Hello, looking for information on the Ambry Amplified blood test. I adopted my 7 year old DD from China 4-2013 and she recently was diagnosed with CF. However the Doctor is waiting for a 100 % confirmation on this through the Ambry testing. DD first round of testing came back negative. Not sure how far they looked. She has had 3 sweat test done with 3 different results. 70, 59, and 22. Confusing right? Anyway she has many other symptoms of CF so she was diagnosed. My question is because she is Chinese and this is the one population that is least likely to have CF Is the Ambry test the most extensive testing available for diagnosing CF? Not much information is available on Chinese people with CF as it is so rare. But the few things I have stumbled upon say the people who have been confirmed through blood work show they have 2 novel genes. Has anyone heard of this? Of course I will be so happy if the testing comes back negative, but I want to make sure there is nothing else I should be pushing for to diagnose her correctly. If I am explaining any of this wrong please excuse me, this is all very new to me.