I too think the question was valid, and speaking for myself who doesn't have CF, I'm a little insulted that it would be mentioned. But at the same time, Like Terri said, you were just putting out feelers and it's reasonable to think that you would want to discuss your disease with others who HAVE it, and not the spouses or signifigant others. I don't think it's an unreasonable question/statement, but I think we'd all miss out on a lot if that happened.
And Ender, I'm just curious, not trying to be rude or anything. You rarely post on this site, and when you do it's usually in response to one of the heated threads, or a post that was created regarding a heated thread. It's my opinion (my opinion!!!!!) and suggestion that maybe you ought to frequent this site more often than just for the heated debates before making a suggestion like this. That way you can dip your feet into all the valuable information that is available on this site. Just my thoughts.
All in all though, I've learned so much from everyone on this site who has CF, so much valuable information I coudn't have gotten elsewhere. And I KNOW that many of us "non-CFers" (parents, spouses, relatives, sig. others) have contributed in other ways to help out those with CF. And the non-CFers help support the other non-CFers.
Just as I, someone who doesn't have CF cannot begin to know what you are going through with your CF (I try to understand but that's all I really can do), those with CF cannot begin to know what we as husbands, wives, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, relatives... go through watching a loved one with CF struggle. Each battle is very hard and very different. But it helps me to hear from other CFers, to understand why my husband is trying to communicate to me, or sometimes fails to communicate to me. So I can be there for him with more understanding.
also, I do fear that if a CF only portion was created, that this one would be frequented less. Even though many say they wouldn't stop visiting, I fear they would and I need everyone on this site.
I also don't understand the comments about creating a CFer only section so one can avoid being criticized by someone who doens't have CF. I can't reacall when I've ever seen someone without CF, criticize someone with CF for something CF related (i.e.CFer "I'm feeling crappy today". non-CFer "well get over it your disease isn't that bad"). However, I do see other types of criticizm all the time on this form and it's not always a bad thing. But if part of the reason why someone wants a "CFer only" page is because they want to choose WHO they recieve their criticizm from, that's just petty and calls for some growing up. The world doesn't work that way.