plane. Anyways what do I need to do about taking my meds and vest with me. I am completely clueless when it comes to this matter. I'm also worried about taking my Vest because of it getting lost or something. I have a flutter, but it's not near as effective as the Vest for me and I can't go too long without doing it or I start feeling bad. I'm just not sure about trying to board a plane with all this medicine with me.


New member
Next April (I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself here)I'm going on a vacation to NYC. This will be my first time on a plane. Anyways what do I need to do about taking my meds and vest with me. I am completely clueless when it comes to this matter. I'm also worried about taking my Vest because of it getting lost or something. I have a flutter, but it's not near as effective as the Vest for me and I can't go too long without doing it or I start feeling bad. I'm just not sure about trying to board a plane with all this medicine with me.


New member
Next April (I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself here)I'm going on a vacation to NYC. This will be my first time on a plane. Anyways what do I need to do about taking my meds and vest with me. I am completely clueless when it comes to this matter. I'm also worried about taking my Vest because of it getting lost or something. I have a flutter, but it's not near as effective as the Vest for me and I can't go too long without doing it or I start feeling bad. I'm just not sure about trying to board a plane with all this medicine with me.


New member
Next April (I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself here)I'm going on a vacation to NYC. This will be my first time on a plane. Anyways what do I need to do about taking my meds and vest with me. I am completely clueless when it comes to this matter. I'm also worried about taking my Vest because of it getting lost or something. I have a flutter, but it's not near as effective as the Vest for me and I can't go too long without doing it or I start feeling bad. I'm just not sure about trying to board a plane with all this medicine with me.


Staff member
Well, you don't want to check everything and risk it being lost or damaged, so I would suggest you take it as carry-on. We have yet to fly with DS's vest because our last trip, he didn't have it yet, but we flew several times with a nebulizer, cooler with meds... We put his nebulizer in a carry-on, along with a small lunch box cooler that had one of those ice packs we got in the mail with his tobi to keep his tobi & pulmozyme and liquid meds cool. I asked the pharmacy for smaller pill bottles, so I didn't have to take the ginormous containers a 3 month supply comes in -- so I could take just enough meds for a week or so trip (did have extras in case of flight delays). And I placed all the pill bottles in a smaller baggie.

Do you have a hill-rom vest? I know a couple people here have just packed everything in a carry-on size spinner (samsonite) or rolling suit case and placed everything in that for ease of transport. Hill Rom now has a duffle bag with wheels, though. Medical equipment is considered exempt from your carry-on luggage allotment. Some people carry a letter along from their doctor.

The only issue we had in all our travels is the local airport took us aside to scan our "breathing apparatus" -- nebulizer. Then made DH plug it in. Otherwise, no issues.


Staff member
Well, you don't want to check everything and risk it being lost or damaged, so I would suggest you take it as carry-on. We have yet to fly with DS's vest because our last trip, he didn't have it yet, but we flew several times with a nebulizer, cooler with meds... We put his nebulizer in a carry-on, along with a small lunch box cooler that had one of those ice packs we got in the mail with his tobi to keep his tobi & pulmozyme and liquid meds cool. I asked the pharmacy for smaller pill bottles, so I didn't have to take the ginormous containers a 3 month supply comes in -- so I could take just enough meds for a week or so trip (did have extras in case of flight delays). And I placed all the pill bottles in a smaller baggie.

Do you have a hill-rom vest? I know a couple people here have just packed everything in a carry-on size spinner (samsonite) or rolling suit case and placed everything in that for ease of transport. Hill Rom now has a duffle bag with wheels, though. Medical equipment is considered exempt from your carry-on luggage allotment. Some people carry a letter along from their doctor.

The only issue we had in all our travels is the local airport took us aside to scan our "breathing apparatus" -- nebulizer. Then made DH plug it in. Otherwise, no issues.


Staff member
Well, you don't want to check everything and risk it being lost or damaged, so I would suggest you take it as carry-on. We have yet to fly with DS's vest because our last trip, he didn't have it yet, but we flew several times with a nebulizer, cooler with meds... We put his nebulizer in a carry-on, along with a small lunch box cooler that had one of those ice packs we got in the mail with his tobi to keep his tobi & pulmozyme and liquid meds cool. I asked the pharmacy for smaller pill bottles, so I didn't have to take the ginormous containers a 3 month supply comes in -- so I could take just enough meds for a week or so trip (did have extras in case of flight delays). And I placed all the pill bottles in a smaller baggie.

Do you have a hill-rom vest? I know a couple people here have just packed everything in a carry-on size spinner (samsonite) or rolling suit case and placed everything in that for ease of transport. Hill Rom now has a duffle bag with wheels, though. Medical equipment is considered exempt from your carry-on luggage allotment. Some people carry a letter along from their doctor.

The only issue we had in all our travels is the local airport took us aside to scan our "breathing apparatus" -- nebulizer. Then made DH plug it in. Otherwise, no issues.


Staff member
Well, you don't want to check everything and risk it being lost or damaged, so I would suggest you take it as carry-on. We have yet to fly with DS's vest because our last trip, he didn't have it yet, but we flew several times with a nebulizer, cooler with meds... We put his nebulizer in a carry-on, along with a small lunch box cooler that had one of those ice packs we got in the mail with his tobi to keep his tobi & pulmozyme and liquid meds cool. I asked the pharmacy for smaller pill bottles, so I didn't have to take the ginormous containers a 3 month supply comes in -- so I could take just enough meds for a week or so trip (did have extras in case of flight delays). And I placed all the pill bottles in a smaller baggie.

Do you have a hill-rom vest? I know a couple people here have just packed everything in a carry-on size spinner (samsonite) or rolling suit case and placed everything in that for ease of transport. Hill Rom now has a duffle bag with wheels, though. Medical equipment is considered exempt from your carry-on luggage allotment. Some people carry a letter along from their doctor.

The only issue we had in all our travels is the local airport took us aside to scan our "breathing apparatus" -- nebulizer. Then made DH plug it in. Otherwise, no issues.


Staff member
Well, you don't want to check everything and risk it being lost or damaged, so I would suggest you take it as carry-on. We have yet to fly with DS's vest because our last trip, he didn't have it yet, but we flew several times with a nebulizer, cooler with meds... We put his nebulizer in a carry-on, along with a small lunch box cooler that had one of those ice packs we got in the mail with his tobi to keep his tobi & pulmozyme and liquid meds cool. I asked the pharmacy for smaller pill bottles, so I didn't have to take the ginormous containers a 3 month supply comes in -- so I could take just enough meds for a week or so trip (did have extras in case of flight delays). And I placed all the pill bottles in a smaller baggie.
<br />
<br />Do you have a hill-rom vest? I know a couple people here have just packed everything in a carry-on size spinner (samsonite) or rolling suit case and placed everything in that for ease of transport. Hill Rom now has a duffle bag with wheels, though. Medical equipment is considered exempt from your carry-on luggage allotment. Some people carry a letter along from their doctor.
<br />
<br />The only issue we had in all our travels is the local airport took us aside to scan our "breathing apparatus" -- nebulizer. Then made DH plug it in. Otherwise, no issues.


New member
I have always travelled with my meds and nebulizer equipement and I pack it ALL in the carry on bag. I also carry a note from my doc about how I have CF and need all this stuff. I have NEVER had to show the letter. The only thing they will do is scan your nebulizer compressor. I also put all neb pieces in plastic baggies in case they go through my stuff I do not want them touching my nebs. I carry all meds in small bottles in a ziplock.

Carry anything to do with your care on your carry on cause you do not want it to get lost. I have never travelled with the Vest, so not sure about that and if it counts as a carry on item? YOu can go on the TSA website or call your airline and ask if they count it as a carry on and then does that mean you can not have another carry on bag? Otherwise, I just suck it up and use my flutter and do some extra neb treatments of albuterol while I am on vacation.

Have fun!

Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I have always travelled with my meds and nebulizer equipement and I pack it ALL in the carry on bag. I also carry a note from my doc about how I have CF and need all this stuff. I have NEVER had to show the letter. The only thing they will do is scan your nebulizer compressor. I also put all neb pieces in plastic baggies in case they go through my stuff I do not want them touching my nebs. I carry all meds in small bottles in a ziplock.

Carry anything to do with your care on your carry on cause you do not want it to get lost. I have never travelled with the Vest, so not sure about that and if it counts as a carry on item? YOu can go on the TSA website or call your airline and ask if they count it as a carry on and then does that mean you can not have another carry on bag? Otherwise, I just suck it up and use my flutter and do some extra neb treatments of albuterol while I am on vacation.

Have fun!

Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I have always travelled with my meds and nebulizer equipement and I pack it ALL in the carry on bag. I also carry a note from my doc about how I have CF and need all this stuff. I have NEVER had to show the letter. The only thing they will do is scan your nebulizer compressor. I also put all neb pieces in plastic baggies in case they go through my stuff I do not want them touching my nebs. I carry all meds in small bottles in a ziplock.

Carry anything to do with your care on your carry on cause you do not want it to get lost. I have never travelled with the Vest, so not sure about that and if it counts as a carry on item? YOu can go on the TSA website or call your airline and ask if they count it as a carry on and then does that mean you can not have another carry on bag? Otherwise, I just suck it up and use my flutter and do some extra neb treatments of albuterol while I am on vacation.

Have fun!

Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I have always travelled with my meds and nebulizer equipement and I pack it ALL in the carry on bag. I also carry a note from my doc about how I have CF and need all this stuff. I have NEVER had to show the letter. The only thing they will do is scan your nebulizer compressor. I also put all neb pieces in plastic baggies in case they go through my stuff I do not want them touching my nebs. I carry all meds in small bottles in a ziplock.

Carry anything to do with your care on your carry on cause you do not want it to get lost. I have never travelled with the Vest, so not sure about that and if it counts as a carry on item? YOu can go on the TSA website or call your airline and ask if they count it as a carry on and then does that mean you can not have another carry on bag? Otherwise, I just suck it up and use my flutter and do some extra neb treatments of albuterol while I am on vacation.

Have fun!

Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I have always travelled with my meds and nebulizer equipement and I pack it ALL in the carry on bag. I also carry a note from my doc about how I have CF and need all this stuff. I have NEVER had to show the letter. The only thing they will do is scan your nebulizer compressor. I also put all neb pieces in plastic baggies in case they go through my stuff I do not want them touching my nebs. I carry all meds in small bottles in a ziplock.
<br />
<br />Carry anything to do with your care on your carry on cause you do not want it to get lost. I have never travelled with the Vest, so not sure about that and if it counts as a carry on item? YOu can go on the TSA website or call your airline and ask if they count it as a carry on and then does that mean you can not have another carry on bag? Otherwise, I just suck it up and use my flutter and do some extra neb treatments of albuterol while I am on vacation.
<br />
<br />Have fun!
<br />
<br />Jennifer 36 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I'm starting to think I should just bring my Flutter anyways and just do it. The reason it's probably not as effective is because I usually just half-a** when I do it. We're gonna be staying about 4 blocks from Time Square so we're gonna be doing a lot of walking, so that should help keep everything in my lungs broke up. I know this trip is like 7 months away and I'm already freakin myself out about it.


New member
I'm starting to think I should just bring my Flutter anyways and just do it. The reason it's probably not as effective is because I usually just half-a** when I do it. We're gonna be staying about 4 blocks from Time Square so we're gonna be doing a lot of walking, so that should help keep everything in my lungs broke up. I know this trip is like 7 months away and I'm already freakin myself out about it.


New member
I'm starting to think I should just bring my Flutter anyways and just do it. The reason it's probably not as effective is because I usually just half-a** when I do it. We're gonna be staying about 4 blocks from Time Square so we're gonna be doing a lot of walking, so that should help keep everything in my lungs broke up. I know this trip is like 7 months away and I'm already freakin myself out about it.


New member
I'm starting to think I should just bring my Flutter anyways and just do it. The reason it's probably not as effective is because I usually just half-a** when I do it. We're gonna be staying about 4 blocks from Time Square so we're gonna be doing a lot of walking, so that should help keep everything in my lungs broke up. I know this trip is like 7 months away and I'm already freakin myself out about it.


New member
I'm starting to think I should just bring my Flutter anyways and just do it. The reason it's probably not as effective is because I usually just half-a** when I do it. We're gonna be staying about 4 blocks from Time Square so we're gonna be doing a lot of walking, so that should help keep everything in my lungs broke up. I know this trip is like 7 months away and I'm already freakin myself out about it.