So, here's the story. I was hospitalized for the first time in October, in my first quarter at college, for two weeks. I was the healthiest I've ever been after I finished the two weeks in, and didn't miss a single day winter quarter for sickness. Then, spring quarter came, and I caught something. I started my month of TOBI on 3/26; I went to the clinic because I was a bit sick on 4/6. My doc and I decided to wait and see how I was doing, and to call if I wasn't feeling better. I started Bactrim on 4/14, and doxycycline on 4/16. I was feeling awful by the 20th, and went back in. They put me on 2 more weeks of TOBI after I finished the 28 days, Albuterol nebs twice a day (I usually do an inhaler twice a day) and increased CPT to half an hour of vest twice a day (I usually do the acapella 3 times a day), as well as a 7-day Prednisone burst. I can't take Cipro because of joint side effects (they're afraid my Achille's tendon will break). I finished Prednisone this past Friday, Septra on Saturday and will finish doxy tomorrow. I'm still doing albuterol twice a day and so much vest, but that's to stay feeling okay enough to function. If I don't do it, I feel like I'm suffocating of stuff in my chest. I'm still feeling sick. I'm coughing a lot of stuff up (which is not my baseline!), I'm just not feeling good, and I'm progressively achier over the past few days (which is a solid indicator that I'm sick.) I don't know what I can do. I really don't want to get admitted right now, it's towards the end of spring quarter and I <strong>cannot</strong>miss a week or two of school! I know, health comes first, but I don't feel sick enough to be admitted, I'm just not getting better. I don't think they'd put a PICC in and send me home; I got a blood clot last time they put one in within 48 hours of it going in, and had to use peripherals for the next 10 days in the hospital. :/Does anyone have any ideas I could suggest? Cayston is backordered, and I haven't been on it in the past few months, so I can't get it without a special order and whatnot.