Any suggestions on where to go to college with cf?


New member
Hi Kelly! If it's a matter of healthcare, I would say Vanderbilt Gollege in Nashville TN. I go to the Vanderbilt Medical Center for my checkups, and they have the best CF center there I have ever heard tell of. GREAT doctors.<br>

But mostly you need to go to the college that has the best training for what YOU want to do! Go where YOU want to go. You will find a way to make it work out, I'm sure!


New member
hey the national disabilities act passed by congress says that regardless of what you have the schools have to make accomadations (within reason) its the same thing that everywhere has to be wheelchair accesable, go to the school you want and they should take care of you. and another thing dependant on what your grades are there are several cf scholorships available that don't get used so if your eligible with your grades that might be a thing to look into. lol you can get a scholorship for just about anything, i'm can get one for being the grandson of a preacher and for being part indian and i'm only like 1/16! its weird, just look into it, and don't take no for answer from the colleges keep poking around and you'll find stuff, don't be a complete pain in the butt b/c then they get all pissed off and won't help you at all but be persistant, good luck


New member
hey the national disabilities act passed by congress says that regardless of what you have the schools have to make accomadations (within reason) its the same thing that everywhere has to be wheelchair accesable, go to the school you want and they should take care of you. and another thing dependant on what your grades are there are several cf scholorships available that don't get used so if your eligible with your grades that might be a thing to look into. lol you can get a scholorship for just about anything, i'm can get one for being the grandson of a preacher and for being part indian and i'm only like 1/16! its weird, just look into it, and don't take no for answer from the colleges keep poking around and you'll find stuff, don't be a complete pain in the butt b/c then they get all pissed off and won't help you at all but be persistant, good luck


New member
hey the national disabilities act passed by congress says that regardless of what you have the schools have to make accomadations (within reason) its the same thing that everywhere has to be wheelchair accesable, go to the school you want and they should take care of you. and another thing dependant on what your grades are there are several cf scholorships available that don't get used so if your eligible with your grades that might be a thing to look into. lol you can get a scholorship for just about anything, i'm can get one for being the grandson of a preacher and for being part indian and i'm only like 1/16! its weird, just look into it, and don't take no for answer from the colleges keep poking around and you'll find stuff, don't be a complete pain in the butt b/c then they get all pissed off and won't help you at all but be persistant, good luck