any moms that stay home with cf child???


New member
My son is 18 months and was diagnosed 4 months ago since then we have been trying hard to get his weight up and facing a G tube this has also included 1 hospitalization for 10 days. The docs want me to be home with him and that is going great! Except that his dad left 2 months ago and I have 2 other boys who are 3 and 5. The prob obviously is money. With a child with CF you just want to help them be healthy and not living in a perfect world I am just hoping to hear from someone else who is doing it on their own or knows where to turn for financial help. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I dont know how much i can help but i stay at home with my 2 boys.. i choose to stay home because i dont want him in daycare and i am the only one who knows what he needs and when he needs it.. i would be happy to talk to you if youd like to email me at thanks melissa


New member
I too feel fortunate enough to stay at home. I taught until my son was diagnosed it's so much easier to be able to stay at home if one of them needs to run to the doctor or something. I have three children two with cf. It's a job dealing with everything that comes along with a chronic illness.


New member
I chose to stay home with my daughter when she was diagnosed, and they recommended it for at least 2 years. We decided I would stay home for 4 years and she will be entering pre-school in the Fall. Over the years she has done a lot of activities so that she was not living in a bubble but I am glad I stayed home with her because I think the early years are critical. I was fortunate to be able to work part-time for a couple of hours a day and my husband was with her while I was at work. Not the ideal family situation but we knew it was only for a few years.Depending where you live there are ways to get assistance. We have assitance from the gov't to help pay for child care and I know of other parents that have other kinds of assistance from their local governments in other areas.Where do you live? I am from Montreal Canada and am getting financial help even though we are both working and living together so I am sure you can get help being a single mom. Is your ex paying child support? I am sure that will be factored in when you get assistance. Call your CF clinic nurse or local health/gov't progarms and I am sure they can send you in the right direction.Best of luckHeather


New member
I am a single parent as well. I stayed home until the day my daughter started school. I live in Canada where our medical coverages are quite different than in some places of the world. I read about another woman who lives in Quebec, Canada and she receives assistance form the government to help pay for her childs medications. I am lucky....very lucky....I live in Nova Scotia where ALL medications and machines are paid for, 100% until such a time that the child transfers to the Adult Clinic. So financially, I have never had to worry.....emotionally.......well, that is why I am in here, replying to other messages and emailing my new found friends from (Thank you by the way)So, best of luck to you on the financial never hurts to ask your local church, fire department ladies auxillary....or maybe even a local sports group to fund an event for aid for your family...Best of Luck!Lynn


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Hi, I am the mom from Montreal and I just wanted to correct what I had said earlier. Our medication is not paid, but we have private insurance which helps. The financial assistance is to help pay for babysitters so we can have some time alone as a couple. It helps relieve the day to day stress we are under and gives us a break. I also know that in Ontario there is a program that helps pay to send the kids to activities and pay for special foods or supplements they might need. There are some good programs out there but unfortuantely they are not well known. I had to get sick in order to find out what I could get for my sick child.


New member
If you have to work for financial reasons, given your situation, I would advise trying to find someone who can care for your children in your home, rather than in daycare, or at least in a small daycare situation with very few children, in order to minimize the number of germs they encounter and bring home. I've found my CF child is very vulnerable to catching colds, and the colds last much longer than with other kids. I think it's important to keep these kids healthy and illness free for as long as possible, though some illness is inevitable. As far as financial assistance, each state is different. Best advice: contact the social worker at your CF center and/or local hospital. He or she should know what resources are in your community.