I take Chlortrimaton (can't take Claritin), and Singulair, but I need an extra something for my nose during allergy season (especially the fall), and the Nasonex usually does it. Just sometimes...They crop up. IF I take it during a sinus infection, it helps too, but I don't know why.
I think it started with the smoke from the wildfires,(but was spraying my nose then) and then decided to flare up good about 3 weeks ago, after vacation (probably not enough sleep and stopping the Nasonex). I used to have them chronically, so one every 3 months or less I can live with <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> , as long as they are clearing up with the antibiotics like they have been. I just don't want the Cipro to quit working, too, because I have overused it.
Usually, I don't need the Nasonex by summertime, but we have a bad drought, and everything has been out of whack. I think maybe all the pollen that is supposed to be gone is still lingering for lack of rain (we are over 20" behind so far this year). We had a horrendous pollen season (worst one in many, many years). *sigh*