Allan died this morning.


New member

Please know you are on so many of our minds.

When I posted the news about my husband's death last year, someone here said something that has always stuck with me. I was told that when a cure of CF is found, in part, it will be because of my husband, and all others that fought the battle. Using different meds, participating in studies and trying medical equipment all lends a hand in the journey to find a cure. I have always held this thought close to my heart.


New member
Jess, I am so sorry for your loss. I found Allan's strength and character inspiring. He was a man of integrity.
You are in my thoughts.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I am SOOOOO sorry. I almost dreaded getting on this board in case i saw this message. None of us wanted to see this, we've lost a part of our family. Your love for him was the best thing in his life and helped him tremendously. I will keep you and his family in my prayers<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> PLease do not hesitate to contact me if you just need to talk....<hr></blockquote>
I'm sorry .That was me , i forgot to log in


New member
Dear Jess, I'm very sorry to hear about Allan. I know what you are going through, my brother passed away in August after being denied many times for transplant. I wanted you to know that if you need anything please email me I'd be happy to talk to you. I will pray for you and your families.