

New member
Do any of you expeirences bad effects after drinking? I dont really know what meds will react oddly to it. I know that it wont be great on my kidneys also but I'm an EMT, my job is very stressful, smoking is out of the qustion. Any suggestions are wellcome. I do play a musical insturment 7 in fact. But that doesnt seem to be enough any more.


New member
I agree with Amy. Even on my bad days, I feel incredibly good after a long good sweat. For me its going cycling, and on the treadmill for about 40 mins each. Its fantasic how relaxed I am afterwards.


New member

I am also an EMT and I know how hard it is to destress after pulling a 12 to 24 hour shift.

Many of my partners go for a drink after work, but alcohol does nothing but upset my stomach. The best stress relief for me is to come home, take a walk, read a good book in the tub, then off to sleep!



New member
To each his own, but I would stick with exercise, yoga etc. Alcohol can compound things by dehydrating you &/or giving the hangover affect depending on your indulgence.