As far as the abortion issue goes, I see it this way. You're saying that life beings at conception. All cells are living, no matter how insignificant. Does that mean that every woman who's had more than one period is a serial killer (yes, I took that from George Carlin...he's my idol ^_^)?
As for the pot thing...don't believe everything you hear. Anything can be bad if you do it too much, and just because it's illegal doesn't mean that it's something worthy of arrest. For instance, there are a lot of people in jail for doing pot and other illegal drugs, and they say we're running out of jail room...hmm, I wonder why? Maybe because we're putting harmless people in jail who don't need to be there, as opposed to the murderers and the rapists!!! I know I said that we shouldn't debate this in an earlier post, but dammit, I have to say what's on my mind. I've known people who've done pot that are completely hooked to the stage that they can't live without it. BUT, I've also seen people (including my own boyfriend!!) who smoke it OCCASIONALLY and are just fine. I do it once in a great while for the appetite it induces and for a little relaxation. I realize that it probably isn't helping my lungs, but I also know that it isn't going to hurt much as long as I do it in small amounts, and I'm not going to live my life in a plastic bubble just because I have CF. So I find it personally offensive when it sounds like you're classifying me as a bad person because I smoke a little weed now and then.
Basically, I agree with Mockingbird on just about everything. BTW, I'm really sorry for accusing you before, MB. A prime example of my temper sometimes ^_^; I hope you can forgive me.