Hey guys!<br><br>I have TERRIBLE asthma symptoms that seem to get worse with age. This year I've already been on two, at least month-long, high courses of prednisone (I start at 60mg). It works wonders for my breathing but after only a week of it, everything else goes in the crapper. I'm unbelievably insulin resistant despite diet change and insulin increase and my sugars rarely make it below 300 (swallowing air makes my sugar soar <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> ). Plus, there's the bloating, the hunger, the puffiness. I get moonface really badly, too, and get embarrassed by it often (everyone notices it and tells me about it). I was looking online for alternatives to prednisone and found cromolyn and nedocromil - both of these are inhaled. Have any of you ever tried these? Are they effective in relief and/or prevention of inflammation symptoms? My inflammation gets so bad to the point that I feel like I'm suffocating...but I hate being on prednisone so much as it makes me feel like the bad ends up outweighing the good. Do any of you have any other alternatives?<br><br>I've tried advair, all three strengths, and it doesn't seem to help much...not in the summer, anyway. I'm on flovent, but feel like it's doing nothing. When my inflammation gets really bad like this, I could easily neb albuterol every hour (I don't, of course).<br><br>Any suggestions would be great, thanks!<br>