


Hey Guys, I am hoping that some of you can provide your insight and experiences with my anti-depressant question below.

To give you some background, I have been finding that over the last few months, I have had a day or two each week where I just can't focus or motivate myself to do anything. Now this is obviously not great for work and I am not enjoying it at all. I am thinking about taking some anti-depressants to help get me through this period.

I have taken anti-depressants in the past, but a few things happened. With Wellbutrin(Bupropion) I had great, motivated days, but I completely lost my appetite, so the doc prescribed Remeron(Mirtazapine), which helped me to increase my appetite again, but it completely dried up my lungs, which is not great when I am trying to clear phlegm.

Now my question is, have any of you taken anti-depressants that have helped lift your mood and motivation, but not negatively affected your "normal" CF routine? I realize that everyone is different, but your input is appreciated!



New member
I have been on Lexapro for just over a year. Started off on 10 mg, then added Abilify 2mg, and then upped Lexapro to 20 mg along with the Abilify. I was very depressed at the time and was having severe anxiety. I also took Remeron for a few months but got off it because I was hungry constantly. I also am off of Abilify and only taking Lexapro 20 mg. I am happy with the effects and plan to slowly get off it soon due to life's circumstances changing drastically for the better. Lexapro along with Abilify really helped me with both anxiety and depression and I no longer had those days you speak off.

Besides drugs, therapy and books have helped me better deal with my depression. Namely, Telling Yourself the Truth has been a huge help. I know depression an be very tough and I hope the best for you. It will get better!


New member
Hey, I can't really help with your question but you've helped ME with it. I've been avoiding anti-depressants for 10 years (I did take them 10 years ago after a suicide attempt, but it didn't last long. The anti depressants that is) and now I strongly believe I should give them another try. Most people around me (healthy people) are against them and almost make me feel guilty for wanting to take them. Of course they don't go through the perils of CF so it's easy for them to say "just try to be stronger". It almost makes me feel guilty, as I said, so it's good to see other CFers speaking out about them. It makes me feel like it's normal to be depressed in this situation and I shouldn't be ashamed of it.

Mind you, I live in Europe and anti depressants are almost frowned up, as opposed to the US.


New member
since 2007, i'm on 100mg of Zoloft (once a day) for depression and Neurontin (twice a day) for anxiety and it has worked wonders for me!!!


New member
I have been taking anti-depressants for about 10 years now, and I did find that I had to try a few out before finding the right one. I tried Celexa at first which worked for a while then I started feeling "down" again, and then Lexapro and the same happened. I am now on Effexor (75mg), which has been wonderful for me. So that's been my experience, that it may take some time to find what works well for you, since, as you mentioned, everyone is different!
Hope this helps :)


I have been on Celexa (10mg) for several years. They put me in on this when I was going through some difficult times in addition to my health. I have mentioned several times that maybe I would go off of this but have basically been told that for someone with a disease like CF it is a good idea to stay on it. I've been on it for so long I don't know how much it helps but they saying going off would not be good.


Hi Guys

I really appreciate all the input! Often you go to the doctor and you get one or two options, so it's great to get your experiences with different products.

running4life, I have a therapist who I am talking to, which is helping and will definately help in the long run, but you know how it goes, sometimes you just need something to pick you up now :) I will look into the book you recommended!

nocode, glad it's helped you :) I find that most people can't actually relate to the daily perils, as you mentioned. Or people just think you should simply survive, instead of actually enjoying yourself and thriving? That's my experience at least.


New member
Hi Maverick,
I'm on effexor (75 mg) and have been for a year. I wasn't depressed, but panicky over the smallest situation. I think that with all the meds we take in a day--no one can really say what this does to all the parts of our body. My parents were very against my taking anything--yep, I'm 59 and they still said something!!!--but i told them that it was my decision, and I work, and I need to be able to work. I'm doing so well that they agree--but it didn't matter what they said, I have to do what is best for me--and that's the bottom line for you too. Good luck.


New member
i have taken many antidepressants over the years... I ahve taken Prozac, Wellbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro and am now on Paxil. I need to go to the doctor again VERY VERY soon and get on something else because I have had alot of problems with anxiety attacks lately.... I canot breathe anymore. I have had to up my oxygen liters and stil walking 12 feet wears me down and i am so winded that it scares me. I have panic attacks thinkin about having to walk to the kitchen from the living room because it is much too hard for me now. I amin thr process of getting on the lung transplant list so i know i am going to need something to work for anxiety attacks waiting on new lungs. Hope you get the right medication.... Eventually you have to go on something else when you realize that the one your one is not working anymore... Just a process of medications like everything else.... Good l uck.


New member
iv been on Prozac for months now. I was at an extreme low. I also did counseling and that helped too. I'm a lot better now. I do have to say my sex drive has decreased a lot because of this medication. But i'm only prescribed for a year, so hopefully all goes back to normal when it is complete.


New member
I have taken anti depressants (Lexapro i think) & it killed my sex drive. I guess you have to pick your poison lol At the time I needed to take it & was glad that the med got me through a though time.