Antibodies and Transplant


New member
So I hear alot of talk about having antibodies and it making it harder to get matched. My sister had no antibodies so she couldn't answer my questions. This might sound really dumb so bare with me!! haha Where do they come from? Or how do you get them? Are they from having blood transfusions? Is it people that have really good immune systems that have alot of antibodies?


New member
So I hear alot of talk about having antibodies and it making it harder to get matched. My sister had no antibodies so she couldn't answer my questions. This might sound really dumb so bare with me!! haha Where do they come from? Or how do you get them? Are they from having blood transfusions? Is it people that have really good immune systems that have alot of antibodies?


New member
So I hear alot of talk about having antibodies and it making it harder to get matched. My sister had no antibodies so she couldn't answer my questions. This might sound really dumb so bare with me!! haha Where do they come from? Or how do you get them? Are they from having blood transfusions? Is it people that have really good immune systems that have alot of antibodies?


New member
So I hear alot of talk about having antibodies and it making it harder to get matched. My sister had no antibodies so she couldn't answer my questions. This might sound really dumb so bare with me!! haha Where do they come from? Or how do you get them? Are they from having blood transfusions? Is it people that have really good immune systems that have alot of antibodies?


New member
So I hear alot of talk about having antibodies and it making it harder to get matched. My sister had no antibodies so she couldn't answer my questions. This might sound really dumb so bare with me!! haha Where do they come from? Or how do you get them? Are they from having blood transfusions? Is it people that have really good immune systems that have alot of antibodies?