An Honest survey


New member
I try and do my Nebs three times a day unless I am sick,
then I do four to five times a day,,,

I don't take enzymes at all, I do take multevitamins ,,,,sometimes..
they make me eat so much,,,


New member
I almost never miss my nebs or enzymes.  If I miss anything it
is the Vest.  My doc does not give me a hard time because I
exercise on a daily basis.  If I miss my vest it is like once
or twice  a month and it is almost always in the evening.
 Sometimes there is just not enough time in the day.
  When I miss the vest it is normally because I am just
too tired.  i feel like crap if I miss anything in my morning
routine.  <br>
I am not good about taking my vitamins, zithro, advair and nexium.
 I miss doses of these on a weekly occurrence. Not normally
all the same day.  One day I may miss my night does of advair
and the next day i may miss my zithro. I am working on way to be
better at these few things.  <br>
Like everyone else said you need to find the right balance of
everything in your live.  I hope you find your balance soon