I am just curious if any of you have children that do not have problems gaining weight? My daughter is only 17 months old and so far we have not had any problems. She weighs about 23-24 pounds (her birthday clinic visit is next week, so I will get an accurate weight then). Her doctor is happy with her weight and so far we really have not done anything extra as far as adding a lot of extra butter, cream, or supplements, ect. to help her gain weight. Luckily she has a good appetite and is a pretty good eater and we feed her pretty much the same way we fed our son, who is now 4 and does not have CF, when he was a baby. I have been seeing a lot of posts about helping kids gain weight, feeding tubes, supplements for weight gain, ect. and it made me curious to see how many people who have kids who eat pretty normally and do not have any problems in the weight gain area? Or if those problems usually don't start until kids get older? I appreciate any responses!! Thanks!
Becky, Mom to Nathan, 4 w/o CF and Hayley, 17 months w/CF
Becky, Mom to Nathan, 4 w/o CF and Hayley, 17 months w/CF