An indirectly CF related problem


New member
Allie, another thought is, some people address the letters, tie them to balloons and then release the balloons. (On the pretense that the balloon will fly up to heaven.) Not sure if Ahava is too smart for that or not.


New member
Allie, another thought is, some people address the letters, tie them to balloons and then release the balloons. (On the pretense that the balloon will fly up to heaven.) Not sure if Ahava is too smart for that or not.


New member
There is a kids book called "Where do balloons go" written by Jamie Lee Curtis. If she ??? the balloons going to heaven this might help. It leaves things to the kids imaginations, but it also offers different ideas as to where balloons go if you wanted to use them.


New member
There is a kids book called "Where do balloons go" written by Jamie Lee Curtis. If she ??? the balloons going to heaven this might help. It leaves things to the kids imaginations, but it also offers different ideas as to where balloons go if you wanted to use them.
thank you so much for taking the time to share! You seem to have such a special child and I think it is so wonderful that the lines of communication are flowing. Thanks again

thank you so much for taking the time to share! You seem to have such a special child and I think it is so wonderful that the lines of communication are flowing. Thanks again



Allie, thank you so much for sharing - it brought tears to my eyes. I hope you felt the big hug I sent your way. You must be a very special person to have such an awesome daughter! I think you are handling her very well which must be hard for you since you too are going through this with her.

I know how hard it is for me when my daughter who has CF talks to me about her disease and when the topic leads to death - I just can't imagine what the talks with your daughter does to your heart!

Just know that you are doing great with your daughter and I think it's wonderful that you are willing to share this with us.



Allie, thank you so much for sharing - it brought tears to my eyes. I hope you felt the big hug I sent your way. You must be a very special person to have such an awesome daughter! I think you are handling her very well which must be hard for you since you too are going through this with her.

I know how hard it is for me when my daughter who has CF talks to me about her disease and when the topic leads to death - I just can't imagine what the talks with your daughter does to your heart!

Just know that you are doing great with your daughter and I think it's wonderful that you are willing to share this with us.



New member
This brought back memories of an old country & western song that I played over & over again when my Dad passed away. I wanted to share it. It is a bit sad, but I think it conveighs the feelings.

By Kitty Wells:

"How Far is Heaven"

How far is Heaven?
Lets go tonite, I want my Daddy to hold me tight.

A little girl was waiting for her Daddy one day.
It was time to meet him, when she heard her Mommy say
Come to Mommy, Darling. Please do not cry
Daddy's gone to Heaven, way up in the sky!

The little girl trembled. Her tears she could not hide.
She looked up toward Heaven and then she replied.

How far is Heaven?
When can I go?
To see my Daddy, he's there I know.
How far is Heaven?
Lets go tonite. I want my Daddy to hold me tight.

He was called so suddenly. He could not say goodbye.
I know that he's in Heaven. We'll meet him by & by

How far is Heaven?
When can I go?
To see my Daddy, he's there I know.
How far is Heaven?
Lets go tonite. I want my Daddy to hold me tight.


New member
This brought back memories of an old country & western song that I played over & over again when my Dad passed away. I wanted to share it. It is a bit sad, but I think it conveighs the feelings.

By Kitty Wells:

"How Far is Heaven"

How far is Heaven?
Lets go tonite, I want my Daddy to hold me tight.

A little girl was waiting for her Daddy one day.
It was time to meet him, when she heard her Mommy say
Come to Mommy, Darling. Please do not cry
Daddy's gone to Heaven, way up in the sky!

The little girl trembled. Her tears she could not hide.
She looked up toward Heaven and then she replied.

How far is Heaven?
When can I go?
To see my Daddy, he's there I know.
How far is Heaven?
Lets go tonite. I want my Daddy to hold me tight.

He was called so suddenly. He could not say goodbye.
I know that he's in Heaven. We'll meet him by & by

How far is Heaven?
When can I go?
To see my Daddy, he's there I know.
How far is Heaven?
Lets go tonite. I want my Daddy to hold me tight.


New member
Hi Allie,

I just wanted to say I think you did a very good job of explaining it to her. Honesty is best, kids are so smart and they deserve the truth. Very good job.
I was wondering if making a sort of memory daddy- day might help. Pick a day with her, and watch any video tape you may have of him, make a collage, photo- type poster, maybe talk about his favorite things, make his favorite meal. You could even bake a cake for 'daddy', and do all these things with her. You could even say, now we'll have our own new "holiday" each year, and we'll do this again next year.
To a child this might seem like the special time of the the year she get's to see Daddy.
I'm saying this b/c it seems like most little kids that lose a parent feel an intense lack of control, and if you let her do these things with her, she would feel like she was a part of it. It's also creating a positive memory for you both together, and strengthening your bond.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, both.



New member
Hi Allie,

I just wanted to say I think you did a very good job of explaining it to her. Honesty is best, kids are so smart and they deserve the truth. Very good job.
I was wondering if making a sort of memory daddy- day might help. Pick a day with her, and watch any video tape you may have of him, make a collage, photo- type poster, maybe talk about his favorite things, make his favorite meal. You could even bake a cake for 'daddy', and do all these things with her. You could even say, now we'll have our own new "holiday" each year, and we'll do this again next year.
To a child this might seem like the special time of the the year she get's to see Daddy.
I'm saying this b/c it seems like most little kids that lose a parent feel an intense lack of control, and if you let her do these things with her, she would feel like she was a part of it. It's also creating a positive memory for you both together, and strengthening your bond.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, both.



New member
Christian, that's an amazing idea! I have no idea what day I would pick, but making our own holiday for Ry sounds like a great idea. Ahava has already asked if we can watch a home video of her dad and I when we watch the one of my wedding on our anniversary, but I love the idea of having a daddy day for him.

And Meliassa, that's quite lovely and sad. Thanks for sharing it.


New member
Christian, that's an amazing idea! I have no idea what day I would pick, but making our own holiday for Ry sounds like a great idea. Ahava has already asked if we can watch a home video of her dad and I when we watch the one of my wedding on our anniversary, but I love the idea of having a daddy day for him.

And Meliassa, that's quite lovely and sad. Thanks for sharing it.


New member
hello my name is maria.Im sams daughter.your not the only one on valentines day were gonna do all these things for our moms and mom passed away.what was the worst about it is that i never got to give her one last hug because i was at someones house.and he called me when i knew.when i got to the house i was crying and my dad wouldnt let me see her because it would be bad memorys.In the funeral i was sad because that was the last time i was gonna see my mom because the next time i would only gonna see the cofin.I was gonna miss her a lot she was the best but im thinking good things and you should too.i think the good times and i think that shes always with me and helping me at should talk to her too or pray.i also talk to myb mom to. that makes me happy.i hope my advise helped you.nice meeting you,maria


New member
hello my name is maria.Im sams daughter.your not the only one on valentines day were gonna do all these things for our moms and mom passed away.what was the worst about it is that i never got to give her one last hug because i was at someones house.and he called me when i knew.when i got to the house i was crying and my dad wouldnt let me see her because it would be bad memorys.In the funeral i was sad because that was the last time i was gonna see my mom because the next time i would only gonna see the cofin.I was gonna miss her a lot she was the best but im thinking good things and you should too.i think the good times and i think that shes always with me and helping me at should talk to her too or pray.i also talk to myb mom to. that makes me happy.i hope my advise helped you.nice meeting you,maria


New member
that made me tear, all i can say is '' god does everything for a reason'' we dont know why but so thats what is said.. so i believe we the people w/ cf were born w/ cf for a reson, dont know what im still trying to solve that, but maybe we have touched other peoples lives or helped someone else out, ...but it sounds like you did a great job of explaining... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
that made me tear, all i can say is '' god does everything for a reason'' we dont know why but so thats what is said.. so i believe we the people w/ cf were born w/ cf for a reson, dont know what im still trying to solve that, but maybe we have touched other peoples lives or helped someone else out, ...but it sounds like you did a great job of explaining... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">