Anybody from North Louisiana?


New member
My daughter was recently diagnosed with CF. Her newborn screening came back positive along with a genzyme gentetics screening. This is our pediatrician's first newborn that has tested positive and we have not been satisfied with them. I was looking for a pediatrician in the area. Anybody have any sugestions?


New member
My daughter was recently diagnosed with CF. Her newborn screening came back positive along with a genzyme gentetics screening. This is our pediatrician's first newborn that has tested positive and we have not been satisfied with them. I was looking for a pediatrician in the area. Anybody have any sugestions?


New member
My daughter was recently diagnosed with CF. Her newborn screening came back positive along with a genzyme gentetics screening. This is our pediatrician's first newborn that has tested positive and we have not been satisfied with them. I was looking for a pediatrician in the area. Anybody have any sugestions?