Any suggestions on where to go to college with cf?


New member
It's that time to start thinking where I want to go and my mom is on my back, but I don't know where to go really. Somewhere near a cf center would help alot only because if i got sick i could easily get meds vs. calling the docs and coming home

Also, did you have a roommate or go in a sinlge dorm room?? What worked the best??
I would appreciate any help or information becuase it's all confusing on how many different things i need to consider.
Thanks so much


New member
It's that time to start thinking where I want to go and my mom is on my back, but I don't know where to go really. Somewhere near a cf center would help alot only because if i got sick i could easily get meds vs. calling the docs and coming home

Also, did you have a roommate or go in a sinlge dorm room?? What worked the best??
I would appreciate any help or information becuase it's all confusing on how many different things i need to consider.
Thanks so much


New member
It's that time to start thinking where I want to go and my mom is on my back, but I don't know where to go really. Somewhere near a cf center would help alot only because if i got sick i could easily get meds vs. calling the docs and coming home

Also, did you have a roommate or go in a sinlge dorm room?? What worked the best??
I would appreciate any help or information becuase it's all confusing on how many different things i need to consider.
Thanks so much


New member
HI Kelly,

My name is Melissa, I am 21 and just started my second semester of my SR in college at USC in Los Angeles. My suggestion to you is to consider colleges based on what you want out of a school, not based on your CF. Obviously docs and meds need to be considered becasue you need to be taken care of, but you will be able to figure out that stuff after you decide where the best place for You to go is. A lot of universities have medical campuses that have CF clinics at them, so even if you are not going to that particular college you can still take advantage of their CF center.

One thing I would keep in mind is the weather and air quality of where you are moving to. I grew up in central california on the coast where the air was much cleaner than in LA so that has caused a few problems for me. However I strongly reccomend you try and choose what school is the best for you (not your CF).

As for getting into school =) I had a single room in the dorms with a sink in it. Depending on your schools dorms this will prob vary but there should be a disability services program for all schools to help you get all the accomodations that you need. Just be persistant in getting what you need to make things best for you.

OK well I hope some of my advice helped. Send me a Personal Message or anything if you have more questions =)

Good Luck and Im sure it will work out with you going to the school that is right for you =)

<3 Melissa


New member
HI Kelly,

My name is Melissa, I am 21 and just started my second semester of my SR in college at USC in Los Angeles. My suggestion to you is to consider colleges based on what you want out of a school, not based on your CF. Obviously docs and meds need to be considered becasue you need to be taken care of, but you will be able to figure out that stuff after you decide where the best place for You to go is. A lot of universities have medical campuses that have CF clinics at them, so even if you are not going to that particular college you can still take advantage of their CF center.

One thing I would keep in mind is the weather and air quality of where you are moving to. I grew up in central california on the coast where the air was much cleaner than in LA so that has caused a few problems for me. However I strongly reccomend you try and choose what school is the best for you (not your CF).

As for getting into school =) I had a single room in the dorms with a sink in it. Depending on your schools dorms this will prob vary but there should be a disability services program for all schools to help you get all the accomodations that you need. Just be persistant in getting what you need to make things best for you.

OK well I hope some of my advice helped. Send me a Personal Message or anything if you have more questions =)

Good Luck and Im sure it will work out with you going to the school that is right for you =)

<3 Melissa


New member
HI Kelly,

My name is Melissa, I am 21 and just started my second semester of my SR in college at USC in Los Angeles. My suggestion to you is to consider colleges based on what you want out of a school, not based on your CF. Obviously docs and meds need to be considered becasue you need to be taken care of, but you will be able to figure out that stuff after you decide where the best place for You to go is. A lot of universities have medical campuses that have CF clinics at them, so even if you are not going to that particular college you can still take advantage of their CF center.

One thing I would keep in mind is the weather and air quality of where you are moving to. I grew up in central california on the coast where the air was much cleaner than in LA so that has caused a few problems for me. However I strongly reccomend you try and choose what school is the best for you (not your CF).

As for getting into school =) I had a single room in the dorms with a sink in it. Depending on your schools dorms this will prob vary but there should be a disability services program for all schools to help you get all the accomodations that you need. Just be persistant in getting what you need to make things best for you.

OK well I hope some of my advice helped. Send me a Personal Message or anything if you have more questions =)

Good Luck and Im sure it will work out with you going to the school that is right for you =)

<3 Melissa


New member
I'm considering grad school (I went to SC for my undergrad like Melissa. FIGHT ON!) and thinking the same thing about CF centers.

So I'm applying to Stanford cuz their CF Center is on campus and they're known for being a top-tier CF Center. I'm also applying to Berkeley cuz USF is a good center as well.

Of course, Berkeley and Stanford are Top 10 MBA programs as well so it's nice to have both rankings come together <img src="">

I had a roommate in the dorms my freshman year. She had to deal with my Vest and nebs early in the morning but I had to deal with her late nights coming home drunk, so we were equal. hahaha. Being an old child it was important to me and my parents that I had a roomie. Single rooms can be so isolating.

Then I moved into my sorority for the next 3 years where I had 2 roommates (3 to a room). Again, loud Vest, annoying cough, whatever. It was a great experience and as I'm sure you know, if you're confident in yourself others will treat you as such. If you are embarassed, others will be embarassed for you and treat you as such.

You're very very wise to consider your health in your decision. Good for you. Just the fact that you're taking your CF into consideration makes me know that you are going to do great in college. Let us know if we can help anymore.


New member
I'm considering grad school (I went to SC for my undergrad like Melissa. FIGHT ON!) and thinking the same thing about CF centers.

So I'm applying to Stanford cuz their CF Center is on campus and they're known for being a top-tier CF Center. I'm also applying to Berkeley cuz USF is a good center as well.

Of course, Berkeley and Stanford are Top 10 MBA programs as well so it's nice to have both rankings come together <img src="">

I had a roommate in the dorms my freshman year. She had to deal with my Vest and nebs early in the morning but I had to deal with her late nights coming home drunk, so we were equal. hahaha. Being an old child it was important to me and my parents that I had a roomie. Single rooms can be so isolating.

Then I moved into my sorority for the next 3 years where I had 2 roommates (3 to a room). Again, loud Vest, annoying cough, whatever. It was a great experience and as I'm sure you know, if you're confident in yourself others will treat you as such. If you are embarassed, others will be embarassed for you and treat you as such.

You're very very wise to consider your health in your decision. Good for you. Just the fact that you're taking your CF into consideration makes me know that you are going to do great in college. Let us know if we can help anymore.


New member
I'm considering grad school (I went to SC for my undergrad like Melissa. FIGHT ON!) and thinking the same thing about CF centers.

So I'm applying to Stanford cuz their CF Center is on campus and they're known for being a top-tier CF Center. I'm also applying to Berkeley cuz USF is a good center as well.

Of course, Berkeley and Stanford are Top 10 MBA programs as well so it's nice to have both rankings come together <img src="">

I had a roommate in the dorms my freshman year. She had to deal with my Vest and nebs early in the morning but I had to deal with her late nights coming home drunk, so we were equal. hahaha. Being an old child it was important to me and my parents that I had a roomie. Single rooms can be so isolating.

Then I moved into my sorority for the next 3 years where I had 2 roommates (3 to a room). Again, loud Vest, annoying cough, whatever. It was a great experience and as I'm sure you know, if you're confident in yourself others will treat you as such. If you are embarassed, others will be embarassed for you and treat you as such.

You're very very wise to consider your health in your decision. Good for you. Just the fact that you're taking your CF into consideration makes me know that you are going to do great in college. Let us know if we can help anymore.


New member
Hey Kelly,

My best friend has CF and she chose to come to school in Boston for a variety of reasons but most directly because of the medical treatment she can receive here. She's been in fairly good health the past 4 years, with a troubling couple of months since last April.

I agree with MCPappy, definitely pick a school taht you're actually interested in attending, but I know it played a role in my best friend's school slection to know that there was good medical care up here in the northeast.

Good luck!




New member
Hey Kelly,

My best friend has CF and she chose to come to school in Boston for a variety of reasons but most directly because of the medical treatment she can receive here. She's been in fairly good health the past 4 years, with a troubling couple of months since last April.

I agree with MCPappy, definitely pick a school taht you're actually interested in attending, but I know it played a role in my best friend's school slection to know that there was good medical care up here in the northeast.

Good luck!




New member
Hey Kelly,

My best friend has CF and she chose to come to school in Boston for a variety of reasons but most directly because of the medical treatment she can receive here. She's been in fairly good health the past 4 years, with a troubling couple of months since last April.

I agree with MCPappy, definitely pick a school taht you're actually interested in attending, but I know it played a role in my best friend's school slection to know that there was good medical care up here in the northeast.

Good luck!




New member
Hey Kelly,

My best friend has CF and she chose to come to school in Boston for a variety of reasons but most directly because of the medical treatment she can receive here. She's been in fairly good health the past 4 years, with a troubling couple of months since last April.

I agree with MCPappy, definitely pick a school taht you're actually interested in attending, but I know it played a role in my best friend's school slection to know that there was good medical care up here in the northeast.

Good luck!




New member
Hey Kelly,

My best friend has CF and she chose to come to school in Boston for a variety of reasons but most directly because of the medical treatment she can receive here. She's been in fairly good health the past 4 years, with a troubling couple of months since last April.

I agree with MCPappy, definitely pick a school taht you're actually interested in attending, but I know it played a role in my best friend's school slection to know that there was good medical care up here in the northeast.

Good luck!




New member
Hey Kelly,

My best friend has CF and she chose to come to school in Boston for a variety of reasons but most directly because of the medical treatment she can receive here. She's been in fairly good health the past 4 years, with a troubling couple of months since last April.

I agree with MCPappy, definitely pick a school taht you're actually interested in attending, but I know it played a role in my best friend's school slection to know that there was good medical care up here in the northeast.

Good luck!




New member
Hi Kelly! If it's a matter of healthcare, I would say Vanderbilt Gollege in Nashville TN. I go to the Vanderbilt Medical Center for my checkups, and they have the best CF center there I have ever heard tell of. GREAT doctors.<br>

But mostly you need to go to the college that has the best training for what YOU want to do! Go where YOU want to go. You will find a way to make it work out, I'm sure!


New member
Hi Kelly! If it's a matter of healthcare, I would say Vanderbilt Gollege in Nashville TN. I go to the Vanderbilt Medical Center for my checkups, and they have the best CF center there I have ever heard tell of. GREAT doctors.<br>

But mostly you need to go to the college that has the best training for what YOU want to do! Go where YOU want to go. You will find a way to make it work out, I'm sure!