I wish I knew how non-concerning hemoptysis or blood goobers from the lungs in fact are. My lungs have "ground glass" scarring and several rosette scars throughout my lungs making them essentially opaque under X-ray, but I just blew 118% last week. The short of it was I have great lungs for a CFer and the last place I ecpected a marble sized blood clot to come from, was my lungs. It was in fact no big deal for me since I coughed up a total of six palm sized mucus wrapped clots during a flare.
To paraphrase my wife, 'I probably would trust you to re-attach my arm, but God help me if you get a paper cut". I don't faint at the sight of my own blood, there is just something about paper cuts, that invades my psyche. My point is that CFers live by a different standard of medical tolerance, where some shrink from a flew, sorry "flu" shot, you are upset over coughing up blood. The other week a post caught my funny bone. This poor person, awaiting a DLT is being told they can only pre-emptively remove a liver tumor but won't repair his GERD in preparation for new lungs. We throw DLTs and CFRD around like it's a pimple.
Everything IS relative,